SE mailbox command context.
This structure defines the common SE mailbox command context used for all SE Manager API functions that execute SE mailbox commands. The members of this context structure should be considered internal to the SE Manager and should not be read or written directly by the user application. For members that are relevant for the user, the user can access them via corresponding set and get API functions, e.g. sl_se_set_yield().
Public Attributes#
SE mailbox command struct.
If true, yield the CPU core while waiting for the SE mailbox command to complete.
Public Attribute Documentation#
sli_se_mailbox_command_t sl_se_command_context_t::command
SE mailbox command struct.
Definition at line
of file platform/security/sl_component/se_manager/inc/sl_se_manager_types.h
bool sl_se_command_context_t::yield
If true, yield the CPU core while waiting for the SE mailbox command to complete.
If false, busy-wait, by polling the SE mailbox response register.
Definition at line
of file platform/security/sl_component/se_manager/inc/sl_se_manager_types.h