Configuring the 802.11ax Wi-Fi Data Rate#

You can fix the 11ax rate by using debugfs, as mentioned below. On higher kernel versions (above 5.10.0), you can set the 11ax rate by using debugfs and iw tools.

Fixing the 11ax Rate through debugfs#

  1. Fixed 11ax rate can be executed using echo command as shown below.

    # echo 0 >  /sys/kernel/debug/phyX/ax_rate

    In this case:

    • phyX is the physical device number that you can obtain by iw dev command,

    • Rate '0' indicates the mcs0 of 11ax rates

    • Rate, '1' indicates the mcs1 of 11ax rates and follows till mcs7, where mcs stands for modulation and coding scheme.

  2. Run the following command to read the current rate:

    # cat /sys/kernel/debug/phyX/ax_rate
  3. The output on the command line is as shown below

    # Current ax_rate is 0x00
  4. Run the following command to disable the fixed rate:

    # iw dev wlan0 set bitrates

Fixing 11ax Rate by Using iw for Kernel Versions Above 5.10#

  1. Run the following command to set the 11ax rate:

    # iw dev <interface name > set bitrates he-mcs-<2.4 | 5 | 6> <NSS:MCS index>


    # iw dev wlan0 set bitrates he-mcs-2.4 1:0

    In this case:

    • NSS is the number of spatial streams.

    • This command is supported on kernel version greater 5.10 and iw version 5.9.

Fixing the Rate by Using iw for 11n Mode#

  1. Run the following command to set the legacy rate:

    # iw dev <interface name > set bitrates legacy-<2.4 | 5> < legacy rate in Mbps>


    iw dev wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 11

    For kernel version 4.12 and above which do not support the legacy rate setting, run the following command:

     # iw dev <interface name > set bitrates legacy-<2.4 | 5> < One basic rate  in Mbps > < Non basic rate in Mbps>


    # iw dev wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 1 12
  2. Run the following command to set the mcs rate:

    # iw dev <interface name s> set bitrates ht-mcs-<2.4 | 5> <MCS index>


    #iw dev wlan0 set bitrates ht-mcs-2.4 1
  3. Run the following command to disable the fix rate:

    # iw dev wlan0 set bitrates