This describes a one of several different types of keys and its associated data.

Public Attribute Documentation#


EmberKeyStructBitmask EmberKeyStruct::bitmask

This bitmask indicates whether various fields in the structure contain valid data. It also contains the index of the network the key belongs to.

Definition at line 2294 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


EmberKeyType EmberKeyStruct::type

This indicates the type of the security key.

Definition at line 2296 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


EmberKeyData EmberKeyStruct::key

This is the actual key data. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask.

Definition at line 2300 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint32_t EmberKeyStruct::psa_id

Internal only: the PSA ID that this key struct maps to. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask.

Definition at line 2303 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


union EmberKeyStruct::@4 EmberKeyStruct::@5

Definition at line 2304 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint32_t EmberKeyStruct::outgoingFrameCounter

This is the outgoing frame counter associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask.

Definition at line 2307 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint32_t EmberKeyStruct::incomingFrameCounter

This is the incoming frame counter associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask.

Definition at line 2310 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


uint8_t EmberKeyStruct::sequenceNumber

This is the sequence number associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask.

Definition at line 2313 of file stack/include/ember-types.h


EmberEUI64 EmberKeyStruct::partnerEUI64

This is the Partner EUI64 associated with the key. It will contain valid data based on the EmberKeyStructBitmask.

Definition at line 2316 of file stack/include/ember-types.h