Firmware Update from Module#

This section provides a reference to the APIs used to perform firmware updates from the module.


sl_si91x_ota_firmware_upgradation(sl_ip_address_t server_ip, uint16_t server_port, uint16_t chunk_number, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t tcp_retry_count, bool asynchronous)

Create an OTAF client and initialize it with a given configuration.

sl_si91x_http_otaf(uint8_t type, uint16_t flags, uint8_t *ip_address, uint16_t port, uint8_t *resource, uint8_t *host_name, uint8_t *extended_header, uint8_t *user_name, uint8_t *password, const uint8_t *post_data, uint32_t post_data_length)

Sends an HTTP request to a specified server URL.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_si91x_ota_firmware_upgradation (sl_ip_address_t server_ip, uint16_t server_port, uint16_t chunk_number, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t tcp_retry_count, bool asynchronous)

Create an OTAF client and initialize it with a given configuration.


OTAF server IP address of type sl_ip_address_t.


OTAF server port number.


Firmware content request chunk number.


TCP receive packet timeout.


TCP retransmissions count.


OTAF upgrade done asynchronously when this is set to true, else synchronous upgrade.

This function creates an OTAF (Over-The-Air Firmware) client and initializes it with the provided configuration parameters.

It supports both synchronous and asynchronous firmware upgrades.

In synchronous mode, the response is received via sl_net_event_handler_t with SL_NET_OTA_FW_UPDATE_EVENT as the event.

  • Pre-conditions:

    • sl_net_up API needs to be called before this API.



  • For a safe firmware upgrade via TCP server, it will take approximately 65 seconds to upgrade the firmware of a 1.5 MB file.

Definition at line 1146 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/inc/sl_si91x_driver.h


sl_status_t sl_si91x_http_otaf (uint8_t type, uint16_t flags, uint8_t * ip_address, uint16_t port, uint8_t * resource, uint8_t * host_name, uint8_t * extended_header, uint8_t * user_name, uint8_t * password, const uint8_t * post_data, uint32_t post_data_length)

Sends an HTTP request to a specified server URL.


Valid values are: 2 - HTTP_OTAF.


Configuration flags. See the table below for details.


Server IP address.


Port number. Default: 80 - HTTP, 443 - HTTPS


Requested resource URL in string format.

  • The maximum supported HTTP URL is 2048 bytes, when the SL_SI91X_FEAT_LONG_HTTP_URL Bit is enabled in the feature_bit_map.

  • If the SL_SI91X_FEAT_LONG_HTTP_URL Bit is disabled, then the maximum supported length for HTTP URL is (872-(length of User_name + length of Password) - length of hostname - length of IP address) bytes excluding delimiters.


Host name.

  • The purpose of this function is to append user configurable header fields to the default HTTP/HTTPS header. The extended header can have multiple header fields, each ended by "\r\n" (0xD 0xA)

  • If "\r\n" is present in the extended header content, "0xDB 0xDC" bytes can be used to separate multiple header fields. Example: key1:value1"\r\n"key2:value2"\r\n"


Username for server authentication.


Password for server authentication.


HTTP data to be posted to the server. (Currently not supported)


HTTP data length to be posted to the server. (Currently not supported)

This function sends an HTTP request to a specified server URL with optional data and headers, and facilitates firmware downloads from the server.

This API is blocking API.

By default, the following values are used:

  • SSL version: 1.0

  • HTTP version: 1.0

  • Certificate index: 0



  • The following table lists the flags that can be used with this function:






Set this bit to enable HTTPS_SUPPORT to use HTTPS feature.



Set this bit to enable IPv6. By default, it is configured to IPv4.



Set this bit to support SSL TLS Version 1.0 if HTTPS is enabled.



Set this bit to support SSL TLS Version 1.2 if HTTPS is enabled.



Set this bit to support SSL_TLS Version 1.1 if HTTPS is enabled.



Set this bit to use HTTP version 1.1



Set this bit to specify index of SSL cert to be used for HTTPS.



Set this bit to specify index of SSL cert to be used for HTTPS.


    • Maximum supported length for user_name, password together is 278 bytes.

    • Maximum length should be 872 bytes, which includes user_name, password, host_name, ip_address, resource, and extended_header.

    • If username, password, hostname and extended http headers are not required, user should send empty string separated by delimiter.

    • If content of any field contains a comma then NULL delimiter should be used.

Definition at line 115 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/firmware_upgrade/firmware_upgradation.h