Network Analyzer Interface#
The Network Analyzer environment contains the following work areas:
Debug Adapters view - lists all debug adapters and their connected hardware that are accessible to Network Analyzer.
Capture sessions - contain data captured from a node or set of nodes.
Editor panes - display the data of a given capture session.
Adapters View
On startup, Simplicity Studio automatically discovers and lists all debug adapters that are connected to the local subnet. You can also configure Simplicity Studio to discover debug adapters on other subnets.
Capture Sessions
Network Analyzer can display one or more capture sessions. Each capture session stores data that it receives from one or more nodes, and displays it in the editor panes.
Network Analyzer supports two types of capture sessions:
Live sessions display data as it is captured; the display is continuously refreshed as new data arrives. Network Analyzer maintains one live session at a time.
Saved sessions contain captured data that has been saved to permanent storage in a named .isd file. You can load a saved session and play it back at any time.
Editor Views
Editor views provide different views of capture session data. Up to five editor views can be open at any one time:
Map provides a graphical view of the network, where nodes are displayed with their network identifiers. The map also displays net- work activity.
Transactions displays high-level node interactions that might comprise multiple events.
Events displays information about all packets transmitted and received during a capture session.
Event Detail displays the decoded contents of the packet that is currently selected in the Events pane.
Hex Dump displays the data of the selected event in raw bytes. Network Analyzer highlights bytes that map to the data currently selected in the Event Detail pane.