
No improvements in Release 2.9.2.

Improved in Release 2.9.1#

[iOS] Added BLE IOP testing mobile logs.

[Android] Added BLE IOP testing mobile logs.

Improved in Release 2.8.1#

[iOS] Added a QR Code Scan function to the Matter demo.

[Android] Added a QR Code Scan function to the Matter demo.

Improved in Release 2.7.1#

[iOS] Minor improvements to the ESL Demo for better User Experience.

[iOS] Added support for passkey in the QR for the ESL Demo, for future ESL security feature (not used today).

[Android] UI Improvements to the Scan window.

[Android] Fixed flag parsing bug in the Heart Monitor (0x180D) profile.

[Android] Added support for passkey in the QR for the ESL Demo, for future ESL security feature as it's not used today.

Improved in Release 2.7.0#

[iOS] Fixed Throughput test for BLE Interoperability Test to relax the pass/fail criteria.

[iOS] UI improvement in Scan view with system refresh control using SILRefreshImageView.

[Android] Fixed Throughput test for BLE Interoperability Test to relax the pass/fail criteria.

Improved in Release 2.6.4#

[iOS] Updated Legacy popup views in Advertiser and GATT Configurator views.

[Android] Fixed an issue with Application OTA DFU.

Improved in Release 2.6.3#

[iOS] Changed characteristic value popup.

[iOS] Hid floating button and menu bar when scrolling.

[iOS] Removed UUID label from the browser.

[Android] Removed unnecessary version checks.

[Android] Updated Legacy popup views in Advertiser and GATT Configurator views.

[Android] Hid floating button and menu bar when scrolling.

[Android] Upgraded Android versions, gradel configuration, and dependencies.

Improved in Release 2.6.2#

[iOS] Enabled haptic vibration when start scanning.

[iOS] Rescaled the Device segments in the Scanner view.

[iOS] Added guidance information about companion sample app for remote device for each Demo tile.

[iOS] Minor bug fixes and improvements to the UI.

[Android] Reworked Settings layout, and added new Scan Timeout and Report Issue buttons.

[Android] Rescaled the Device segments in the Scanner view.

[Android] Minor bug fixes and improvements to the UI, including enabling spin wheel animation for waiting for scanner operation.

Improved in Release 2.6.1#

[iOS] Added option to clear logs in new redesigned UI.

[Android] Added option to clear logs in new redesigned UI.

[Android] Removed redundant device address and name from logs.

Improved in Release 2.5.0#

Robustified demos against non-present or non-operational sensors on development kits.

Improved in Release 2.4.1#

[Android] Blocked new connection notifications for demos.

Improved in Release 2.4.0#

UX improvements in IOP test.

[iOS] Switched from UIWebView to WKWebView due to deprecation. Accept .btconf files in GATT Configurator import.

Improved in Release 2.3.1#

Added mobile > EFR32 data direction in throughput demo.

Improved in Release 2.2.0#

Added GATT data to the logs.

Added the ability to sort scan results by RSSI and device name. Added the ability to read descriptors.

Added a bar with active filter parameters.

Added bonding support so that EFR Connect can be used as an initiator (Android only).

Improved in Release 2.1.0#

Added the ability to copy-paste characteristic’s data.

The user interface on iOS was polished with better textures for the different elements.

Improved in Release 2.0.3#

Improved workflow for GATT operations. Tapping one of the characteristics controls (read, notify or indicate) automatically expands the card to show the data. All controls are accessible without having to first expand the characteristic.

Updates to some of the icons (filter, beacon).

Better handling of error situations with descriptive messages to the user.

Silicon Labs OTA service and characteristics are automatically recognized and properly named in the browser.

Improved in Release 2.0.2#

Disabled scan auto-restoring for better stability on different mobile phones.

Improved in Release 2.0.1#

Mobile app opens on Develop view by default.

Removed “CAN CONNECT” and RSSI from advertisement details, as those are in the main device card. Eliminated EFR/Other’s split in the Thermometer demo pop-up.

Added a way to delete custom UUID name from the mappings dictionary. Overall user interface improvements, mostly in the iOS app.

Improved in Release 2.0.0#

UI Overhaul#

In this release, the mobile app user interface (UI) was completely redesigned compared to the predecessor Blue Gecko app, for a seamless and consistent experience. It is divided into two focus sections, Demo and Develop.

  • The Demo side hosts ready-made demos, which leverage sample apps from the Silicon Labs SDK for a quick and delightful out-of- box experience.

  • The Develop side hosts features focused on helping Bluetooth firmware developers move faster with application development.

General UI improvements that were done as part of the redesign include the expansion of clickable areas, better information density, and more intuitive overall controls.

Browser Filtering#

The filtering capabilities on the browser have been improved to include more parameters such as connectable/non-connectable, device name, device address (Android only), raw data (Android only), beacon type (iBeacon, AtlBeacon, Eddystone), and RSSI. In addition to that it is possible to add devices to Favorites and filter by favorites as well. Furthermore, filters can be saved for later use.