Test Mode#


rsi_ble_rx_test_mode(uint8_t rx_channel, uint8_t phy, uint8_t modulation)

Start the BLE RX test mode in controller. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_tx_test_mode(uint8_t tx_channel, uint8_t phy, uint8_t tx_len, uint8_t mode)

Start the BLE TX test mode in controller. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_end_test_mode(uint16_t *num_of_pkts)

Stop the BLE TX / RX test mode in controller. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_per_transmit(struct rsi_ble_per_transmit_s *rsi_ble_per_tx)

Initiate the BLE transmit PER mode in the controller. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_per_receive(struct rsi_ble_per_receive_s *rsi_ble_per_rx)

Initiate the BLE receive PER mode in the controller. This is a Blocking API.

Function Documentation#


int32_t rsi_ble_rx_test_mode (uint8_t rx_channel, uint8_t phy, uint8_t modulation)

Start the BLE RX test mode in controller. This is a Blocking API.


- Channel in which packet have to be received (0 - 39)


- 0x00 Reserved for future use
0x01 Receiver set to use the LE 1M PHY
0x02 Receiver set to use the LE 2M PHY
0x03 Receiver set to use the LE Coded PHY
(0x04 - 0xFF) Reserved for future use.


- 0x00 Assume transmitter will have a standard standard modulation index
0x01 Assume transmitter will have a stable modulation index
(0x02 - 0xFF) Reserved for future use


  • 0 - Success
    Non-Zero Value - Failure


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1505 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gap_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_tx_test_mode (uint8_t tx_channel, uint8_t phy, uint8_t tx_len, uint8_t mode)

Start the BLE TX test mode in controller. This is a Blocking API.


- RF Channel (0-39).


- 0x00 Reserved for future use
0x01 Transmitter set to use the LE 1M PHY
0x02 Transmitter set to use the LE 2M PHY
0x03 Transmitter set to use the LE Coded PHY with S=8 data coding
0x04 Transmitter set to use the LE Coded PHY with S=2 data coding
(0x05 - 0xFF) Reserved for future use.


- Length in bytes of payload data in each packet ( 1 - 251 bytes).


- 0x00 PRBS9 sequence '11111111100000111101...'
0x01 Repeated '11110000'
0x02 Repeated '10101010'
0x03 PRBS15
0x04 Repeated '11111111'
0x05 Repeated '00000000'
0x06 Repeated '00001111'
0x07 Repeated '01010101'
0x08 - 0xFF Reserved for future use


  • 0 - Success
    Non-Zero Value - Failure


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1545 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gap_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_end_test_mode (uint16_t * num_of_pkts)

Stop the BLE TX / RX test mode in controller. This is a Blocking API.


- Number of RX packets received are displayed when RX test is stopped


  • 0 - Success
    Non-Zero Value - Failure


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1568 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gap_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_per_transmit (struct rsi_ble_per_transmit_s * rsi_ble_per_tx)

Initiate the BLE transmit PER mode in the controller. This is a Blocking API.


- This parameter is the buffer to hold the structure values
This is a structure variable of struct rsi_ble_per_transmit_s


  • 0 - Success
    Non-Zero Value - Failure


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1590 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gap_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_per_receive (struct rsi_ble_per_receive_s * rsi_ble_per_rx)

Initiate the BLE receive PER mode in the controller. This is a Blocking API.


- This parameter is the buffer to hold the structure values
This is a structure variable of struct rsi_ble_per_receive_s


  • 0 - Success
    Non-Zero Value - Failure


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1607 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gap_apis.c