Safe Type

SafeType is a convenient way to verify that an NSObject passed using id is the expected type when assigning the value to a pointer of a specific Objective-C type. More...


id SafeType (id obj, Class theClassType)
Checks the type of an object passed as 'id' to verify it conforms to the expected Objective-C type. More...

Detailed Description

SafeType is a convenient way to verify that an NSObject passed using id is the expected type when assigning the value to a pointer of a specific Objective-C type.

For example, if you are accessing an object from an NSNotification which you expect to be an NSString, you could use:

         NSString * myString = SafeType([notification object], [NSString class]);

myString will be nil if the object is not an NSString or it will be a valid NSString.

Function Documentation


id SafeType ( id obj,
Class theClassType

Checks the type of an object passed as 'id' to verify it conforms to the expected Objective-C type.

obj The object to be checked
theClassType The type you expect the object to be.

This function will check obj to see if it is a kind of theClassType. If not, it will return nil.

obj or nil.