BT Event System Event Masks#

Event Mask values used with Event System.

When the component bluetooth_event_system_ipc is included in the application, the Bluetooth host stack events are published using the Event System provided by the event_system component. The constants in this group define the event masks used for Bluetooth host stack events.


SL_BT_EVENT_MASK_PUBLIC ((uint32_t) 0x01)

Event mask bit set in all public Bluetooth host events.

Macro Definition Documentation#


((uint32_t) 0x01)

Event mask bit set in all public Bluetooth host events.

Definition at line 59 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h