
Reports a scan request received during the legacy or extended advertising advertising if the scan request notification is enabled.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_s | Data structure of the scan_request event.


#define | sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_id 0x020400a0 | Identifier of the scan_request event.

Detailed Description#

Reports a scan request received during the legacy or extended advertising advertising if the scan request notification is enabled.

Do not confuse this event with the sl_bt_evt_scanner_scan_report event.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_advertiser_scan_request_s#

Data structure of the scan_request event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | handle |

Advertising set handle where the scan request was received

bd_addr | address |

Bluetooth address of the scanner

uint8_t | address_type |

Scanner address type. Values:

  • 0: Public address

  • 1: Random address

uint8_t | bonding |

Bonding handle if the remote scanning device has previously bonded with the local device. Values:

  • SL_BT_INVALID_BONDING_HANDLE (0xff): No bonding

  • Other: Bonding handle