Developing with Silicon Labs Wi-SUN#

Wireless Smart Ubiquitous Network (Wi-SUN) is the leading IPv6 sub-GHz mesh technology for smart city and smart utility applications. Silicon Labs' Wi-SUN SDK includes industry-leading software stacks and development tools for Wi-SUN end nodes and border routers. In conjunction with SoCs and reference applications for Wi-SUN, developers can use software and tools from Silicon Labs to quickly and reliably:

  • Develop multi-node mesh networks

  • Monitor and debug multiple nodes simultaneously

  • Visually analyze system performance

wi-sun networkwi-sun network

The content on these pages is intended for those are developing a Wi-SUN application using the Silicon Labs Wi-SUN SDK.

For details about this release: Links to release notes are available on the Gecko SDK page.

For Silicon Labs' Wi-SUN product information: See the product pages on

For background about the Wi-SUN protocol: The introductory materials on is a good place to start.

To get started with development with the Wi-SUN stack: See the Getting Started page to get started working with sample applications.

If you are already in development with the stack: See the specific material on this page for details or go directly to the API Reference.

If you are primarily interested in working directly with the Wi-SUN PHY and system, without using the Silicon Labs stack, see the Wi-SUN PHY section.