


Event Type Flags of Advertisement Reports


Reports an advertising data or scan response packet from an advertising device that uses legacy advertising PDUs.


Reports an advertising or scan response packet from an advertising device that uses extended advertising PDUs.


Deprecated and replaced by new sl_bt_evt_scanner_legacy_advertisement_report and sl_bt_evt_scanner_extended_advertisement_report events



sl_bt_scanner_discover_mode_t { sl_bt_scanner_discover_limited = 0x0,

sl_bt_scanner_discover_generic = 0x1,

sl_bt_scanner_discover_observation = 0x2


These values indicate which Bluetooth discovery mode to use when scanning for advertising devices.


sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_t { sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_passive = 0x0,

sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_active = 0x1


The scanning modes.


sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_t { sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m = 0x1,

sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_coded = 0x4,

sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m_and_coded = 0x5


The enum defines the scanning PHYs.


sl_bt_scanner_data_status_t { sl_bt_scanner_data_status_complete = 0x0,

sl_bt_scanner_data_status_incomplete_more = 0x1,

sl_bt_scanner_data_status_incomplete_nomore = 0x2


Defines the data completeness status types of an advertisement reported by the scanner.



sl_bt_scanner_set_parameters (uint8_t mode, uint16_t interval, uint16_t window)


sl_bt_scanner_stop ()


sl_bt_scanner_set_timing (uint8_t phys, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window)


sl_bt_scanner_set_mode (uint8_t phys, uint8_t scan_mode)


sl_bt_scanner_start (uint8_t scanning_phy, uint8_t discover_mode)

Detailed Description#


This is the scanning feature that is brought in when the application includes a software component for the scanning functionality. The functionality differences are listed below for various component inclusion scenario:

  • The bluetooth_feature_scanner component is included but neither bluetooth_feature_legacy_scanner nor bluetooth_feature_extended_scanner is included:

    • The scanner can scan advertising devices that use legacy or extended advertising PDUs.

    • The sl_bt_evt_scanner_scan_report event is used to report the received advertisements.

  • The bluetooth_feature_legacy_scanner component is included but the bluetooth_feature_extended_scanner is not:

  • The bluetooth_feature_extended_scanner component is included:

  • Either the bluetooth_feature_legacy_scanner or bluetooth_feature_extended_scanner component is included:

Enumeration Type Documentation#


enum sl_bt_scanner_discover_mode_t

These values indicate which Bluetooth discovery mode to use when scanning for advertising devices.



(0x0) Discover only limited discoverable devices.


(0x1) Discover limited and general discoverable devices.


(0x2) Discover non-discoverable, limited and general discoverable devices.


enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_t

The scanning modes.



(0x0) Passive scanning mode where the device only listens to advertising packets and does not transmit packets


(0x1) Active scanning mode where the device sends out a scan request packet upon receiving a scannable advertising packet from a remote device and listens to the scan response packet from the remote device


enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_t

The enum defines the scanning PHYs.



(0x1) Initiate the scanning on the 1M PHY


(0x4) Initiate the scanning on the Coded PHY


(0x5) Simultaneous scanning by initiating the scanning on the 1M and Coded PHY alternatively


enum sl_bt_scanner_data_status_t

Defines the data completeness status types of an advertisement reported by the scanner.



(0x0) All data of the advertisement has been reported.


(0x1) Data of the advertisement is incomplete in this event, and more data will come in new events.


(0x2) Data of the advertisement is incomplete in this event, but no more data will come, i.e., the data of the advertisement is truncated.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_bt_scanner_set_parameters









Set scan parameters for subsequent scanning operations. If the device is currently scanning, new parameters will take effect when scanning is restarted.




Enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_t.

Passive or active scan. Values:* sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_passive (0x0): Passive scanning mode where the device only listens to advertising packets and does not transmit packets

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_active (0x1): Active scanning mode where the device sends out a scan request packet upon receiving a scannable advertising packet from a remote device and listens to the scan response packet from the remote device

Default value: sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_passive. | | [in] | interval | The time interval when the device starts its last scan until it begins the subsequent scan. In other words, how often to scan* Time = Value x 0.625 ms

  • Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF

  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s

Default value: 10 ms A variable delay occurs when switching channels at the end of each scanning interval, which is included in the scanning interval time. During the switch time, advertising packets are not received by the device. The switch time variation is use case dependent. For example, if scanning while keeping active connections, the channel switch time might be longer than when scanning without any active connections. Increasing the scanning interval reduces the amount of time in which the device can't receive advertising packets because it switches channels less often. After every scan interval, the scanner changes the frequency at which it operates. It cycles through all three advertising channels in a round robin fashion. According to the specification, all three channels must be used by a scanner. | | [in] | window | The scan window, i.e., the duration of the scan, which must be less than or equal to the interval * Time = Value x 0.625 ms

  • Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF

  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s

Default value: 10 ms Note that the packet reception is aborted if it's started just before the scan window ends. |

ReturnsSL_STATUS_OK if successful. Error code otherwise.


sl_status_t sl_bt_scanner_stop



Stop scanning for advertising devices. For more information about the discovery, see the sl_bt_scanner_start command.

ReturnsSL_STATUS_OK if successful. Error code otherwise.


SL_BGAPI_DEPRECATED sl_status_t sl_bt_scanner_set_timing









Deprecated and replaced by the sl_bt_scanner_set_parameters command.

Set the scanning timing parameters on the specified PHY(s). If the device is currently scanning, new parameters will take effect when scanning is restarted.




Enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_t. The scanning PHY(s) the setting is set for. Values:* sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m (0x1): 1M PHY

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_coded (0x4): Coded PHY

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m_and_coded (0x5): 1M and Coded PHYs | | [in] | scan_interval | Scan interval is defined as the time interval when the device starts its last scan until it begins the subsequent scan. In other words, how often to scan* Time = Value x 0.625 ms

  • Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF

  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s

Default value: 10 ms A variable delay occurs when switching channels at the end of each scanning interval, which is included in the scanning interval time. During the switch time, advertising packets are not received by the device. The switch time variation is use case-dependent. For example, if scanning while keeping active connections, the channel switch time might be longer than when scanning without any active connections. Increasing the scanning interval reduces the amount of time in which the device can't receive advertising packets because it switches channels less often. After every scan interval, the scanner changes the frequency at which it operates. It cycles through all three advertising channels in a round robin fashion. According to the specification, all three channels must be used by a scanner. | | [in] | scan_window | Scan window defines the duration of the scan which must be less than or equal to the scan_interval * Time = Value x 0.625 ms

  • Range: 0x0004 to 0xFFFF

  • Time Range: 2.5 ms to 40.96 s

Default value: 10 ms Note that the packet reception is aborted if it's started just before the scan window ends. |

ReturnsSL_STATUS_OK if successful. Error code otherwise.


SL_BGAPI_DEPRECATED sl_status_t sl_bt_scanner_set_mode







Deprecated and replaced by the sl_bt_scanner_set_parameters command.

Set the scan mode on the specified PHY(s). If the device is currently scanning, new parameters will take effect when scanning is restarted.




Enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_t. The scanning PHY(s) the setting is set for. Values:* sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m (0x1): 1M PHY

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_coded (0x4): Coded PHY

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m_and_coded (0x5): 1M and Coded PHYs | | [in] | scan_mode | Enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_t. The scan mode. Values:* sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_passive (0x0): Passive scanning mode where the device only listens to advertising packets and does not transmit packets

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_active (0x1): Active scanning mode where the device sends out a scan request packet upon receiving a scannable advertising packet from a remote device and listens to the scan response packet from the remote device

Default value: sl_bt_scanner_scan_mode_passive. |

ReturnsSL_STATUS_OK if successful. Error code otherwise.


sl_status_t sl_bt_scanner_start







Start the GAP discovery procedure to scan for advertising devices that use legacy or extended advertising PDUs. To cancel an ongoing discovery procedure, use the sl_bt_scanner_stop command.

The invalid parameter error will be returned if the value of scanning PHYs is invalid or the device does not support a PHY.

Received advertising packets are not filtered in any way, so multiple events will be received for every advertising device in range.




Enum sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_t.

The scanning PHY(s).

In simultaneous scanning, the stack alternates the scanning on two PHYs by switching the PHY at every scan interval. When a timing parameter is set differently on 1M and Coded PHY, the stack chooses the most relaxed value for both PHYs during simultaneous scanning, i.e., the largest scan interval or the smallest scan window. If one PHY is set to passive scanning and the other to active scanning, passive scanning is chosen for simultaneous scanning. Values:* sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m (0x1): Initiate the scanning on the 1M PHY

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_coded (0x4): Initiate the scanning on the Coded PHY

  • sl_bt_scanner_scan_phy_1m_and_coded (0x5): Simultaneous scanning by initiating the scanning on the 1M and Coded PHY alternatively | | [in] | discover_mode | Enum sl_bt_scanner_discover_mode_t. Bluetooth discovery Mode. Values:* sl_bt_scanner_discover_limited (0x0): Discover only limited discoverable devices.

  • sl_bt_scanner_discover_generic (0x1): Discover limited and general discoverable devices.

  • sl_bt_scanner_discover_observation (0x2): Discover non-discoverable, limited and general discoverable devices. |

ReturnsSL_STATUS_OK if successful. Error code otherwise. Events

  • sl_bt_evt_scanner_scan_report - This event is triggered for reporting a received advertisement if the application includes the bluetooth_feature_scanner component but does not include any other scanner component.

  • sl_bt_evt_scanner_legacy_advertisement_report - This event is triggered for reporting a received advertisement that uses legacy advertising PDUs if the application includes the bluetooth_feature_legacy_scanner or bluetooth_feature_extended_scanner component.

  • sl_bt_evt_scanner_extended_advertisement_report - This event is triggered for reporting a received advertisement that uses extended advertising PDUs if the application includes the bluetooth_feature_extended_scanner component.