Build Procedure For Wi-Fi Direct Internet Connectivity (DIC)#

The following components are common for all apps and should be modified in the corresponding app specific .slcp file.

How to Add the DIC Component#

To add the DIC component, modify the corresponding app specific .slcp file.

  - id: matter_dic
    from: matter

How to Add the DIC AWS OTA Component#

To add the DIC AWS OTA component, modify the corresponding app specific .slcp file.

  - id: aws_ota_wifi_dic
    from: matter

Note: Building with aws_ota_wifi_dic component enables matter_dic component by default.

Building DIC Application#

  • After modification in the .slcp Project file as above step, refresh the matter-extension in Simplicity Studio.

  • Select Preferences in the Launcher tab.

Select PreferencesSelect Preferences

  • Expand Simplicity Studio section and click on SDKs Tab.

Select SDKSelect SDK

  • Expand Simplicity SDK and click the Refresh button from side menu.

Select RefreshSelect Refresh

Compile Using New/Different Certificates#

  • Two devices should not use the same DIC_CLIENT_ID. To use a different Client ID for your second connection, do the following:

  • If using AWS, change the following file matter_extension/examples/platform/silabs/DIC/matter_abs_interface/src/dic_nvm_cert.cpp under #if USE_AWS.

    • Use DIC_SERVER_HOST name with your Server host name.

      • For Example:

    • Use AWS CA certificate as ca_certificate, device_certificate and device_key with your device cert and device key.

    • Use DIC_CLIENT_ID macro value with your Client ID in matter_extension/examples/platform/silabs/DIC/matter_abs_interface/inc/dic_config.h

    • The preferred certificate type to use in the application is ECDSA.

  • If using mosquitto, change the following file matter_extension/examples/platform/silabs/DIC/matter_abs_interface/src/dic_nvm_cert.cpp enable USE_MOSQUITTO and disable USE_AWS.

    • Under #if USE_MOSQUITTO

    • Use DIC_SERVER_HOST name with your Server host name where Mosquitto Broker is running.

    • Use OpenSSL CA certificate as ca_certificate, device_certificate and device_key.

    • DIC_CLIENT_ID is not required here but DIC_CLIENT_USER and DIC_CLIENT_PASS in matter_extension/examples/platform/silabs/DIC/matter_abs_interface/inc/dic_config.h needs to be updated as per your Mosquitto password file.

    • The preferred certificate type to use in the application is ECDSA.