
This section provides a reference to the Ping API functions.


sl_si91x_send_ping(sl_ip_address_t ip_address, uint16_t ping_packet_size)

Send an ICMP ping request to a specific IP address.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_si91x_send_ping (sl_ip_address_t ip_address, uint16_t ping_packet_size)

Send an ICMP ping request to a specific IP address.


The destination IP address should be of type sl_ip_address_type_t either IPv4 or IPv6.


The ping packet size is defined, with a valid range of [0, 300].

This function sends an ICMP ping request to a specific IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) with a user defined ping packet size. It verifies the device’s initialization status and validates the IP address type before sending the request to the specific IP address.

  • Pre-condition:


  • sl_status_t - Status of the operation.

    • SL_STATUS_OK: Operation successful.

    • SL_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED: Device is not initialized.

    • SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: Invalid IP address type.


Definition at line 59 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/icmp/sl_net_ping.h