Power Manager Integration#

The Power Manager Integration component integrates RAIL with the Power Manager to enable efficient power management. This integration ensures that the RAIL and Power Manager work together in a synchronized mode, allowing the application to manage power consumption effectively. The component provides functions to initialize the power management integration, ensuring that the application can enter and exit low-power states as needed.

Key functions include:



Initializes RAIL and Power Manager to work together in SYNC mode.

Function Documentation#


RAIL_Status_t sl_rail_sdk_sleep_init (void )

Initializes RAIL and Power Manager to work together in SYNC mode.


This function sets up the necessary configurations and prepares the RAIL SDK sleep module for operation. It should be called before using any other functions in the sleep module.


  • RAIL_Status_t

    • RAIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR if initialization was successful.

    • An appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 68 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.bVpTDXqvc/overlay/gsdk/app/rail/component/sl_rail_sdk_sleep/sl_rail_sdk_sleep.h