
Copyright 2019 Silicon Laboratories Inc.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib

The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @file
 * @brief
 * # License
 * <b>Copyright 2019 Silicon Laboratories Inc.</b>
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
 * The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc.
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
 * arising from the use of this software.
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *    appreciated but is not required.
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 *    misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#pragma once

#include "sl_status.h"
#include "sl_wifi_device.h"
#include "sl_wifi_host_interface.h"
#include "sl_si91x_host_interface.h"
#include "sl_net_types.h"
#include "sl_rsi_utility.h"
#include "sl_si91x_constants.h"

#define VERIFY_STATUS(s)   \
  do {                     \
    if (s != SL_STATUS_OK) \
      return s;            \
  } while (0);


typedef struct sl_si91x_power_configuration sl_si91x_power_configuration_t;

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Initialize the driver.
 * @param[in] config
 *   @ref sl_wifi_device_configuration_t Pointer to device configuration.
 * @param[in] event_handler
 *   [sl_wifi_event_handler_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-types#sl-wifi-event-handler-t) Function pointer to receive asynchronous events.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_init(const sl_wifi_device_configuration_t *config, sl_wifi_event_handler_t event_handler);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   De-initialize the driver.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_deinit(void);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.
 * @param[in] command
 *   Command type to be sent to TA firmware.
 * @param[in] queue_type
 *   @ref sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to be used to send the command on.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.
 * @param[in] data_length
 *   Length of command packet.
 * @param[in] wait_period
 *   @ref sl_si91x_wait_period_t Timeout for the command response.
 * @param[in] sdk_context
 *   Pointer to the context.
 * @param[in] data_buffer
 *   [sl_wifi_buffer_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-buffer-t) Pointer to a data buffer pointer for the response data to be returned in.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_command(uint32_t command,
                                         sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type,
                                         const void *data,
                                         uint32_t data_length,
                                         sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period,
                                         void *sdk_context,
                                         sl_wifi_buffer_t **data_buffer);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.
 * @param[in] command
 *   Command type to be sent to TA firmware.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.
 * @param[in] data_length
 *   Length of command packet.
 * @param[in] wait_period
 *   @ref sl_si91x_wait_period_t Timeout for the command response.
 * @pre 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_side_band_crypto(uint32_t command,
                                                  const void *data,
                                                  uint32_t data_length,
                                                  sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 * Send commands to the TA; whose response needs to be handled asynchronously.
 * Note: This function doesn't acquire "command_in_flight" boolean
 * @param[in] command
 *   Command type to be sent to TA firmware.
 * @param[in] queue_type
 *   @ref sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to be used to send the command on.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.
 * @param[in] data_length
 *   Length of the command packet.
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_async_command(uint32_t command,
                                               sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type,
                                               void *data,
                                               uint32_t data_length);
/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Wait for a command response.
 * @param[in] command
 *   @ref rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t Command type to wait .
 * @param[in] wait_period
 *   @ref sl_si91x_wait_period_t Wait time in milliseconds to wait for command response.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_wait_for_response(rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t command, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Send a socket command.
 * @param[in] request
 *   @ref sl_si91x_socket_send_request_t Pointer to socket command packet.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Pointer to socket data.
 * @param[in] wait_time
 *   Timeout  for the command response.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_socket_data(sl_si91x_socket_send_request_t *request,
                                             const void *data,
                                             uint32_t wait_time);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Send a Bluetooth command.
 * @param[in] command
 *   @ref rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t Command type to be sent.
 * @param[in] queue_type
 *   @ref sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to send command on.
 * @param[in] data
 *   [sl_wifi_buffer_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-buffer-t) Pointer to Bluetooth data.
 * @param[in] sync_command
 *   Sync or Async command.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_bt_command(rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t command,
                                            sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type,
                                            sl_wifi_buffer_t *data,
                                            uint8_t sync_command);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Load a certificate into a specified index.
 * @param[in] certificate_type
 *   Type of certificate being loaded
 * @param[in] certificate_index
 *   Index where the certificate is to be loaded.
 * @param[in] buffer
 *   Pointer to the buffer containing the certificate to be loaded.
 * @param[in] certificate_length
 *   Length of the certificate buffer.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_wifi_set_certificate_index(uint8_t certificate_type,
                                                uint8_t certificate_index,
                                                const uint8_t *buffer,
                                                uint32_t certificate_length);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Set the host rtc timer. This is a blocking API.
 * @param[in]   timer
 *  @ref sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t Pointer to fill RTC time.
 *       second -->  seconds [0-59]
 *       minute -->  minutes [0-59]
 *       hour   -->  hours since midnight [0-23]
 *       day    -->  day of the month [1-31]
 *       month  -->  months since January [0-11]
 *       year   -->  year since 1990.
 *       Weekday-->  Weekday from Sunday to Saturday [1-7].
 * @note        Hour is 24-hour format only (valid values are 0 to 23).
 *              Valid values for Month are 0 to 11 (January to December).
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * -
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init() API needs to be called before this API
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_rtc_timer(sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t *timer);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Fetch current time from hardware Real Time Clock. This is a blocking API.
 * @param[out]  response
 *  @ref sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t Response of the requested command. 
 * @note    Response parameters: 
 * *   Pointer to fill RTC time.
 *       second -->  seconds [0-59]
 *       minute -->  minutes [0-59]
 *       hour   -->  hours since midnight [0-23]
 *       day    -->  day of the month [1-31]
 *       month  -->  months since January [0-11]
 *       year   -->  year since 1990.
 *       Weekday-->  Weekday from Sunday to Saturday [1-7].
 * @note        Hour is 24-hour format only (valid values are 0 to 23).
 *              Valid values for Month are 0 to 11 (January to December).
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * -
 *   @ref sl_si91x_set_rtc_timer() API needs to be called before this API.
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init() API needs to be called before this API also.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_get_rtc_timer(sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t *response);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Writes calibration data to non-volatile device memory.
 * @param[in] data
 *   @ref si91x_calibration_data_t Pointer to buffer containing calibration data.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_write_calibration_data(const si91x_calibration_data_t *data);

/** \addtogroup SI91X_RADIO_FUNCTIONS 
  * \ingroup SL_SI91X_API
  * @{ */

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Start the transmit test. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *  [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] tx_test_info
 *   @ref sl_si91x_request_tx_test_info_t Configurable Tx test mode request structure
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_transmit_test_start(sl_si91x_request_tx_test_info_t *tx_test_info);
/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Stop the transmit test. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] void
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_transmit_test_stop(void);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *  Used to provide feedback of Frequency error in KHz. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] frequency_calibration
 *   Frequency in KHz of type @ref sl_si91x_freq_offset_t. 
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_frequency_offset(const sl_si91x_freq_offset_t *frequency_calibration);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Set the device region.
 * @param[in] operation_mode
 *   @ref sl_si91x_operation_mode_t Operation mode of the device.
 * @param[in] band
 *   @ref sl_si91x_band_mode_t Operational band of the device.
 * @param[in] region_code
 *   @ref sl_si91x_region_code_t Region code to be set in the device.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_device_region(sl_si91x_operation_mode_t operation_mode,
                                       sl_si91x_band_mode_t band,
                                       sl_si91x_region_code_t region_code);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   This API will command the firmware to update the existing Flash/EFuse calibration data. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init), sl_si91x_transmit_test_start and sl_si91x_frequency_offset should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] calib_write
 *   Write calibration configuration of type @ref sl_si91x_calibration_write_t
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_calibration_write(sl_si91x_calibration_write_t calib_write);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   This API reads the calibration data from the Flash/EFuse storage. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] target
 *          0 - READ_FROM_EFUSE (read calibration data from the EFuse) 
 *          1 - READ_FROM_FLASH (read calibration data from the Flash) 
 * @param[out] calibration_read
 *   Read the calibration configuration of type @ref sl_si91x_calibration_read_t
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_calibration_read(sl_si91x_calibration_read_t target,
                                      sl_si91x_calibration_read_t *calibration_read);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Application that offers feedback on the error caused by the EVM offset. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] evm_offset
 *   evm offset of type @ref sl_si91x_evm_offset_t
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_evm_offset(const sl_si91x_evm_offset_t *evm_offset);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   This API will command the firmware to update the existing Flash/EFuse calibration data. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init), @ref sl_si91x_evm_offset and @ref sl_si91x_transmit_test_start should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] evm_write
 *   Write the evm calibration configuration  of type @ref sl_si91x_evm_write_t
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_evm_write(const sl_si91x_evm_write_t *evm_write);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   This API updates Flash/Efuse DPD data. This is a synchronous API. 
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * -
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init), @ref sl_si91x_transmit_test_start should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] dpd_calib_data
 *   Write DPD calibration data of type @ref sl_si91x_get_dpd_calib_data_t
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_dpd_calibration(const sl_si91x_get_dpd_calib_data_t *dpd_calib_data);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *  This API will command the firmware to get the data from the Efuse memory location. This is a blocking API.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) should be called before this API.
 * @param[in] efuse_read
 *  efuse read structure, which contains efuse read address offset and read data length of type @ref sl_si91x_efuse_read_t
 * @param[out] efuse_read_buf
 *  efuse read buffer
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_efuse_read(sl_si91x_efuse_read_t *efuse_read, uint8_t *efuse_read_buf);

/** @} */

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Send a raw command frame.
 * @param[in] command
 *   Command type to be sent.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Pointer to the command data to be sent.
 * @param[in] data_length
 *   Length of the data length
 * @param[in] wait_time
 *   Wait time for the command response.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_raw_send_command(uint8_t command,
                                             const void *data,
                                             uint32_t data_length,
                                             uint32_t wait_time);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Register a event handler for network events.
 * @param[in] function
 *   Function pointer to callback.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_register_event_handler(sl_net_event_handler_t function);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Default event handler for all events.
 * @param[in] event
 *   [sl_net_event_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-nwk-mgmt/sl-net-constants#sl-net-event-t) Asynchronous event received.
 * @param[in] buffer
 *   [sl_wifi_buffer_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-buffer-t) Buffer containing data related to asynchronous event.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_default_handler(sl_net_event_t event, sl_wifi_buffer_t *buffer);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Enable wireless radio.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_enable_radio(void);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Disable wireless radio.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_disable_radio(void);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Set device power configuration.
 * @param[in] mode
 *   @ref sl_si91x_power_mode_t Power mode to be set to the device.
 * @param[in] config
 *   @ref sl_si91x_power_configuration_t Pointer to structure containing power configuration.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_power_mode(sl_si91x_power_mode_t mode, const sl_si91x_power_configuration_t *config);

/** @} */

/** \addtogroup SI91X_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FROM_HOST_FUNCTIONS Firmware Update From Host
 * @{ */

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief   
 *   Send the RPS header content of firmware file.This is a blocking API.
 * @param[in] rps_header   
 *   Pointer to the RPS header content.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_fwup_start(uint8_t *rps_header);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief      
 *   Send the firmware file content.This is a blocking API.
 * @param[in] content       
 *   Pointer to the firmware file content.
 * @param[in] length     
 *   Length of the content
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_fwup_load(uint8_t *content, uint16_t length);
/** @} */

/** \addtogroup SI91X_DRIVER_FUNCTIONS 
 * \ingroup SL_SI91X_API
 * @{ */

#if defined(SLI_SI91X_MCU_INTERFACE) || defined(DOXYGEN)
 * @brief      Secure handshake. This is a blocking API.
 * @param[in]  sub_cmd_type Specifies the Sub command type for the secure handshake.
 * @param[in]  input_data  Input data is a pointer that contains the information used during a secure handshake.
 * @param[in]  input_len  Specifies the length of input data.
 * @param[in]  output_len  Specifies the length of output data.
 * @param[in]  output_data Pointer to store the response data after the secure handshake process.
 * @return       sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_m4_ta_secure_handshake(uint8_t sub_cmd_type,
                                            uint8_t input_len,
                                            uint8_t *input_data,
                                            uint8_t output_len,
                                            uint8_t *output_data);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Si91X specific set join feature bitmap configuration
 * @param[in] interface 
 *   [sl_wifi_interface_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-constants#sl-wifi-interface-t) Selected interface.
 * @param[in] join_feature_bitmap
 *   Join feature bitmap configuration. One of values from @ref SI91X_JOIN_FEATURE_BIT_MAP
 * @return     
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
 * @note 
 *     By default SL_SI91X_JOIN_FEAT_LISTEN_INTERVAL_VALID bitmap is enabled. User can call this API before calling [sl_wifi_connect](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-client-api#sl-wifi-connect), [sl_wifi_start_ap](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-ap-api#sl-wifi-start-ap), [sl_wifi_start_wps](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-wps-api#sl-wifi-start-wps) to overwrite the join feature bitmap

sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_join_configuration(sl_wifi_interface_t interface, uint8_t join_feature_bitmap);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Si91X specific get join feature bitmap configuration
 * @param[in] interface
 *   [sl_wifi_interface_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-constants#sl-wifi-interface-t) Selected interface.
 * @param[out] join_feature_bitmap
 *   join feature bitmap configuration. One of values from @ref SI91X_JOIN_FEATURE_BIT_MAP
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
 * @note
 *     By default SL_SI91X_JOIN_FEAT_LISTEN_INTERVAL_VALID bitmap is enabled.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_get_join_configuration(sl_wifi_interface_t interface, uint8_t *join_feature_bitmap);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   This API is used to set different module timeouts.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * -
 *   @ref This API should be called after [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init)
 * @param[in] timeout_type
 *   It is used to identify which timeout type to be set. The possible values can be @ref sl_si91x_timeout_type_t 
 * @param[in] timeout_value
 *   timeout value to be set. The time resolution depends on timeout_type.
 * @note 
 *   After a successful IP configuration, Gratuitous ARP is used as the periodic WLAN Keep-Alive packet with the configured keep_alive_timeout interval. 
 *   If there is no IP configuration, the NULL Data Packets is used as the WLAN Keep-Alive packet.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_configure_timeout(sl_si91x_timeout_type_t timeout_type, uint16_t timeout_value);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Si91x specific set timeout. This function is used to set active channel scan timeout, authentication association timeout and keep alive timeout of module.
 * @param[in] timeout_config
 *   Timeout configuration of type @ref sl_si91x_timeout_t.
 * @return None
 * @note
 *   This API should ONLY be called before [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init) and repeated call to this API will overwrite timeout values stored in SDK, will be applied on next call to [sl_wifi_init](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/wifi-common-api#sl-wifi-init).
void sl_si91x_set_timeout(sl_si91x_timeout_t *timeout_config);

/** @} */

/** \addtogroup SI91X_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_FROM_MODULE_FUNCTIONS Firmware Update From Module
 * @{ */
/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Create an OTAF client. Initialize the client with a given configuration.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * -
 *   [sl_net_up](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-nwk-mgmt/net-interface-functions#sl-net-up) API needs to be called before this API.
 * @param[in]   server_ip
 *   OTAF server IP address @ref sl_ip_address_t
 * @param[in]   server_port
 *   OTAF server port number.
 * @param[in]   chunk_number 
 *   Firmware content request chunk number.
 * @param[in]   timeout
 *   TCP receive packet timeout.
 * @param[in]   tcp_retry_count
 *   TCP retransmissions count.
 * @param[in]   asynchronous
 *   OTAF upgrade done aynchronously when this is set, else synchronous upgrade.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
 * @note        For safe firmware upgrade via TCP server, 
 *              it will take approx. 65 sec duration for upgrading the firmware of 1.5 MB file.
 * @note
 *   This is an asynchronous API. The response is recieved via [sl_net_event_handler_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-nwk-mgmt/sl-net-types#sl-net-event-handler-t) with [SL_NET_OTA_FW_UPDATE_EVENT](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-nwk-mgmt/sl-net-constants#sl-net-event-t) as event
sl_status_t sl_si91x_ota_firmware_upgradation(sl_ip_address_t server_ip,
                                              uint16_t server_port,
                                              uint16_t chunk_number,
                                              uint16_t timeout,
                                              uint16_t tcp_retry_count,
                                              bool asynchronous);

/** @} */

/** \addtogroup SI91X_DRIVER_FUNCTIONS 
 * \ingroup SL_SI91X_API
 * @{ */
/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief      This function allows the Network Processor (NWP) to write content to the common flash from M4. 
 *             It's a blocking API.
 * @param[in]  write_address                 
 *             The address in the common flash memory where the write operation should begin.
 *             For the M4 region, the write address should start from 0x8000000. Possible values range from the M4 image end address to the M4 region end address.
 *             For the NWP region, the write address should range from 0 to (20K-1).
 * @param[in]  write_data                    
 *             The data to be written. For sector erase it should be multiples of 4K.
 * @param[in]  write_data_length             
 *              The total length of the data, which should be multiples of 4K for sector erase.
 * @param[in]  flash_sector_erase_enable     
 *             Enable or disable sector erase.
 *             1 - Erases multiples of 4 KB of data.
 *             0 - Disable, allows to write data onto flash.
 * @return     sl_status_t. Refer to for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_command_to_write_common_flash(uint32_t write_address,
                                                   uint8_t *write_data,
                                                   uint16_t write_data_length,
                                                   uint8_t flash_sector_erase_enable);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief     Sends a command to read data from the NWP flash memory of the SI91x wireless device. This is a blocking API.
 *            This function is a command to the SI91x wireless device to read data from the NWP flash memory
 *            at the specified address. The read data is stored in the provider's output_data buffer.
 * @param[in]   read_address
 *              The address in the NWP flash memory to read from. The address should range from 0 to (20K-1).
 * @param[in]   length
 *              The number of bytes to read from the NWP flash memory.
 * @param[out]  output_buffer
 *              Pointer to the buffer where the  data will be.
 * @return      sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_command_to_read_common_flash(uint32_t read_address, size_t length, uint8_t *output_buffer);
/** @} */

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Get the current Opermode of the module.
 * @param[in] void
 * @return
 *   sl_si91x_operation_mode_t. See for details.
sl_si91x_operation_mode_t get_opermode(void);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Si91X specific set listen interval
 * @param[in] listen_interval
 *   Wi-Fi Listen interval.
 * @return none
void sl_si91x_set_listen_interval(uint32_t listen_interval);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Si91X specific get listen interval
 * @return uint32_t
 *     Wi-Fi Listen interval
uint32_t sl_si91x_get_listen_interval(void);

/** \addtogroup SI91X_DRIVER_FUNCTIONS 
 * \ingroup SL_SI91X_API
 * @{ */

 * @brief      Signals the occurrence of an assertion in the firmware.
 * @return     sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_assert(void);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief       
 *   Retrieves TA RAM log/dump via Si91x UART/UART2.
 *  @param[in]   address
 *    Address in Si91x module.
 *  @param[in]   length       
 *    Chunk length to read from Si91x module.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_get_ram_log(uint32_t address, uint32_t length);

/** @} */

/*! @cond SL_SI91X_WIFI_BTR_MODE */
/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief     Si91X specific Wi-Fi BTR mode driver function to send Tx data
 * @param[in] data_ctrlblk - Meta data for the payload.
 * @param[in] payload      - Pointer to payload to be sent to LMAC.
 * @param[in] payload_len  - Length of the payload.
 * @param[in] wait_time    - Wait time for the command response.
 * @return    sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_btr_send_data(sl_wifi_btr_data_ctrlblk_t *data_ctrlblk,
                                          uint8_t *payload,
                                          uint16_t payload_len,
                                          uint32_t wait_time);
/*! @endcond SL_SI91X_WIFI_BTR_MODE */

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.
 * @param[in] command
 *   Command type to be sent to TA firmware.
 * @param[in] queue_type
 *   @ref sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to be used to send the command on.
 * @param[in] data
 *   Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.
 * @param[in] data_length
 *   Length of command packet.
 * @param[in] wait_period
 *   @ref sl_si91x_wait_period_t Timeout for the command response.
 * @param[in] sdk_context
 *   Pointer to the context.
 * @param[in] data_buffer
 *   [sl_wifi_buffer_t](../wiseconnect-api-reference-guide-wi-fi/sl-wifi-buffer-t) Pointer to a data buffer pointer for the response data to be returned in.
 *  @param[in] custom_host_desc
 *   Custom Variable to send additional data to the firmware through the host descriptor.
 * @pre Pre-conditions:
 * - 
 *   @ref sl_si91x_driver_init should be called before this API.
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_custom_driver_send_command(uint32_t command,
                                                sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type,
                                                const void *data,
                                                uint32_t data_length,
                                                sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period,
                                                void *sdk_context,
                                                sl_wifi_buffer_t **data_buffer,
                                                uint8_t custom_host_desc);

 * @{ */

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief
 *   Flashes firmware to Wi-Fi module via bootloader.
 * @param[in]   firmware_image
 *   Pointer to firmware.
 * @param[in]   fw_image_size
 *   Size of firmware image..
 * @param[in]   flags 
 *   Flags indicating chuck position in file
 *   0 = Middle of file
 *   1 = Start of file
 *   2 = End of file 
 * @return     errCode
 *              1 = Command issue failed
 *              0 = Success
int16_t sl_si91x_bl_upgrade_firmware(uint8_t *firmware_image, uint32_t fw_image_size, uint8_t flags);

/***************************************************************************/ /**
 * @brief      
 *   Set fast firmware upgrade.
 * @param[in] void       
 * @return
 *   sl_status_t. See for details.
sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_fast_fw_up(void);

/** @} */






typedef struct sl_si91x_power_configuration


sl_si91x_driver_init(const sl_wifi_device_configuration_t *config, sl_wifi_event_handler_t event_handler)

Initialize the driver.


De-initialize the driver.

sl_si91x_driver_send_command(uint32_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, const void *data, uint32_t data_length, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period, void *sdk_context, sl_wifi_buffer_t **data_buffer)

Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.

sl_si91x_driver_send_side_band_crypto(uint32_t command, const void *data, uint32_t data_length, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period)

Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.

sl_si91x_driver_send_async_command(uint32_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, void *data, uint32_t data_length)

Send commands to the TA; whose response needs to be handled asynchronously.

sl_si91x_driver_wait_for_response(rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t command, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period)

Wait for a command response.

sl_si91x_driver_send_socket_data(sl_si91x_socket_send_request_t *request, const void *data, uint32_t wait_time)

Send a socket command.

sl_si91x_driver_send_bt_command(rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, sl_wifi_buffer_t *data, uint8_t sync_command)

Send a Bluetooth command.

sl_si91x_wifi_set_certificate_index(uint8_t certificate_type, uint8_t certificate_index, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t certificate_length)

Load a certificate into a specified index.

sl_si91x_set_rtc_timer(sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t *timer)

Set the host rtc timer.

sl_si91x_get_rtc_timer(sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t *response)

Fetch current time from hardware Real Time Clock.

sl_si91x_write_calibration_data(const si91x_calibration_data_t *data)

Writes calibration data to non-volatile device memory.

sl_si91x_transmit_test_start(sl_si91x_request_tx_test_info_t *tx_test_info)

Start the transmit test.


Stop the transmit test.

sl_si91x_frequency_offset(const sl_si91x_freq_offset_t *frequency_calibration)

Used to provide feedback of Frequency error in KHz.

sl_si91x_set_device_region(sl_si91x_operation_mode_t operation_mode, sl_si91x_band_mode_t band, sl_si91x_region_code_t region_code)

Set the device region.

sl_si91x_calibration_write(sl_si91x_calibration_write_t calib_write)

This API will command the firmware to update the existing Flash/EFuse calibration data.

sl_si91x_calibration_read(sl_si91x_calibration_read_t target, sl_si91x_calibration_read_t *calibration_read)

This API reads the calibration data from the Flash/EFuse storage.

sl_si91x_evm_offset(const sl_si91x_evm_offset_t *evm_offset)

Application that offers feedback on the error caused by the EVM offset.

sl_si91x_evm_write(const sl_si91x_evm_write_t *evm_write)

This API will command the firmware to update the existing Flash/EFuse calibration data.

sl_si91x_dpd_calibration(const sl_si91x_get_dpd_calib_data_t *dpd_calib_data)

This API updates Flash/Efuse DPD data.

sl_si91x_efuse_read(sl_si91x_efuse_read_t *efuse_read, uint8_t *efuse_read_buf)

This API will command the firmware to get the data from the Efuse memory location.

sl_si91x_driver_raw_send_command(uint8_t command, const void *data, uint32_t data_length, uint32_t wait_time)

Send a raw command frame.

sl_si91x_register_event_handler(sl_net_event_handler_t function)

Register a event handler for network events.

sl_si91x_default_handler(sl_net_event_t event, sl_wifi_buffer_t *buffer)

Default event handler for all events.


Enable wireless radio.


Disable wireless radio.

sl_si91x_set_power_mode(sl_si91x_power_mode_t mode, const sl_si91x_power_configuration_t *config)

Set device power configuration.

sl_si91x_fwup_start(uint8_t *rps_header)

Send the RPS header content of firmware file.This is a blocking API.

sl_si91x_fwup_load(uint8_t *content, uint16_t length)

Send the firmware file content.This is a blocking API.

sl_si91x_m4_ta_secure_handshake(uint8_t sub_cmd_type, uint8_t input_len, uint8_t *input_data, uint8_t output_len, uint8_t *output_data)

Secure handshake.

sl_si91x_set_join_configuration(sl_wifi_interface_t interface, uint8_t join_feature_bitmap)

Si91X specific set join feature bitmap configuration.

sl_si91x_get_join_configuration(sl_wifi_interface_t interface, uint8_t *join_feature_bitmap)

Si91X specific get join feature bitmap configuration.

sl_si91x_configure_timeout(sl_si91x_timeout_type_t timeout_type, uint16_t timeout_value)

This API is used to set different module timeouts.

sl_si91x_set_timeout(sl_si91x_timeout_t *timeout_config)

Si91x specific set timeout.

sl_si91x_ota_firmware_upgradation(sl_ip_address_t server_ip, uint16_t server_port, uint16_t chunk_number, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t tcp_retry_count, bool asynchronous)

Create an OTAF client.

sl_si91x_command_to_write_common_flash(uint32_t write_address, uint8_t *write_data, uint16_t write_data_length, uint8_t flash_sector_erase_enable)

This function allows the Network Processor (NWP) to write content to the common flash from M4.

sl_si91x_command_to_read_common_flash(uint32_t read_address, size_t length, uint8_t *output_buffer)

Sends a command to read data from the NWP flash memory of the SI91x wireless device.

Get the current Opermode of the module.

sl_si91x_set_listen_interval(uint32_t listen_interval)

Si91X specific set listen interval.


Si91X specific get listen interval.


Signals the occurrence of an assertion in the firmware.

sl_si91x_get_ram_log(uint32_t address, uint32_t length)

Retrieves TA RAM log/dump via Si91x UART/UART2.

sl_si91x_custom_driver_send_command(uint32_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, const void *data, uint32_t data_length, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period, void *sdk_context, sl_wifi_buffer_t **data_buffer, uint8_t custom_host_desc)


sl_si91x_bl_upgrade_firmware(uint8_t *firmware_image, uint32_t fw_image_size, uint8_t flags)

Flashes firmware to Wi-Fi module via bootloader.


Set fast firmware upgrade.

Macro Definition Documentation#


do { \
if (s != SL_STATUS_OK) \
return s; \
} while (0);

Definition at line 40 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h

Enumeration Documentation#



Definition at line 46 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h

Typedef Documentation#


typedef struct sl_si91x_power_configuration sl_si91x_power_configuration_t

Definition at line 48 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_init (const sl_wifi_device_configuration_t * config, sl_wifi_event_handler_t event_handler)

Initialize the driver.


sl_wifi_device_configuration_t Pointer to device configuration.


sl_wifi_event_handler_t Function pointer to receive asynchronous events.


Definition at line 60 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_deinit (void )

De-initialize the driver.



Definition at line 71 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_command (uint32_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, const void * data, uint32_t data_length, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period, void * sdk_context, sl_wifi_buffer_t ** data_buffer)

Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.


Command type to be sent to TA firmware.


sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to be used to send the command on.


Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.


Length of command packet.


sl_si91x_wait_period_t Timeout for the command response.


Pointer to the context.


sl_wifi_buffer_t Pointer to a data buffer pointer for the response data to be returned in.


Definition at line 96 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_side_band_crypto (uint32_t command, const void * data, uint32_t data_length, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period)

Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.


Command type to be sent to TA firmware.


Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.


Length of command packet.


sl_si91x_wait_period_t Timeout for the command response.


Definition at line 120 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_async_command (uint32_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, void * data, uint32_t data_length)

Send commands to the TA; whose response needs to be handled asynchronously.


Command type to be sent to TA firmware.


sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to be used to send the command on.


Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.


Length of the command packet. sl_status_t. See for details.

Note: This function doesn't acquire "command_in_flight" boolean

Definition at line 139 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_wait_for_response (rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t command, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period)

Wait for a command response.


rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t Command type to wait .


sl_si91x_wait_period_t Wait time in milliseconds to wait for command response.


Definition at line 156 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_socket_data (sl_si91x_socket_send_request_t * request, const void * data, uint32_t wait_time)

Send a socket command.


sl_si91x_socket_send_request_t Pointer to socket command packet.


Pointer to socket data.


Timeout for the command response.


Definition at line 173 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_send_bt_command (rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, sl_wifi_buffer_t * data, uint8_t sync_command)

Send a Bluetooth command.


rsi_wlan_cmd_request_t Command type to be sent.


sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to send command on.


sl_wifi_buffer_t Pointer to Bluetooth data.


Sync or Async command.


Definition at line 194 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_wifi_set_certificate_index (uint8_t certificate_type, uint8_t certificate_index, const uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t certificate_length)

Load a certificate into a specified index.


Type of certificate being loaded


Index where the certificate is to be loaded.


Pointer to the buffer containing the certificate to be loaded.


Length of the certificate buffer.


Definition at line 216 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_rtc_timer (sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t * timer)

Set the host rtc timer.


sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t Pointer to fill RTC time. second --> seconds [0-59] minute --> minutes [0-59] hour --> hours since midnight [0-23] day --> day of the month [1-31] month --> months since January [0-11] year --> year since 1990. Weekday--> Weekday from Sunday to Saturday [1-7].

This is a blocking API. Note

  • Hour is 24-hour format only (valid values are 0 to 23). Valid values for Month are 0 to 11 (January to December).


Definition at line 241 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_get_rtc_timer (sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t * response)

Fetch current time from hardware Real Time Clock.


sl_si91x_module_rtc_time_t Response of the requested command.

This is a blocking API. Note

  • Response parameters:

      • Pointer to fill RTC time. second --> seconds [0-59] minute --> minutes [0-59] hour --> hours since midnight [0-23] day --> day of the month [1-31] month --> months since January [0-11] year --> year since 1990. Weekday--> Weekday from Sunday to Saturday [1-7].

  • Hour is 24-hour format only (valid values are 0 to 23). Valid values for Month are 0 to 11 (January to December).


Definition at line 268 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_write_calibration_data (const si91x_calibration_data_t * data)

Writes calibration data to non-volatile device memory.


si91x_calibration_data_t Pointer to buffer containing calibration data.


Definition at line 281 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_transmit_test_start (sl_si91x_request_tx_test_info_t * tx_test_info)

Start the transmit test.


sl_si91x_request_tx_test_info_t Configurable Tx test mode request structure

This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:


Definition at line 298 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_transmit_test_stop (void )

Stop the transmit test.


This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:


Definition at line 309 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_frequency_offset (const sl_si91x_freq_offset_t * frequency_calibration)

Used to provide feedback of Frequency error in KHz.


Frequency in KHz of type sl_si91x_freq_offset_t.

This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:


Definition at line 322 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_device_region (sl_si91x_operation_mode_t operation_mode, sl_si91x_band_mode_t band, sl_si91x_region_code_t region_code)

Set the device region.


sl_si91x_operation_mode_t Operation mode of the device.


sl_si91x_band_mode_t Operational band of the device.


sl_si91x_region_code_t Region code to be set in the device.


Definition at line 339 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_calibration_write (sl_si91x_calibration_write_t calib_write)

This API will command the firmware to update the existing Flash/EFuse calibration data.


Write calibration configuration of type sl_si91x_calibration_write_t

This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:

    • sl_wifi_init, sl_si91x_transmit_test_start and sl_si91x_frequency_offset should be called before this API.


Definition at line 354 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_calibration_read (sl_si91x_calibration_read_t target, sl_si91x_calibration_read_t * calibration_read)

This API reads the calibration data from the Flash/EFuse storage.


0 - READ_FROM_EFUSE (read calibration data from the EFuse) 1 - READ_FROM_FLASH (read calibration data from the Flash)


Read the calibration configuration of type sl_si91x_calibration_read_t

This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:


Definition at line 370 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_evm_offset (const sl_si91x_evm_offset_t * evm_offset)

Application that offers feedback on the error caused by the EVM offset.


evm offset of type sl_si91x_evm_offset_t

This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:


Definition at line 384 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_evm_write (const sl_si91x_evm_write_t * evm_write)

This API will command the firmware to update the existing Flash/EFuse calibration data.


Write the evm calibration configuration of type sl_si91x_evm_write_t

This is a blocking API.


Definition at line 397 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_dpd_calibration (const sl_si91x_get_dpd_calib_data_t * dpd_calib_data)

This API updates Flash/Efuse DPD data.


Write DPD calibration data of type sl_si91x_get_dpd_calib_data_t

This is a synchronous API.


Definition at line 410 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_efuse_read (sl_si91x_efuse_read_t * efuse_read, uint8_t * efuse_read_buf)

This API will command the firmware to get the data from the Efuse memory location.


efuse read structure, which contains efuse read address offset and read data length of type sl_si91x_efuse_read_t


efuse read buffer

This is a blocking API.

  • Pre-conditions:


Definition at line 425 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_driver_raw_send_command (uint8_t command, const void * data, uint32_t data_length, uint32_t wait_time)

Send a raw command frame.


Command type to be sent.


Pointer to the command data to be sent.


Length of the data length


Wait time for the command response.


Definition at line 446 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_register_event_handler (sl_net_event_handler_t function)

Register a event handler for network events.


Function pointer to callback.


Definition at line 462 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_default_handler (sl_net_event_t event, sl_wifi_buffer_t * buffer)

Default event handler for all events.


sl_net_event_t Asynchronous event received.


sl_wifi_buffer_t Buffer containing data related to asynchronous event.


Definition at line 477 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_enable_radio (void )

Enable wireless radio.



Definition at line 488 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_disable_radio (void )

Disable wireless radio.



Definition at line 499 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_power_mode (sl_si91x_power_mode_t mode, const sl_si91x_power_configuration_t * config)

Set device power configuration.


sl_si91x_power_mode_t Power mode to be set to the device.


sl_si91x_power_configuration_t Pointer to structure containing power configuration.


Definition at line 514 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_fwup_start (uint8_t * rps_header)

Send the RPS header content of firmware file.This is a blocking API.


Pointer to the RPS header content.


Definition at line 530 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_fwup_load (uint8_t * content, uint16_t length)

Send the firmware file content.This is a blocking API.


Pointer to the firmware file content.


Length of the content


Definition at line 542 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_m4_ta_secure_handshake (uint8_t sub_cmd_type, uint8_t input_len, uint8_t * input_data, uint8_t output_len, uint8_t * output_data)

Secure handshake.


Specifies the Sub command type for the secure handshake.


Input data is a pointer that contains the information used during a secure handshake.


Specifies the length of input data.


Specifies the length of output data.


Pointer to store the response data after the secure handshake process.

This is a blocking API.


Definition at line 562 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_join_configuration (sl_wifi_interface_t interface, uint8_t join_feature_bitmap)

Si91X specific set join feature bitmap configuration.


sl_wifi_interface_t Selected interface.


Join feature bitmap configuration. One of values from Join Feature Bitmap



Definition at line 582 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_get_join_configuration (sl_wifi_interface_t interface, uint8_t * join_feature_bitmap)

Si91X specific get join feature bitmap configuration.


sl_wifi_interface_t Selected interface.


join feature bitmap configuration. One of values from Join Feature Bitmap



  • By default SL_SI91X_JOIN_FEAT_LISTEN_INTERVAL_VALID bitmap is enabled.

Definition at line 596 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_configure_timeout (sl_si91x_timeout_type_t timeout_type, uint16_t timeout_value)

This API is used to set different module timeouts.


It is used to identify which timeout type to be set. The possible values can be sl_si91x_timeout_type_t


timeout value to be set. The time resolution depends on timeout_type.


  • After a successful IP configuration, Gratuitous ARP is used as the periodic WLAN Keep-Alive packet with the configured keep_alive_timeout interval.

    • If there is no IP configuration, the NULL Data Packets is used as the WLAN Keep-Alive packet.


Definition at line 617 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


void sl_si91x_set_timeout (sl_si91x_timeout_t * timeout_config)

Si91x specific set timeout.


Timeout configuration of type sl_si91x_timeout_t.

This function is used to set active channel scan timeout, authentication association timeout and keep alive timeout of module. Returns

  • None


  • This API should ONLY be called before sl_wifi_init and repeated call to this API will overwrite timeout values stored in SDK, will be applied on next call to sl_wifi_init.

Definition at line 628 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_ota_firmware_upgradation (sl_ip_address_t server_ip, uint16_t server_port, uint16_t chunk_number, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t tcp_retry_count, bool asynchronous)

Create an OTAF client.


OTAF server IP address sl_ip_address_t


OTAF server port number.


Firmware content request chunk number.


TCP receive packet timeout.


TCP retransmissions count.


OTAF upgrade done aynchronously when this is set, else synchronous upgrade.

Initialize the client with a given configuration.

  • Pre-conditions:

    • sl_net_up API needs to be called before this API.



  • For safe firmware upgrade via TCP server,

    • it will take approx. 65 sec duration for upgrading the firmware of 1.5 MB file.

  • This is an asynchronous API. The response is recieved via sl_net_event_handler_t with SL_NET_OTA_FW_UPDATE_EVENT as event

Definition at line 661 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_command_to_write_common_flash (uint32_t write_address, uint8_t * write_data, uint16_t write_data_length, uint8_t flash_sector_erase_enable)

This function allows the Network Processor (NWP) to write content to the common flash from M4.


The address in the common flash memory where the write operation should begin. For the M4 region, the write address should start from 0x8000000. Possible values range from the M4 image end address to the M4 region end address. For the NWP region, the write address should range from 0 to (20K-1).


The data to be written. For sector erase it should be multiples of 4K.


The total length of the data, which should be multiples of 4K for sector erase.


Enable or disable sector erase. 1 - Erases multiples of 4 KB of data. 0 - Disable, allows to write data onto flash.

It's a blocking API. Returns

Definition at line 690 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_command_to_read_common_flash (uint32_t read_address, size_t length, uint8_t * output_buffer)

Sends a command to read data from the NWP flash memory of the SI91x wireless device.


The address in the NWP flash memory to read from. The address should range from 0 to (20K-1).


The number of bytes to read from the NWP flash memory.


Pointer to the buffer where the data will be.

This is a blocking API. This function is a command to the SI91x wireless device to read data from the NWP flash memory at the specified address. The read data is stored in the provider's output_data buffer. Returns

Definition at line 707 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_si91x_operation_mode_t get_opermode (void )

Get the current Opermode of the module.



Definition at line 717 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


void sl_si91x_set_listen_interval (uint32_t listen_interval)

Si91X specific set listen interval.


Wi-Fi Listen interval.


  • none

Definition at line 726 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


uint32_t sl_si91x_get_listen_interval (void )

Si91X specific get listen interval.



  • uint32_t Wi-Fi Listen interval

Definition at line 734 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_assert (void )

Signals the occurrence of an assertion in the firmware.



Definition at line 744 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_get_ram_log (uint32_t address, uint32_t length)

Retrieves TA RAM log/dump via Si91x UART/UART2.


Address in Si91x module.


Chunk length to read from Si91x module.


Definition at line 756 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_custom_driver_send_command (uint32_t command, sl_si91x_queue_type_t queue_type, const void * data, uint32_t data_length, sl_si91x_wait_period_t wait_period, void * sdk_context, sl_wifi_buffer_t ** data_buffer, uint8_t custom_host_desc)



Command type to be sent to TA firmware.


sl_si91x_queue_type_t Queue type to be used to send the command on.


Command packet to be sent to the TA firmware.


Length of command packet.


sl_si91x_wait_period_t Timeout for the command response.


Pointer to the context.


sl_wifi_buffer_t Pointer to a data buffer pointer for the response data to be returned in.


Custom Variable to send additional data to the firmware through the host descriptor.

Register a function and optional argument for scan results callback.


Definition at line 800 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


int16_t sl_si91x_bl_upgrade_firmware (uint8_t * firmware_image, uint32_t fw_image_size, uint8_t flags)

Flashes firmware to Wi-Fi module via bootloader.


Pointer to firmware.


Size of firmware image..


Flags indicating chuck position in file 0 = Middle of file 1 = Start of file 2 = End of file


  • errCode 1 = Command issue failed 0 = Success

Definition at line 828 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_set_fast_fw_up (void )

Set fast firmware upgrade.



Definition at line 837 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h