Data structure of the result event.
Public Attribute Documentation#
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::connection
Connection handle. Returns a SL_BT_INVALID_CONNECTION_HANDLE (0xFF) when triggered as a result of sl_bt_cs_test_start command
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::config_id
CS configuration identifier. This paremeter is ignored when triggered as a result of sl_bt_cs_test_start command.
Range: 0 to 3
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint16_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::start_acl_conn_event
Starting an ACL connection event count for the results reported in the event. This is reported only in the first subevent in the procedure. For subsequent subevents, this value is set to 0. This parameter is ignored when triggered as a result of sl_bt_cs_test_start command.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint16_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::procedure_counter
Indicates the associated CS procedure count for the results reported in this event. This parameter is ignored when triggered as a result of sl_bt_cs_test_start command.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
int16_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::frequency_compensation
Frequency compensation value. Units: 0.01 ppm (15-bit signed integer).
Range: -100ppm (227680) to +100ppm (10000)
Value: 0xC000. Frequency compensation value is not available or the role is not initiator. This is reported only in the first subevent in the procedure. For subsequent subevents, this value is set to 0.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
int8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::reference_power_level
Reference power level used by the transmission. Units: dBm.
Range: -127 to +20
Value: 0x07F. The reference power level is not applicable
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::procedure_done_status
Enum sl_bt_cs_done_status_t. Current status of the CS procedure Values:
sl_bt_cs_done_status_complete (0x0): All results complete for the CS procedure or subevent
sl_bt_cs_done_status_partial_results_continue (0x1): Partial results with more to follow
sl_bt_cs_done_status_aborted (0xf): Current procedure and all subsequent subevents in the procedure aborted or current subevent aborted.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::subevent_done_status
Enum sl_bt_cs_done_status_t. Current status of the CS subevent Values:
sl_bt_cs_done_status_complete (0x0): All results complete for the CS procedure or subevent
sl_bt_cs_done_status_partial_results_continue (0x1): Partial results with more to follow
sl_bt_cs_done_status_aborted (0xf): Current procedure and all subsequent subevents in the procedure aborted or current subevent aborted.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::abort_reason
Indicates the abort reason when the procedure_done_status
or subevent_done_status
is set to 0xF, otherwise the default value is set to zero.
Bits 0-3 indicate the procedure abort reasons:
0x0 = Report with no abort
0x1 = Abort because of local Host or remote request
0x2 = Abort because filtered channel map has less than 15 channels
0x3 = Abort because the channel map update instant has passed
0xF = Abort because of unspecified reasons
Bits 4-7 indicate the subevent done reasons:
0x0 = Report with no abort
0x1 = Abort because of local Host or remote request
0x2 = Abort because no CS_SYNC (mode-0) received
0x3 = Abort because of scheduling conflicts or limited resources
0xF = Abort because of unspecified reasons
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::num_antenna_paths
Number of antenna paths supported by the local controller for the CS tone exchanges. The number of antenna paths used during the phase measurement stage of the CS step.
Range: 1 to 4
Value: 0. Phase measurement does not occur during the CS step, therefore ignored
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8_t sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::num_steps
Number of steps in the CS subevent for which results are reported.
Range: 1 to 160
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h
uint8array sl_bt_evt_cs_result_s::data
The result data is structured as follows:
step_status: 1 octet for each num_steps. 0x00 for step scheduled and reported. 0xFE for step aborted.
step_mode: 1 octet for each num_steps. Mode type. Range 0 to 3.
step_channel: 1 octet for each num_steps. Channel index. Range 1 to 78.
step_data_length: 1 octet for each num_steps. Length of mode and role specific information being reported. Range 0x00 to 0xFF.
step_data: step_data_length octet for each corresponding steps in num_steps.
of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.cynwT2I6w/overlay/gsdk/protocol/bluetooth/build/native/ble_host/ble_bgapi/inc/sl_bt_api.h