USB Device stack callback structure.

Callback functions used by the device stack to signal events or query status to/from the application. See USBD_Init_TypeDef. Assign members to NULL if your application don't need a specific callback.

Public Attributes#

Called whenever USB reset signalling is detected on the USB port.

Called whenever the device change state.

Called on each setup request received from host.

Called whenever the device stack needs to query if the device is currently self- or bus-powered.

Called at each SOF interrupt.

Public Attribute Documentation#


const USBD_UsbResetCb_TypeDef USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef::usbReset

Called whenever USB reset signalling is detected on the USB port.

Definition at line 787 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const USBD_DeviceStateChangeCb_TypeDef USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef::usbStateChange

Called whenever the device change state.

Definition at line 789 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const USBD_SetupCmdCb_TypeDef USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef::setupCmd

Called on each setup request received from host.

Definition at line 790 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const USBD_IsSelfPoweredCb_TypeDef USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef::isSelfPowered

Called whenever the device stack needs to query if the device is currently self- or bus-powered.

Applies to devices which can operate in both modes.

Definition at line 791 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h


const USBD_SofIntCb_TypeDef USBD_Callbacks_TypeDef::sofInt

Called at each SOF interrupt.

If NULL, the device stack will not enable the SOF interrupt.

Definition at line 794 of file platform/middleware/usb_gecko/inc/em_usb.h