Retrieve the Device Information from the Border Router using CoAP#

Install libcoap2-bin on the Border Router#

  • The application requires libcoap binaries to be installed on the Border Router, so install the -bin package.

  • If using CoAP notifications instead of UDP notifications, coap-server will be used, and requires the -d option to define the max number of resources the coap-server can listen to. This is only available in libcoap as from libcoap2, so install libcoap as follows:

sudo apt-get install libcoap2-bin

Check the installed binaries using:

ls -al /usr/bin/coap*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26236 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-client
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26236 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-client-gnutls
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26236 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-client-openssl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18016 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-rd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18016 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-rd-gnutls
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18016 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-rd-openssl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22124 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-server
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22124 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-server-gnutls
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22124 Nov  9  2019 /usr/bin/coap-server-openssl

The example uses coap-client and optionally coap-server (if using COAP notifications).

List Connected Devices' IPv6 Addresses#

wsbrd_cli status returns the connected devices' MAC addresses, while CoAP requires the IPv6 addresses.

The dbus resources related to the Wi-SUN Border Router are available to dbus as com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter:

busctl introspect  SERVICE                        OBJECT                          [INTERFACE]
busctl introspect  com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter  /com/silabs/Wisun/BorderRouter  com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter
NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE  RESULT/VALUE                             FLAGS
com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter       interface -          -                                        -
.IeCustomClear                      method    -          -                                        -
.IeCustomInsert                     method    yyayay     -                                        -
.InstallGtk                         method    ay         -                                        -
.InstallLgtk                        method    ay         -                                        -
.JoinMulticastGroup                 method    ay         -                                        -
.LeaveMulticastGroup                method    ay         -                                        -
.RevokeGroupKeys                    method    ayay       -                                        -
.RevokePairwiseKeys                 method    ay         -                                        -
.SetModeSwitch                      method    ayi        -                                        -
.SetSlotAlgorithm                   method    y          -                                        -
.Gaks                               property  aay        4 16 54 182 30 129 250 196 136 180 3 24… emits-change
.Gtks                               property  aay        4 16 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 16… emits-change
.HwAddress                          property  ay         8 144 253 159 255 254 0 51 58            -
.Lgaks                              property  aay        3 16 159 29 31 16 211 121 13 120 93 104… emits-change
.Lgtks                              property  aay        3 16 205 198 155 180 84 17 14 130 116 6… emits-change
.Nodes                              property  a(aya{sv}) 3 8 144 253 159 255 254 0 51 58 3 "is_b… emits-invalidation"
.WisunChanPlanId                    property  u          3                                        const
.WisunClass                         property  u          0                                        const
.WisunDomain                        property  s          "BZ"                                     const
.WisunFanVersion                    property  y          2                                        const
.WisunMode                          property  u          0                                        const
.WisunNetworkName                   property  s          "Linux_BZ_3_8"                           const
.WisunPanId                         property  q          59418                                    const
.WisunPhyModeId                     property  u          8                                        const
.WisunSize                          property  s          "CERT"                                   const
org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -          -                                        -
.Introspect                         method    -          s                                        -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer           interface -          -                                        -
.GetMachineId                       method    -          s                                        -
.Ping                               method    -          -                                        -
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties     interface -          -                                        -
.Get                                method    ss         v                                        -
.GetAll                             method    s          a{sv}                                    -
.Set                                method    ssv        -                                        -
.PropertiesChanged                  signal    sa{sv}as   -                                        -

What you are looking for is the Nodes property, which you can 'get' using:

busctl introspect com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter /com/silabs/Wisun/BorderRouter com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter Nodes

a(aya{sv}) 3 8 144 253 159 255 254 0 51 58 3 "is_border_router" b true "node_role" y 0 "ipv6" aay 2 16 254 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 253 159 255 254 0 51 58 16 253 0 97 114 109 0 0 0 146 253 159 255 254 0 51 58 8 96 164 35 255 254 55 168 255 8 "is_authenticated" b true "node_role" y 1 "parent" ay 8 144 253 159 255 254 0 51 58 "is_neighbor" b true "rssi" i -46 "rsl" i -41 "rsl_adv" i -37 "ipv6" aay 2 16 254 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 164 35 255 254 55 168 255 16 253 0 97 114 109 0 0 0 98 164 35 255 254 55 168 255 8 96 164 35 255 254 55 169 1 4 "is_authenticated" b true "node_role" y 1 "parent" ay 8 96 164 35 255 254 55 165 29 "ipv6" aay 2 16 254 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 164 35 255 254 55 169 1 16 253 0 97 114 109 0 0 0 98 164 35 255 254 55 169 1

The underlying structure is detailed in wsbrd-br-linux/

- `ay`: EUI64
- `a{sv}`: list of properties identified by a string, as described in the
  following table. Not all properties are guaranteed to be present per node
  (ex: a node without parent has no `parent` field)

| Key              |Signature| Comment                                                                  |
|`is_border_router`|`b`      |Deprecated. Use `node_role` instead.                                      |
|`node_role`       |`y`      |Semantics from Wi-SUN (`0`: BR, `1`: FFN-FAN1.1, `2`: LFN, none: FFN-FAN1.0)|
|`ipv6`            |`aay`    |Array of IPv6 addresses (usually link-local and GUA)                      |
|`parent`          |`ay`     |EUI-64 of the preferred parent                                            |
|`is_authenticated`|`b`      |                                                                          |
|`is_neighbor`     |`b`      |Only nodes that use direct unicast traffic to the border router are listed|
|`rssi`            |`i`      |Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of the last packet received in dBm (neighbor only)|
|`rsl`             |`i`      |Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) of the Received Signal Level (RSL) in dBm (neighbor only)|
|`rsl_adv`         |`i`      |EWMA of the RSL in dBm advertised by the node in RSL-IE (neighbor only)   |

Although it's possible, using the above to retrieve IPv6 addresses is quite complex, and is better done using the pydbus Python package and a short script.

Install pydbus Python Package#

pip3 install pydbus Python Script#

from pydbus import SystemBus
import re

Prints the IPv6 address of each node connected to the running WSBRD instance.


    - This script can only be used with the WSBRD + RCP setup and must be executed on the host.

bus = SystemBus()
proxy = bus.get("com.silabs.Wisun.BorderRouter", "/com/silabs/Wisun/BorderRouter")
nodes = proxy.Nodes

def sliceIPv6(source):
    return [source[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(source), 4)]

for node in nodes:
    if len(node[1]["ipv6"]) != 2:
    if "parent" not in node[1] and (
        "node_role" not in node[1] or node[1]["node_role"] != 2

    ipv6 = bytes(node[1]["ipv6"][1]).hex()
    ipv6 = ":".join(sliceIPv6(ipv6))
    ipv6 = re.sub("0000:", ":", ipv6)
    ipv6 = re.sub(":{2,}", "::", ipv6)

For a more convenient use from bash, this Python script can be called from the ipv6s bash script.

# usage: listing IPv6 addresses of all nodes currently connected
# ./ipv6s

ipv6s=$(python /home/pi/
for ipv6 in $ipv6s
    echo $ipv6

This script needs to be set as an executable using chmod a+x ipv6s.

Use ipv6s#



NOTE: The IPv6 addresses obtained from wsbrd via DBus reflect the vision of the network from wsbrd.

It takes a while for a device lifetime to expire, so even after a device is switched off, it may still appear as part of the network from wsbrd's perspective. If a device is off for a while and then turned on in a relatively short term, it may even reconnect before wsbrd considers it as disconnected. With the initial connection message in the demonstration application, you will know this because:

  • You will receive a notification when the device will reconnect.

  • You can ask via CoAP for the device status and statistics, which will tell you when the reconnection occurred.

Typical CoAP 'get' Request#

coap-client uses port 5683 by default. This is the default CoAP UDP port, and is set in the application code.

An abstract of coap-client --help with the options used in the example is:

coap-client v4.2.1 -- a small CoAP implementation
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Olaf Bergmann <> and others

TLS Library: None

Usage: coap-client [-e text] [-m method] [-N]  [-B seconds] URI

        URI can be an absolute URI or a URI prefixed with scheme and host

General Options
        -e text         Include text as payload (use percent-encoding for non-ASCII characters)
        -m method       Request method (get|put|post|delete|fetch|patch|ipatch), default is 'get'
        -N              Send NON-confirmable message
        -B seconds      Break operation after waiting given seconds (default is 90)

The typical coap-client request for the example application takes the following form:

coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[<IPV6>]:5683<COAP_URI> [-e <PAYLOAD>]

where COAP_URI is the CoAP resource, starting with /

Discover CoAP Resources#

When a device supports CoAP, it generally supports discovery using the /.well-known/core URI:

coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a901]:5683/.well-known/core


The above shows four groups of resources (splitting on ,, with ct=40):


And the resources you can access for each group (splitting the remaining text on ,):


These match what the application provides, since it's filled by the CoAP Resource Manager based on registered CoAP resources.

Send a CoAP Request to All Connected Devices#

The coap_all bash script can be used to send the same request to all devices. It uses to get the IPv6 addresses and traces the CoAP command, such that you can easily copy/paste it for a specific device if needed.

./coap_all /settings/auto_send
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a51c]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a51d]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a527]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a8ff]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a901]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b635:22ff:fe98:2191]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b635:22ff:fe98:2527]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b635:22ff:fe98:2853]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b6e3:f9ff:fec5:8486]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b6e3:f9ff:fec5:8493]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b6e3:f9ff:fec5:8503]:5683/settings/auto_send : auto_send_sec: 60

Based on the coap_callback_auto_send() implementation in the Wi-SUN device, coap_all can also be used to change the auto_send period for all nodes in a row:

./coap_all /settings/auto_send -e 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a51c]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a51d]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a527]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a8ff]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::62a4:23ff:fe37:a901]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b635:22ff:fe98:2191]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b635:22ff:fe98:2527]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b635:22ff:fe98:2853]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b6e3:f9ff:fec5:8486]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b6e3:f9ff:fec5:8493]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120
  coap-client -m get -N -B 3 coap://[fd00:6172:6d00::b6e3:f9ff:fec5:8503]:5683/settings/auto_send -e 120 : auto_send_sec: 120