Information about the bootloader storage
Note: The flashInfo variable is only usable with Gecko Bootloader version >= 2.0.

All previous versions of the Gecko Bootloader do not support the flashInfo data field.

Public Attributes#


The version of this data structure.


The capabilities of the storage component.


Number of storage slots.

A pointer to detailed information about the attached storage.

Detailed information about the attached storage(available for use only with Gecko Bootloader version >= 2.0)

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint32_t BootloaderStorageInformation_t::version

The version of this data structure.

Definition at line 130 of file platform/bootloader/api/btl_interface_storage.h


uint32_t BootloaderStorageInformation_t::capabilities

The capabilities of the storage component.

Definition at line 132 of file platform/bootloader/api/btl_interface_storage.h


BootloaderStorageType_t BootloaderStorageInformation_t::storageType

Type of storage.

Definition at line 134 of file platform/bootloader/api/btl_interface_storage.h


uint32_t BootloaderStorageInformation_t::numStorageSlots

Number of storage slots.

Definition at line 136 of file platform/bootloader/api/btl_interface_storage.h


BootloaderStorageImplementationInformation_t* BootloaderStorageInformation_t::info

A pointer to detailed information about the attached storage.

Definition at line 138 of file platform/bootloader/api/btl_interface_storage.h


BootloaderStorageImplementationInformation_t BootloaderStorageInformation_t::flashInfo

Detailed information about the attached storage(available for use only with Gecko Bootloader version >= 2.0)

Definition at line 140 of file platform/bootloader/api/btl_interface_storage.h