Getting Started with Silicon Labs OpenThread Development#

To get started with Silicon Labs OpenThread development, download the Simplicity Studio Development environment as described in the Simplicity Studio 5 User's Guide.

This will also prompt you to install the Gecko SDK (GSDK), which contains the OpenThread SDK. The GSDK combines Silicon Labs wireless software development kits (SDKs) and Gecko Platform into a single, integrated package. The GSDK is your primary tool for developing in the Silicon Labs IoT Software ecosystem. All of Silicon Labs' stacks are written in-house to provide a seamless experience from silicon to tools, allowing you to unlock powerful features with ease, including:

  • Abstraction of complex requirements like multiprotocol and pre-certification

  • Industry-leading ability to support a large number of nodes

  • Ultra-low power consumption

  • Strong network reliability

Silicon Labs also helps future-proof your devices with over-the-air software and security updates, helping to minimize maintenance cost and improve your end user product experience!

Once you have downloaded Simplicity Studio and the GSDK, detailed instructions for using the OpenThread examples and configuration tools are provided in the OpenThread SDK Quick-Start Guide (PDF).

Note: The recommended method to get started with the GSDK is to first install Simplicity Studio 5, which will set up your development environment and walk you through the GSDK installation. Alternatively, GSDK and other required tools may be installed manually from the GitHub GSDK site.