GATT Server#


rsi_ble_add_service(uuid_t service_uuid, rsi_ble_resp_add_serv_t *p_resp_serv)

Add a new service to the local GATT Server. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_add_attribute(rsi_ble_req_add_att_t *p_attribute)

Add a new attribute to a specific service. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_set_local_att_value(uint16_t handle, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t *p_data)

Change the local attribute value. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_set_wo_resp_notify_buf_info(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint8_t buf_mode, uint8_t buf_cnt)

Configure the buf mode for Notify and WO response commands for the remote device. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_notify_value(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t *p_data)

Notify the local value to the remote device. This is a Blocking API. If the API returns RSI_ERROR_BLE_DEV_BUF_FULL (-31) error then wait untill the rsi_ble_on_le_more_data_req_t event gets received from the module.

rsi_ble_indicate_value(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t *p_data)

Indicate the local value to the remote device. This is a blocking API and can unblock the application on the reception of the callback functions either rsi_ble_on_event_indicate_confirmation_t.

rsi_ble_get_local_att_value(uint16_t handle, rsi_ble_resp_local_att_value_t *p_resp_local_att_val)

Get the local attribute value. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_gatt_read_response(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint8_t read_type, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, uint16_t length, uint8_t *p_data)

Send the response for the read request received from the remote device. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_remove_gatt_service(uint32_t service_handler)

Remove the GATT service record. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_remove_gatt_attibute(uint32_t service_handler, uint16_t att_hndl)

Remove the GATT attribute record. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_att_error_response(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t err)

Send attribute error response for any of the att request. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_gatt_write_response(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint8_t type)

Send the response to the write request received from the remote device. This is a Blocking API.

rsi_ble_gatt_prepare_write_response(uint8_t *dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, uint16_t length, uint8_t *data)

Send the response for the prepare write requests received from the remote device. This is a Blocking API.

Function Documentation#


int32_t rsi_ble_add_service (uuid_t service_uuid, rsi_ble_resp_add_serv_t * p_resp_serv)

Add a new service to the local GATT Server. This is a Blocking API.


- new service UUID value, please refer uuid_s structure for more info.


- new service handler filled in this structure, please refer rsi_ble_resp_add_serv_s structure for more info.


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D08 - Profile record full


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1095 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_add_attribute (rsi_ble_req_add_att_t * p_attribute)

Add a new attribute to a specific service. This is a Blocking API.


- add a new attribute to the service, please refer rsi_ble_req_add_att_s structure for more info.


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D09 - Attribute record full


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1119 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_set_local_att_value (uint16_t handle, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t * p_data)

Change the local attribute value. This is a Blocking API.


- attribute value handle


- attribute value length


- attribute value


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D06 - Attribute record not found 0x4E60 - Invalid Handle Range


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

  • This API can only be used if the service is maintained inside the firmware. The services which are maintained by firmware must follow the below rules. Rule 1: The attribute_data_size is less than 20 bytes during the service_creation Rule 2: while creating the service, don't use the RSI_BLE_ATT_MAINTAIN_IN_HOST bit in the RSI_BLE_ATT_CONFIG_BITMAP macro. Rule 3: The data_len must be less than or equal to the dat_length mentioned while creating the service/attribute Rule 4: If the services are maintained in the Application/Host, then need to use rsi_ble_notify_value() API to send the notifications to the remote devices.

Definition at line 1151 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_set_wo_resp_notify_buf_info (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint8_t buf_mode, uint8_t buf_cnt)

Configure the buf mode for Notify and WO response commands for the remote device. This is a Blocking API.


- remote device address


- buffer mode configuration 0 - BLE_SMALL_BUFF_MODE 1 - BLE_BIG_BUFF_MODE


- no of buffers to be configured only value 1 and 2 are supporetd in BLE_SMALL_BUFF_MODE values from 1 to less than (RSI_BLE_NUM_CONN_EVENTS - RSI_BLE_MAX_NBR_SLAVES - RSI_BLE_MAX_NBR_MASTERS - N) are supported in BLE_BIG_BUFF_MODE Here, N - refer to the number of buffers allocated for the existing connections previously


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D05 - BLE socket not available 0x4D06 - Attribute record not found 0x4E60 - Invalid Handle Range 0x4E63 - BLE Buffer Count Exceeded 0x4E64 - BLE Buffer already in use


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes .

Definition at line 1186 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_notify_value (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t * p_data)

Notify the local value to the remote device. This is a Blocking API. If the API returns RSI_ERROR_BLE_DEV_BUF_FULL (-31) error then wait untill the rsi_ble_on_le_more_data_req_t event gets received from the module.


- remote device address


- local attribute handle


- attribute value length


- attribute value


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4A0D - Invalid attribute value length 0x4D05 - BLE socket not available 0x4D06 - Attribute record not found 0x4E60 - Invalid Handle Range 0x4E65 - Invalid Attribute Length When Small Buffer Mode is Configured


Definition at line 1225 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_indicate_value (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t * p_data)

Indicate the local value to the remote device. This is a blocking API and can unblock the application on the reception of the callback functions either rsi_ble_on_event_indicate_confirmation_t.


- remote device address


- local attribute handle


- attribute value length


- attribute value


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4D05 - BLE socket not available 0x4E60 - Invalid Handle Range


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1261 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_get_local_att_value (uint16_t handle, rsi_ble_resp_local_att_value_t * p_resp_local_att_val)

Get the local attribute value. This is a Blocking API.


- local attribute handle


- local attribute value filled in this structure, plase refer rsi_ble_resp_local_att_value_s structure for more info.


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D06 - Attribute record not found


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

  • This API can only be used if the service is maintained inside the firmware. The services which are maintained by firmware must follow the below rules. Rule 1: The attribute_data_size is less than 20 bytes during the service_creation Rule 2: While creating the service, don't use the RSI_BLE_ATT_MAINTAIN_IN_HOST bit in the RSI_BLE_ATT_CONFIG_BITMAP macro.

Definition at line 1330 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_gatt_read_response (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint8_t read_type, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, uint16_t length, uint8_t * p_data)

Send the response for the read request received from the remote device. This is a Blocking API.


- remote device Address


- read value type 0 - Read response 1 - Read blob response


- attribute value handle


- attribute value offset


- attribute value length


- attribute value


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4D04 - BLE not connected


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1362 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_remove_gatt_service (uint32_t service_handler)

Remove the GATT service record. This is a Blocking API.


- GATT service record handle


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4D0A - BLE profile not found (profile handler invalid)


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1397 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_remove_gatt_attibute (uint32_t service_handler, uint16_t att_hndl)

Remove the GATT attribute record. This is a Blocking API.


- GATT service record handle


- attribute handle


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4D06 - Attribute record not found


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1418 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_att_error_response (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint8_t opcode, uint8_t err)

Send attribute error response for any of the att request. This is a Blocking API.


- remote device address


- attribute handle


- error response opcode


- specific error related Gatt


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4D04 - BLE not Connected 0x4E62 - Invalid Parameters


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1443 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_gatt_write_response (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint8_t type)

Send the response to the write request received from the remote device. This is a Blocking API.


- remote device address


- response type 0 - write response, 1 - execute write response.


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D04 - BLE not Connected


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1512 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c


int32_t rsi_ble_gatt_prepare_write_response (uint8_t * dev_addr, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data)

Send the response for the prepare write requests received from the remote device. This is a Blocking API.


- remote device address


- attribute value handle


- attribute value offset


- attribute value length


- attribite value


  • 0 - Success Non-Zero Value - Failure 0x4046 - Invalid Arguments 0x4D04 - BLE not Connected


  • Refer Error Codes section for above error codes Error Codes

Definition at line 1546 of file bluetooth/rsi_ble_gatt_apis.c