Ensure Access to the Amazon Sidewalk Network#

When it executes, the "out-of-the-box" demo firmware on the Silicon Labs Pro Kit radio board forms a Sidewalk endpoint. In order to reach the cloud, this device must be in range of a suitable Amazon Sidewalk gateway.

Sidewalk Network Coverage#

Amazon currently supports the Amazon Sidewalk network only on gateways that communicate with AWS from US-based IP addresses.

⚠ WARNING ⚠: Regional regulations may also restrict unauthorized usage of the Sidewalk-supported sub-GHz bands outside of the United States. Consult local laws and ensure compliance (radio isolation by RF chamber, etc.) as needed. See Using Sidewalk Gateways Outside the USA for more information.

You may already have access to the Amazon Sidewalk network at your location. Amazon provides a Sidewalk Network Coverage map you can use to see if this is likely: https://coverage.sidewalk.amazon.

Sidewalk Coverage Map ScreenshotSidewalk Coverage Map Screenshot

Set up a Gateway#

If you aren't already in range of a Sidewalk gateway, you can easily create your own.

The list of Amazon Sidewalk gateways and their supported capabilities is available at the following link: https://docs.sidewalk.amazon/introduction/sidewalk-gateways.html

The Amazon Echo 4th generation is the recommended Amazon Sidewalk gateway for development purposes. Silicon Labs validates the Amazon Sidewalk software development kit against this product.

Follow the standard Echo product configuration procedures, and make sure to enable Sidewalk support on your gateway so it will access the Sidewalk network.

Ⓘ INFO Ⓘ: To enable Sidewalk support, visit Enable or Disable Amazon Sidewalk for Your Account for more help.

For more information on this topic, see the Getting Started Prerequisites page.

Next Step: Run the Demo#

After you have access to the Amazon Sidewalk network, you are ready to Run the Demo.