Silicon Labs Matter Over Thread Example#

These pages describe in detail the steps for running an example lighting application for Matter over Thread. If you are new to Matter and Thread you may benefit from reviewing the Matter Over Thread Quick Start Guide, which provides a step by step tutorial on running the Matter over Thread lighting demo in Simplicity Studio.

At a high level, these pages walk through starting a Thread network, commissioning a new device to the Thread network using Bluetooth LE, and finally sending a basic OnOff command to the end device.

Step 0: Prerequisites#

Before beginning your Silicon Labs Matter over Thread project be sure you have satisfied all of the Matter Hardware and Matter Software Requirements.

Step 1: Setting up the Matter Hub (Raspberry Pi)#

The Matter Hub consists of the Open Thread Border Router (OTBR) and the chip-tool running on a Raspberry Pi. Silicon Labs has developed a Raspberry Pi image combining the OTBR and chip-tool that can be downloaded and flashed onto an SD Card, which is then inserted into the Raspberry Pi.

The Matter Controller sends IPv6 packets to the OTBR, which converts the IPv6 packets into Thread packets. The Thread packets are then routed to the Silicon Labs end device.

See How to use Matter Hub (Raspberry Pi) Image for setup instructions.

Step 2: Flash the RCP#

The Radio Co-Processor (RCP) is a Thread device that connects to the Raspberry Pi via USB. To flash the RCP, connect it to your laptop via USB. Thereafter, it should be connected to the Raspberry Pi via USB as well. Prebuilt RCP images are available for the demo.

Information on flashing and optionally building the RCP is located here: How To Build and Flash the RCP.

Step 3: Build and Flash the MAD#

The Matter Accessory Device (MAD) is the actual Matter device that will be commissioned onto the Matter network and controlled using the chip-tool. Prebuilt MAD images are available for the demo.

Information on flashing and optionally building the Matter Accessory device is located here: How To Build and Flash the Matter Accessory Device.

Step 4: Commission and Control the MAD#

Once the Matter Accessory device has been flashed onto your hardware you can commission it from the Matter Hub using the commands provided in the Raspberry Pi image:



mattertool startThread

Starts the thread network on the OTBR

mattertool bleThread

Starts commissioning of a MAD using chip-tool

mattertool on

Sends an on command to the MAD using chip-tool

mattertool off

Sends an off command to the MAD using chip-tool