Configuring Wi-Fi Access Point Parameters#

The following sections describe access point settings that may be updated in the hostapd.conf file.

Common Access Point Parameters#

  • Hidden ssid: To disable SSID broadcast in beacons for the AP, use the following configuration in the hostapd configuration file.

  • DTIM Interval: To set dtim interval in beacons for AP using hostapd, use the following configuratuon in the hostapd configuration file.

  • SHORT GI: To enable Short GI using hostapd, use the following configuratuon in the hostapd configuration file.

  • Beacon Interval: To set beacon interval for AP using hostapd, use the following configuratuon in the hostapd configuration file.


    Note: Range of Beacon interval value is 56 ms to 1000 ms.

Access Control List Parameters#

  1. Use the following configuration in the hostapd configuration file. Enable macaddr_acl according to your choice

    macaddr_acl = 0/1/2
  • For macaddr_acl = 0

     deny_mac_file = /etc/hostapd.deny
  • For macaddr_acl = 1

     accept_mac_file = /etc/hostapd.accept 
  • For macaddr_acl = 2

    • It will use external RADIUS server.

Follow the steps in Wi-Fi AP Mode section.

U-APSD Advertisements#

Use the following configuration in hostapd configuration file.

   uapsd_advertisement_enabled = 1/0
  • 1 - Enable U-APSD

  • 0 - Disable U-APSD

AP Mode Keep Alive Time#

The following configuration in the hostapd configuration file is useful in configuring AP keep alive time, after which AP sends a Qos null to confirm if client (STA) is still connected.

 ap_max_inactivity = 300 

If ap_max_inactivity is not enabled, the value is assigned to be 300 s by default. You can configure the time, as needed.

Country IE#

Use the following configuration in the hostapd file to set the regulatory country code and include it in the beacon.


country_code is used to set the regulatory domain. It should be set to indicate the country in which the device is operating. For more country codes, see the Wireless Tools section.

ieee80211d is enabled to advertise the country_code. If not enabled, the default value is 0.