Using the Mattertool (chip-tool)#

The following commands show how to start a new Thread network from the local OTBR, commission an EFR32 Matter End Device (Matter Accessory Device), and then send the on/off commands with the mattertool automated script. The mattertool script provides an interface into various chip-tool and otbr commands used to create and interact with a Matter network.

Basic Mattertool Commands#





mattertool startThread

Start a Thread network on the OTBR


mattertool bleThread

Start Commissioning a Matter Device using the chip-tool


mattertool pairing ble-thread <node_id> <Thread dataset> <pincode> <discriminator>

Commission a Matter Device with provided pincode and discriminator


mattertool pairing code <node_id> <pairing code>

Commission a Matter Device on the IPv6 local network with pairing code


mattertool pairing open-commissioning-window <node_id> <option> <window_timeout> <iteration> <discriminator>

Open a commissioning window for a Matter end device

Matter Light

mattertool on

Sends the on command to the Matter Device using the chip-tool

Matter Light

mattertool off

Sends the off command to the Matter Device using the chip-tool

Matter Light

mattertool onoff <action> <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Control the OnOff cluster of a specific Endpoint of a specific device

Matter Door Lock

mattertool doorlock set-user <OperationType> <UserIndex> <UserName> <UserUniqueId> <UserStatus> <UserType> <CredentialRule> <node_id> <endpoint_id> --timedInteractionTimeoutMs <timeout value>

Set a user for a Matter Lock

Matter Door Lock

mattertool doorlock set-credential <OperationType> <Credential> <CredentialData> <UserIndex> <UserStatus> <UserType> <node_id> <endpoint_id> --timedInteractionTimeoutMs <timeout value>

Set credential for a specific user of a Matter Lock

Matter Door Lock

mattertool doorlock unlock-door <node_id> <endpoint_id> --timedInteractionTimeoutMs <timeout value>

Unlock a Matter Lock

Matter Door Lock

mattertool doorlock lock-door <node-id/group-id> --timedInteractionTimeoutMs <timeout value>

Lock a Matter Lock

Device interaction

mattertool levelcontrol move-to-level <desired_level> 0 1 1 <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Set the brightness level for a Matter dimmable light

Matter RGB Light

mattertool colorcontrol move-to-saturation <desired_saturation> 0 1 1 <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Set the saturation level for a Matter RGB light

Matter RGB Light

mattertool colorcontrol move-to-hue <desired_hue> 0 0 1 1 <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Set the hue level for a Matter RGB light

Matter Thermostat

mattertool thermostat read local-temperature <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Read the local temperature from a Matter thermostat

Matter Window Cover

mattertool windowcovering go-to-lift-value <LiftValue> <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Move the windows cover to a specific lift value

Matter Window Cover

mattertool windowcovering up-or-open <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Open the windows cover

Matter Occupancy Sensor

mattertool occupancysensing read occupancy <node_id> <endpoint_id>

Read the occupancy status of a Matter occupancy sensor

You can also use the full chip-tool command set (still using mattertool):

$ mattertool levelcontrol read current-level 106 1

Advanced Information on the Matter Hub#

Image Tree#

Open Thread Border Router (OTBR)#

For information on what commits to use for the OTBR and RCP, see the Matter Repositories and Commit Hashes page.

The pre-installed OTBR is configured for the infrastructure interface eth0.

Bash script to modify, reinstall, or update the OTBR:

$ otbrsetup

This bash script centralizes and simplifies the local OTBR installation.

Available commands:



-h, --help

Prints help options

-if, --interface <eth0|wlan0>

Select infrastructure interface. Default eth0

-i, --install

Bootstrap, set up and install the OTBR. Usually for a new installation

-s, --setup

Runs the OTBR setup only, use this to change the configured infrastructure interface (use in combination with -if wlan0 for Wi-Fi)

-u, --update

Update the OTBR installation after the repo is updated


Change infrastructure to wlan0: $ otbrsetup -if wlan0 -s

Rerun full install for eth0 interface: $ otbrsetup -i

Upgrading the OpenThread Border Router (OTBR)#

Change OTBR commit reference/version:

$ cd /home/ubuntu/ot-br-posix
$ git fetch
$ git checkout <SHA>
$ otbrsetup -u

Upgrading the Matter Chip-Tool#

For more information on the commit hashes used for this demo, consult the following page: Matter Repositories and Commit Hashes.

To change the chip-tool commit reference/version, follow these steps:

$ cd /home/ubuntu/connectedhomeip
$ git fetch
$ git checkout <SHA>
$ mattertool buildCT

The mattertool script centralizes and simplifies the use of chip-tool and starting a clean thread network.

Available commands:




Prints help options


Start a new thread network and store the operational thread dataset for the commissioning purpose (bleThread)


For Matter Bluetooth LE thread commissioning with an EFR32 device


For Matter Bluetooth LE Wi-FI commissioning with an EFR32 device


Clean build of the chip-tool


Erase every Set variable used in the script. They will be set back to default or randomized value


Turn off the Light on the already-commissioned EFR32 device


Turn on the Light on the already-commissioned EFR32 device


Toggle the Light on the already-commissioned EFR32 device


Parse the given Payload (QrCode string)


Rebuild the chip-tool


Print the Variables in use by the script

Some options/arguments can be added to the command to update the values of the variables used by the script.

Available commands:



-h, --help

Prints help options

-n, --nodeId DIGIT

Specify the Nodeid you are trying to reach

-e, --endpoint DIGIT

Specify an endpoint for the desired cluster

-d, --dataset HEX_STRING

Thread Operation Dataset to be provisioned

-s, --ssid STRING

Wi-Fi AP SSID that the end devices need to connect to

-p, --password STRING

Wi-Fi AP password

These configurations are held until overwritten, cleared with cleanVars, or when Raspberry Pi reboots.

Active variables used by mattertool:



















You can preset them with export X=Y before running the script or use some available options to change some of them.

In most cases, MATTER_ROOT, CHIPTOOL_PATH, PINCODE, and DISCRIMINATOR should remain at the default set value.

For commissioning commands (bleThread, bleWifi), NODE_ID will be randomized if it is the same as the last pairing.

When the startThread command is used, THREAD_DATA_SET will be assigned with the right operation dataset for the created Thread Network.

Scripts Alias#

The commands presented above are linked to scripts. You can edit .bashrc and rename the following alias.

$ alias mattertool=‘source $HOME/scripts/’
$ alias otbrsetup=‘source $HOME/scripts/'