This structure represents a TCAT vendor information.

The content of this structure MUST persist and remain unchanged while a TCAT session is running.

Public Attributes#

const char *

Provisioning URL path string.

const char *

Vendor name string.

const char *

Vendor model string.

const char *

Vendor software version string.

const char *

Vendor specific data string.

const char *

Vendor managed pre-shared key for device.

const char *

Vendor managed install code string.

const char *

Vendor managed device ID string (if NULL: device ID is set to EUI-64 in binary format)

Public Attribute Documentation#


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mProvisioningUrl

Provisioning URL path string.

Definition at line 122 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mVendorName

Vendor name string.

Definition at line 123 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mVendorModel

Vendor model string.

Definition at line 124 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mVendorSwVersion

Vendor software version string.

Definition at line 125 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mVendorData

Vendor specific data string.

Definition at line 126 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mPskdString

Vendor managed pre-shared key for device.

Definition at line 127 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mInstallCode

Vendor managed install code string.

Definition at line 128 of file include/openthread/tcat.h


const char* otTcatVendorInfo::mDeviceId

Vendor managed device ID string (if NULL: device ID is set to EUI-64 in binary format)

Definition at line 129 of file include/openthread/tcat.h