System Functions

System functions cover the configuration, status and control of a number of miscellaneous and loosely coupled features. These are managed by the system variables and other commands and variables, as follows:

Configuring Command API Format

Gecko OS commands can be entered manually via a Gecko OS terminal or automatically by a host MCU system.

There are optimizations for human Command API format and machine Command API format .


Variable Human Format Machine Format
system.cmd.format (sets format variables) human machine
system.cmd.echo on off
system.cmd.header_enabled 0 1
system.cmd.prompt_enabled 1 0
system.print_level all 0

See also Serial Interface, Commands and Streaming .

Power management

Power consumption can be minimized, and battery life extended, by a number of strategies.

Commands and variables:

See also Wi-Fi power management variables:

Powersave Mode

System powersave mode allows the module to power down when idle, with a rapid power up in response to activity. See system.powersave.mode . Powersave mode is on by default.

Monitoring System State

System state can be monitored via visual indication by LED, system messages and GPIO level indication.

State monitoring variables:

Sub-system states can also be associated with GPIOs. See Peripherals .

For a detailed snapshot of system state get the values of all the Gecko OS variables:

get all

Controlling the Boot Image

The boot image is by default services.bin , but may be changed for various reasons.

If exceptions occur due to misconfiguration, the module may switch to safe mode, changing the boot image to kernel.bin .

Boot image commands and variables:

See also:

System Identification and Version

Commands and variables: