ZAP Installation for Windows OS#
1. Windows Powershell#
In the desktop search bar, input Windows Powershell
and run as administrator. Run all the following commands inside Powershell.
2. Chocolatey#
Install from
Check if installed properly with the following commands:
choco -v
Install pkgconfiglite package with the following commands:
choco install pkgconfiglite
3. Install Node#
Run the following commands to install:
choco install nodejs-lts
*The version has to be 18 to pass version check test, after install, check with node -v
*If you have installed Node already, and fail some tests similar to cannot find Node
, reinstall Node with chocolatey again.
4. Follow the Basic Instructions to Install ZAP#
Follow the ZAP installation instructions from source in ZAP Installation. While following the basic instructions for installing ZAP watch out for the following errors and how to resolve them:
When running ZAP (e.g., npm run zap
), if you see an error about sqlite3.node
in a pop up window, run:
npm rebuild sqlite3
When doing npm install, in post-install, if an error occurs on the following command related to electron-builder install-app-deps
, npx electron-rebuild canvas failed
or node-pre-gyp
, the current canvas
version is not compatible with Windows and the installation error will not cause a failure in running ZAP. node-canvas is working on the solution now and the issue will be solved in the near future.
"postinstall": "electron-builder install-app-deps && husky install && npm rebuild canvas --update-binary && npm run version-stamp"
If npm run test
fails because of the error Test suite failed to run. Cannot find module '../build/Release/canvas.node'
or \zap\node_modules\canvas\build\Release\canvas.node is not a valid Win32 application.
, rebuild canvas as follows:
npm rebuild canvas --update-binary
get index.html or Other Server Issues#
If npm run test
fails because of the error get index.html request failed with status code 404
in unit tests or having server connection issues in e2e-ci tests, run the following commands:
npm run build
Check if the node version is v18 and try to install it with Chocolatey.