Describe the Initial Security features and requirements that will be used when forming or joining ZigBee Light Link networks.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint32_t sl_zigbee_zll_initial_security_state_t::bitmask

This bitmask is unused. All values are reserved for future use.

Definition at line 242 of file stack/include/zll-types.h


sl_zigbee_zll_key_index_t sl_zigbee_zll_initial_security_state_t::keyIndex

The key encryption algorithm advertised by the application.

Definition at line 244 of file stack/include/zll-types.h


sl_zigbee_key_data_t sl_zigbee_zll_initial_security_state_t::encryptionKey

The encryption key for use by algorithms that require it.

Definition at line 246 of file stack/include/zll-types.h


sl_zigbee_key_data_t sl_zigbee_zll_initial_security_state_t::preconfiguredKey

The pre-configured link key used during classical ZigBee commissioning.

Definition at line 248 of file stack/include/zll-types.h