Data structure of the opened event.

Public Attributes#


Public Attribute Documentation#


bd_addr sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::address

Remote device address

Definition at line 5563 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h


uint8_t sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::address_type

Enum sl_bt_gap_address_type_t. Remote device address type. Values:

  • sl_bt_gap_public_address (0x0): Public device address

  • sl_bt_gap_static_address (0x1): Static device address

  • sl_bt_gap_random_resolvable_address (0x2): Resolvable private random address

  • sl_bt_gap_random_nonresolvable_address (0x3): Non-resolvable private random address

  • sl_bt_gap_public_address_resolved_from_rpa (0x4): Public identity address resolved from a resolvable private address (RPA)

  • sl_bt_gap_static_address_resolved_from_rpa (0x5): Static identity address resolved from a resolvable private address (RPA)

Definition at line 5564 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h


uint8_t sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::role

Enum sl_bt_connection_role_t. The role this device operates in the connection. Values:

  • sl_bt_connection_role_peripheral (0x0): The Peripheral role

  • sl_bt_connection_role_central (0x1): The Central role

Definition at line 5581 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h


uint8_t sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::connection

Handle for new connection

Definition at line 5587 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h


uint8_t sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::bonding

Bonding handle. Values:

  • SL_BT_INVALID_BONDING_HANDLE (0xff): No bonding

  • Other: Bonding handle

Definition at line 5588 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h


uint8_t sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::advertiser

The local advertising set that this connection was opened to. Values:

  • SL_BT_INVALID_ADVERTISING_SET_HANDLE (0xff): Invalid value or not applicable. Ignore this field

  • Other: The advertising set handle

Definition at line 5592 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h


uint16_t sl_bt_evt_connection_opened_s::sync

The sync handle if the local device is in the peripheral-role and the connection was opened via a Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR) train that the local device has synchronized to. Values:

  • SL_BT_INVALID_SYNC_HANDLE (0xffff): The connection was not opened over a PAwR train that the local device is synchronized to

  • Other: The sync handle for the PAwR train that was used to open the connection

Definition at line 5598 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.iS2YF8Lrv/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/sw/bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h