

The Network Management component offers a comprehensive API to manage the state of all IP-based network interfaces. This includes, but is not limited to, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Thread, Matter, Bluetooth, and Wi-SUN.


Network interface functions perform essential operations for managing and controlling network interfaces. They handle initialization, configuration, starting, and stopping of these interfaces, ensuring efficient utilization within the system.

Each network interface type, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, has specific functions tailored to handle its unique requirements and operational characteristics. For instance, initializing a network interface involves setting up the necessary hardware and software resources for the interface to function correctly.

Network Interface API


Network interface configurations are described by "profiles" that contain all the information needed to configure a particular interface. Each type of network interface has a unique profile structure to optimally store the relevant information.

For example, a Wi-Fi client interface requires an SSID, a security mode, and a passphrase (for a security-enabled access point).

Network Profile API


Many network interfaces require secure information such as passphrases or keys. It is crucial that this secure information is kept separate from the network profile. The SL Network Manager defines a credential management API that provides access to secure content via a credential ID. The storage of credential data can be implemented in various ways depending on the support provided by the host platform.

Network Credential API


Many network applications need the ability to send and receive data to multiple devices simultaneously using multicast addresses. The SL Network Manager provides a multicast management API that allows for the enabling and disabling of multicast addresses on network interfaces. This ensures efficient and effective communication in multicast-enabled networks.

Network Multicast API