Release Notes#

RAIL Library 2.17.1 GA#

July 24, 2024

Release Highlights#

  • Added support of Automatic LNA bypass for expternal FEM on the EFR32xG25 parts.

  • Bugfixes and minor improvements.

Deprecation Notes#

  • The RAIL 2.x API is planned for deprecation in the 24Q4-GA release (December 2024). At that time, the new RAIL 3.0 API will be released for all supported chips along with a RAIL 2.x compatibility layer and migration guide.

    • The goal of this new API is to get rid of some unused features, add better support for concurrent listening use cases, and to simplify channel and PA configurations.

    • The migration is intended to be straight forward and simple for the majority of customers. However, in some cases manual help might be required to ease this transition.

Release Details#


RAIL Changelist

RAILtest Changelist

API Changes