EMLIB is a low-level peripheral support library that provides a unified API for all EFM32 and EFR32 MCUs and SoCs from Silicon Labs.

EMLIB modules are provided for all peripherals and core features. The library implements no interrupt handlers. Static data, critical sections, and module interdependencies are kept at a minimum.

EMLIB functions assert on error if DEBUG_EFM is defined. See ASSERT module for more information on error handling and default assertion and how to implement a custom handler.


The RAIL library provides a generic interface for all Silicon Labs radio features. RAIL documentation is available from Simplicity Studio or at docs.silabs.com.

The EMLIB API is device specific. Select your device family below to see the relevant documentation.

EFR32 Wireless SoCs#

EFR32 Series 2#

EFM32 Microcontrollers#

EFM32 Series 2#