Network Core Hardware Porting Guide#

To work properly, Micrium OS Network module requires a hardware driver that is implemented for any specific Ethernet/WiFi controller IP.

Each network controller that your project will use requires a Board Support Package (BSP). The BSP has two purposes:

  • It initializes and configures any resources needed by the network controller, but which are provided by external modules. These include the clock, GPIO, interrupts, etc.

  • It provides hardware information to the network controller driver.

Micrium provides example BSPs for several popular platforms. If one is available for your platform, we recommend that you use it as a starting point. However, if no example BSP is available for your platform, the information in this section will help you understand how to create your own BSP and port the network module to your platform.

Network Driver Selection Guide#

Network Interface Types#

The Network module supports two types of network interfaces: Ethernet and Wi-Fi.


Typically, MCUs with network capabilities will have an internal Ethernet MAC controller, usually with DMA support. Therefore, only an external PHY controller is needed to implement an Ethernet network interface.

An MCU can have multiple Ethernet controllers, and so depending on the MCU's controllers, multiple drivers could be required (one per controller implementation). For example, if multiple, similar Ethernet controllers are present but with different base addresses, the driver will be the same but with individual configurations.


The Micrium OS network module offers drivers for some external Wi-Fi controllers.

The network stack sends/receives commands and IEEE 802.4 type frames via a serial interface (e.g., SPI) between the MCU and the external Wi-Fi controller. Therefore, it is assumed that the external controller implements the IEEE 802.11 standard and takes care of the encryption/decryption of the wireless data.

Network BSP Functions Guide#

The Board Support Package contains a set of functions that support your hardware platform on Micrium OS. These functions are called by the network controller driver and are meant to perform hardware configuration or initialization of I/O pins, interrupts, etc. It is your responsibility to either create these functions from scratch, or to modify example code to fit your needs and the specifics of your hardware.

A network driver knows the detail of a specific controller IP, such as the registers that it contains and how to properly read and write to them. But what a driver doesn't know is the context in which the controller exists in your hardware solution: what are the I/O and interrupt pins, clock source, etc. The purpose of the BSP is to provide a layer of abstraction between the driver and the context of the controller in your hardware. The functions of a BSP are what is subject to customization, based on how the controller is wired to your board. Each network controller you intend to use will need its own BSP. Each BSP defines the same set of functions that the drivers will call.

Each of these functions is described below according to the network controller type.

Ethernet Controller#

Clock Configuration#

The clock configuration function is called by the driver during network controller initialization. Listing - Clock Configuration Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature of this required BSP function.

Listing - Clock Configuration Function Signature#
void  BSP_NetEther_ClkCfg (NET_IF    *p_if,
                           RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to set the clock(s) for a specific network controller.

This function must configure and enable all clocks required by the controller in order for it to work properly. For example, on some controllers it may be necessary to enable clock gating for an Ethernet MAC, as well as various GPIO modules in order to configure Ethernet PHY pins for (R)MII mode and interrupts.

Interrupt Control Configuration#

The interrupt control configuration function is called by the driver during network controller initialization. Listing - Interrupt Configuration Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - Interrupt Configuration Function Signature#
void  BSP_NetEther_CfgIntCtrl  (NET_IF    *p_if,
                                RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to configure and enable all required interrupt sources for the network controller.

In addition, the function should store the network interface number to be assigned to the controller. This information is available inside the p_if argument passed to the function. It will be needed inside the controller's interrupt service routine to indicate to the TCP/IP stack which network interface the interrupt is associated to (see ISR Handling ).

The function should enable only the interrupt sources for each controller, but not the local controller-level interrupts themselves, which are enabled by the driver only after the network controller has been fully configured and started.

GPIO Configuration#

The GPIO configuration function is called by the driver during network controller initialization. Listing - GPIO Configuration Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - GPIO Configuration Function Signature#
void  BSP_NetEther_CfgGPIO  (NET_IF    *p_if,
                             RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to configure the general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins for the network controller.

This function should configure all GPIO pins required for the network controller in order for it to work properly. For Ethernet controllers, this function is necessary to configure the (R)MII bus pins, depending on whether the user has configured an Ethernet interface to operate in the RMII or MII mode, and optionally the Ethernet PHY interrupt pin.

Get Clock Frequency#

The Get Clock Frequency function is called by the driver during network controller initialization. Listing - Get Clock Frequency Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - Get Clock Frequency Function Signature#
CPU_INT32U  BSP_NetEther_ClkFreqGet  (NET_IF    *p_if,
                                      RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to return the network controller clock frequency (in Hz).

For Ethernet controllers, this is the clock frequency of the controller’s (R)MII bus. The controller driver initialization process uses the returned clock frequency to configure an appropriate bus divider to ensure that the (R)MII bus logic operates within an allowable range. In general, the controller driver should not configure the divider such that the (R)MII bus operates faster than 2.5MHz.

Wi-Fi Controller#


The BSP start function is called by the Wi-Fi controller driver each time the Wi-Fi network interface is started. Listing - WiFi Start Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - WiFi Start Function Signature#
void BSP_NetWiFi_Start (NET_IF    *p_if,
                        RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to power up the wireless chip. Therefore, the function must set the required GPIO pins to signal chip power up and reset.

Note that some wireless devices could require toggling the reset pin twice to be started or restarted correctly.


The BSP stop function is called by the Wi-Fi controller driver each time the Wi-Fi network interface is stopped. Listing - WiFi Stop Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - WiFi Stop Function Signature#
void BSP_NetWiFi_Stop (NET_IF    *p_if,
                       RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to power down the wireless chip. Therefore, the function must set the required GPIO pins for the chip power down to reduce the power consumption.

GPIO Configuration#

The GPIO configuration function is called by the driver during wireless network controller initialization. Listing - WiFi GPIO Configuration Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - WiFi GPIO Configuration Function Signature#
void BSP_NetWiFi_CfgGPIO (NET_IF    *p_if,
                          RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its purpose is to configure the general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins for the network controller. For wireless devices, this function is necessary to configure the power, reset and interrupt pins.

Interrupt Configuration#

The interrupt configuration function is called by the driver during wireless network controller initialization. Listing - WiFi Interrupt Configuration Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - WiFi Interrupt Configuration Function Signature#
void BSP_NetWiFi_CfgIntCtrl (NET_IF    *p_if,
                             RTOS_ERR  *p_err);

Its main purpose is to configure and enable all required interrupt sources for the wireless network controller.

In addition, the function should store the network interface number to be assigned to the wireless controller. This information is available inside the p_if argument passed to the function. It will be needed inside the controller's interrupt service routine to indicate to the TCP/IP stack which network interface the interrupt is associated to (see ISR Handling ).

The function should enable only each controller’s interrupt sources, but not the local controller-level interrupts themselves, which are enabled by the driver only after the network controller has been fully configured and started.

Interrupt Control#

The interrupt control function is called by the wireless controller driver while the controller is running. Listing - WiFi Interrupt Controller Function Signature in the Network BSP Functions Guide page below shows the signature for this required BSP function.

Listing - WiFi Interrupt Controller Function Signature#
void BSP_NetWiFi_IntCtrl (NET_IF       *p_if,
                          CPU_BOOLEAN   en,
                          RTOS_ERR     *p_err);

Its purpose is to enable or disable all external interrupt sources for the wireless chip. This means the function will enable or disable its corresponding interrupt source based on the enable argument received.

ISR Handling#

Each network controller driver has an ISR handler function that must be called each time a network controller interrupt is triggered. However, for most platforms, it will be necessary to implement an intermediate ISR handler in the BSP. This is necessary, as some interrupt controllers may require the interrupt status to be cleared each time it is triggered. It is also necessary if your interrupt controller does not support passing an argument to the interrupt vector, as the driver's ISR handler needs to know the network controller/network interface associated with the interrupt.

This BSP ISR will call the function NetIF_ISR_Handler() and pass to it, among others, the network interface number that was previously saved during the BSP Interrupt configuration. It's the NetIF_ISR_Handler() function that will take care of calling the controller driver's ISR handler.

In most cases, each controller requires only a single BSP ISR function. This is possible when the controller’s driver is able to determine the interrupt type via internal controller registers or the interrupt controller. In this case, NetIF_ISR_Handler() must be called with interrupt type code NET_DEV_ISR_TYPE_UNKNOWN. However, some controllers cannot determine the interrupt type when an interrupt occurs and may therefore require multiple, unique BSP ISR function’s, each of which calls NetIF_ISR_Handler() with the appropriate interrupt type code.

Ethernet physical layer (PHY) interrupts should call NetIF_ISR_Handler() with interrupt type code NET_DEV_ISR_TYPE_PHY.

If using a Silicon Labs chip (that follows the CMSIS naming standard), the ISR Handler should be named ETH_IRQHandler().

Listing - ISR Handling Function Signature#
void ETH_IRQHandler (void)
    RTOS_ERR err;

    /* TODO: Clear interrupt status, if needed. */

    NetIF_ISR_Handler(BSP_Net_<ctrlr>_IF_Nbr, NET_DEV_ISR_TYPE_UNKNOWN, &err);

Network Hardware Information#

Ethernet Interface#

BSP API Structure#

In order to provide a pointer to the BSP functions for the Ethernet controller driver, you must create a structure of type NETDEV_BSP_ETHER. Each network controller you intend to use will need is own BSP API structure. You must define this in the network controller's BSP file (bsp_net_ether&&&.c).

Table - NET_DEV_BSP_ETHER Structure in the Network Hardware Information page describes each field available in this structure.

Table - NET_DEV_BSP_ETHER Structure#




Pointer to the BSP clock configuration function.


Pointer to the BSP Interrupt configuration function.


Pointer to the BSP GPIO configuration function.


Pointer to the BSP get clock frequency function.

Listing - Example of BSP API Structure in the Network Hardware Information page shows an example of a BSP API structure.

Listing - Example of BSP API Structure#
static  NET_DEV_BSP_ETHER  BSP_NetEther_<ctrlr>_API_Ptr = {
    .CfgClk     = BSP_NetEther_ClkCfg,
    .CfgIntCtrl = BSP_NetEther_CfgIntCtrl,
    .CfgGPIO    = BSP_NetEther_CfgGPIO,
    .ClkFreqGet = BSP_NetEther_ClkFreqGet

MAC Controller Configuration and Information#

The network controller driver requires information about the Ethernet MAC controller(s) (typically on your MCU). You provide this information using a structure of type NET_DEV_CFG_ETHER, and each controller you intend to use will require its own configuration structure.

This structure will hold hardware information as well as more application-specific parameters, all of which are related to the specific Ethernet controller you want to use. This configuration structure is located in the BSP file of the Ethernet Controller (bspnet_ether&&&.c).

Table - NET_DEV_CFG_ETHER Configuration Structure in the Network Hardware Information page describes each configuration field available in this structure.

Table - NET_DEV_CFG_ETHER Configuration Structure#




Specifies the memory location for the receive data buffers. Buffers may be located either in main memory or in a dedicated memory region. This setting is used by the Interface layer to initialize the Rx memory pool. This field must be set to one of two macros: NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN or NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_DEDICATED. You may want to set this field when using DMA with dedicated memory. It is possible that you might have to store descriptors within the dedicated memory if your device requires it.


Specifies the size of all receive buffers. Specifying a value is required. The default buffer length is set to 1518 bytes, which corresponds to the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for an Ethernet network. For DMA-based Ethernet controllers, you must set the receive data buffer size to be greater or equal to the size of the largest receivable frame. If the size of the total buffer allocation is greater than the amount of available memory in the chosen memory region, a run-time error will be generated when the device is initialized.


Specifies the number of receive buffers that will be allocated to the device. There should be at least one receive buffer allocated, and it is recommended to have at least ten receive buffers. The optimal number of receive buffers depends on your application.


Specifies the required alignment of the receive buffers, in bytes. Some devices require that the receive buffers be aligned to a specific byte boundary. Additionally, some processor architectures do not allow multi-byte reads and writes across word boundaries and therefore may require buffer alignment. In general, it is probably a best practice to align buffers to the data bus width of the processor, which may improve performance. For example, a 32-bit processor may benefit from having buffers aligned on a four-byte boundary.


Specifies the receive buffer offset in bytes. Most devices receive packets starting at base index zero in the network buffer data areas. However, some devices may buffer additional bytes prior to the actual received Ethernet packet. This setting configures an offset to ignore these additional bytes. If a device does not buffer any additional bytes ahead of the received Ethernet packet, then an offset of 0 must be specified. However, if a device does buffer additional bytes ahead of the received Ethernet packet, then you should configure this offset with the number of additional bytes.


Specifies the memory placement of the transmit data buffers. Buffers may be placed either in main memory or in a dedicated memory region. This field is used by the Interface layer, and it should be set to one of two macros: NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN or NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_DEDICATED. When DMA descriptors are used, they may be stored in dedicated memory.


Specifies the size of the large transmit buffers in bytes. This field has no effect if the number of large transmit buffers is configured to zero. Setting the size of the large transmit buffers below 1594 bytes may hinder the TCP/IP module’s ability to transmit full sized IP datagrams since IP transmit fragmentation is not yet supported. We recommend setting this field between 1594 and 1614 bytes in order to accommodate all of the maximum transmit packet sizes for TCP-IP’s protocols.You can also optimize the transmit buffer if you know in advance what the maximum size of the packets the user will want to transmit through the device are.


Specifies the number of large transmit buffers allocated to the device. You may set this field to zero to make room for additional small transmit buffers, however, the size of the maximum transmittable packet will then depend on the size of the small transmit buffers.


Specifies the small transmit buffer size. For devices with a minimal amount of RAM, it is possible to allocate small transmit buffers as well as large transmit buffers. In general, we recommend a small transmit buffer size of 64 bytes, however, you may adjust this value according to the application requirements. This field has no effect if the number of small transmit buffers is configured to zero.


Specifies the numbers of small transmit buffers. This field controls the number of small transmit buffers allocated to the device. You may set this field to zero to make room for additional large transmit buffers if required.


Specifies the transmit buffer alignment in bytes. Some devices require that the transmit buffers be aligned to a specific byte boundary. Additionally, some processor architectures do not allow multi-byte reads and writes across word boundaries, and therefore may require buffer alignment. In general, it's probably a best practice to align buffers to the data bus width of the processor which may improve performance. For example, a 32-bit processor may benefit from having buffers aligned on a four-byte boundary.


Specifies the transmit buffer offset in bytes. Most devices only need to transmit the actual Ethernet packets as prepared by the higher network layers. However, some devices may need to transmit additional bytes prior to the actual Ethernet packet. This setting configures an offset to prepare space for these additional bytes. If a device does not transmit any additional bytes ahead of the Ethernet packet, the default offset of zero should be configured. However, if a device does transmit additional bytes ahead of the Ethernet packet then configure this offset with the number of additional bytes.


Specifies the starting address of the dedicated memory region for devices with this memory type. For devices with non-dedicated memory, you can initialize this field to zero. You may use this setting to put DMA descriptors into the dedicated memory.


Specifies the size of the dedicated memory region in bytes for devices with this memory type. For devices with non-dedicated memory, you can initialize this field to zero. You may use this setting to put DMA descriptors into the dedicated memory.


Specify the optional configuration flags. Configure (optional) device features by logically OR’ing bit-field flags:NET_DEV_CFG_FLAG_NONE — No device configuration flags selected.NET_DEV_CFG_FLAG_SWAP_OCTETS — Swap data bytes (i.e., swap data words’ high-order bytes with data words’ low-order bytes, and vice-versa) if required by device-to-CPU data bus wiring and/or CPU endian word order.


Specifies the number of receive descriptors. For DMA-based devices, this value is used by the device driver during initialization in order to allocate a fixed-size pool of receive descriptors to be used by the device. The number of descriptors must be less than the number of configured receive buffers. We recommend setting this value to something within 40% and 70% of the number of receive buffers. Non-DMA based devices may configure this value to zero. You must use this setting with DMA based devices and at least two descriptors must be set.


Specifies the number of transmit descriptors. For DMA based devices, this value is used by the device driver during initialization to allocate a fixed size pool of transmit descriptors to be used by the device. For best performance, it’s recommended to set the number of transmit descriptors equal to the number of small, plus the number of large transmit buffers configured for the device. Non-DMA based devices may configure this value to zero. You must use this setting with DMA based devices and set at least two descriptors.


Specifies the base address of the device’s hardware/registers.


Specifies the size of device's data bus (in bits), if available.


Specifies the desired device hardware address; may be NULL address or string if the device hardware address is configured or set at run-time.Depending on the driver, if this value is kept NULL or invalid, most of the device driver will automatically try to load and use the hardware address located in the memory of the device.


Specifies the pointer to an extension configuration structure if needed, else set to DEF_NULL.

PHY Controller Configuration and Information#

Information about the PHY controller (typically outside the MCU) is also required by the network controller driver, which you provide using a structure of type NETPHY_CFG_ETHER. This configuration structure is located in the BSP file of the Ethernet Controller (bsp_net_ether&&&.c).

Table - NET_PHY_CFG_ETHER Configuration Structure in the Network Hardware Information page describes each configuration field available in this structure.

Table - NET_PHY_CFG_ETHER Configuration Structure#




Specifies the address of the PHY on the (R)MII bus. The value configured depends on the PHY and the state of the PHY pins during power-up. Developers may need to consult the schematics for their board to determine the configured PHY address. Alternatively, the PHY address may be detected automatically by specifying NET_PHY_ADDR_AUTO; however, this will increase the initialization latency of the TCP/IP stack.


Specifies the PHY bus mode. This value should be set to one of the following values depending on the hardware capabilities and schematics of the development board. The network controller BSP should configure the PHY-level hardware based on this configuration value.NET_PHY_BUS_MODE_MIINET_PHY_BUS_MODE_RMIINET_PHY_BUS_MODE_SMIINET_PHY_BUS_MODE_GMIINET_PHY_BUS_MODE_RGMIINET_PHY_BUS_MODE_SGMII


Specifies the PHY bus type. This field represents the type of electrical attachment of the PHY to the Ethernet controller. In some cases, the PHY may be internal to the network controller, while in other cases, it may be attached via an external MII or RMII bus. It is desirable to specify which attachment method is in use so that a controller driver can initialize additional hardware resources if an external PHY is attached to a device that also has an internal PHY. Available settings for this field are:NET_PHY_TYPE_INTNET_PHY_TYPE_EXT


Specifies the PHY initial link speed. This configuration setting will force the PHY to link to the specified link speed. Optionally, auto-negotiation may be enabled. This field must be set to one of the following values:NET_PHY_SPD_AUTONET_PHY_SPD_10NET_PHY_SPD_100NET_PHY_SPD_1000


Specifies the PHY initial link duplex. This configuration setting will force the PHY to link using the specified duplex. This setting must be set to one of the following values:NET_PHY_DUPLEX_AUTONET_PHY_DUPLEX_HALFNET_PHY_DUPLEX_FULL

Hardware Information#

The last step is to create the main controller hardware information structure. This structure contains only pointers to other structures.

Table - Controller Hardware Information Structure in the Network Hardware Information page describes each configuration field available in this structure.




Pointer to the driver API structure associated with your network controller IP.


Pointer to the BSP API structure you created at step BSP API Structure .


Pointer to the PHY driver API structure associated with your network PHY controller IP.


Pointer to the controller information structure you created at step Controller Configuration and Information .


Pointer to the PHY controller information structure you created at step PHY Configuration and Information .

Table - Controller Hardware Information Structure#

Wireless Interface#

WiFi Part Information#

The Wi-Fi driver requires information about the Wi-Fi controller/part, which you provide using a structure of type NETIF_WIFI_PART_INFO. Each Wi-Fi part has its own information structure. This information can be found in the manual of the Wi-Fi controller. For the Wi-Fi parts that are supported by the Micrium Network module, the information structures are already defined and available in the Wi-Fi driver (net_drv_wifi&&&.c) associated with each WiFi controller.

Table - NET_IF_WIFI_PART_INFO Structure#




Pointer to the driver API structure associated with the Wi-Fi controller.


Specifies the receive buffer offset in bytes. Most controllers receive packets starting at base index zero in the network buffer data areas. However, some controllers may buffer additional bytes prior to the actual received packet. This setting configures an offset to ignore these additional bytes. If a device does not buffer any additional bytes ahead of the received packet, then an offset of 0 must be specified. However, if a device does buffer additional bytes ahead of the received packet, then you should configure this offset with the number of additional bytes.


Specifies the transmit buffer offset in bytes. Most controllers only need to transmit the actual packets as prepared by the higher network layers. However, some controllers may need to transmit additional bytes prior to the actual packet. This setting configures an offset to prepare space for these additional bytes. If a device does not transmit any additional bytes ahead of the packet, the default offset of zero should be configured. However, if a device does transmit additional bytes ahead of the packet then configure this offset with the number of additional bytes.

BSP API Structure#

In order to provide a pointer to the BSP functions for the Wi-Fi controller driver, you must create a structure of type NETDEV_BSP_WIFI. Each network controller you intend to use will need is own BSP API structure. This is must be defined within the network controller's BSP file (bsp_net_wifi&&&.c).

Table - NET_DEV_BSP_WIFI Structure in the Network Hardware Information page describes each field available in this structure.

Table - NET_DEV_BSP_WIFI Structure#




Pointer to the BSP start function.


Pointer to the BSP stop function.


Pointer to the BSP GPIO configuration function.


Pointer to the BSP interrupt configuration function.


Pointer to the BSP interrupt control function.

Network Controller Registration to the Platform Manager#

Once the hardware information structure for your network controller is ready, it must be registered with the Platform Manager. This should normally be done from the BSP_OS_Init() function that is located in the file bsp_os.c.

There are two different macros you can call to register a network controller; one for Ethernet controllers and one for Wi-Fi controllers.

Table - Network Controller Register Macros#



Definition Location


Registers an Ethernet controller with the Platform Manager.



Registers an external Wi-Fi controller that communicates with the MCU via SPI with the Platform Manager.


Ethernet Controller Registration#

Listing - Example of Ethernet Controller Registration in the Network Controller Registration to the Platform Manager page shows an example of how to register a network Ethernet controller.

Listing - Example of Ethernet Controller Registration#
#include  <rtos_description.h>

#ifdef  RTOS_MODULE_NET_IF_ETHER_AVAIL                             (1)
BSP_HW_INFO_EXT(const  NET_IF_ETHER_CTRLR_INFO, BSP_Ether_<ctrlr0>_Info);

void  BSP_OS_Init (void)

    /* ... */
                                /* --------- REGISTER ETHER CONTROLLER ------- */
    NET_CTRLR_ETHER_REG("eth0", &BSP_Ether_<ctrlr0>_Info);         (2)

(1) Since the global variable for Ethernet controller information is declared in another file, you must declare it as external in your bsp_os.c file. Always use the BSP_HW_INFO_EXT() macro.

(2) Registering an Ethernet controller with the tag "eth0". The tag will be used later on when calling the NetIF_Ether_Add() function.

Wi-Fi Controller Registration#

Listing - Example of WiFi Controller Registration in the Network Controller Registration to the Platform Manager page shows an example of how to register an external network Wi-Fi controller that is connected to the MCU via an SPI bus.

Listing - Example of WiFi Controller Registration#
#include  <rtos_description.h>

#if defined(RTOS_MODULE_IO_SERIAL_AVAIL)                           (1)
BSP_HW_INFO_EXT(const  SERIAL_CTRLR_DRV_INFO,    BSP_Serial_SPI_HwInfo_<bus>__DrvInfo);
BSP_HW_INFO_EXT(const  NET_IF_WIFI_PART_INFO,    NetWiFi_Info_<ctrlr>);
BSP_HW_INFO_EXT(const  NET_DEV_BSP_WIFI,         BSP_NetWiFi_<ctrlr>_BSP_API);

void  BSP_OS_Init (void)

    /* ... */
                                                                /* ------ REGISTER SPI & WiFi CONTROLLER ----- */
    IO_SERIAL_CTRLR_REG("spi0",                                    (2)

    NET_CTRLR_WIFI_SPI_REG("wifi0",                                (3)

(1) Since the global variables for the Wi-Fi controller information are declared in another file, you must declare them as external in your bsp_os.c file. Always use the BSP_HW_INFO_EXT() macro.

(2) Registering the SPI Bus used by the Wi-Fi controller with the appropriate tag. The tag will be used later on when calling the SPI_BusAdd() function.

(3) Registering a Wi-Fi controller with the tag "wifi0". The tag will be used later on when calling the NetIF_WiFi_Add() function.