LFXO Initialization#

Initialize the LFXO oscillator.

Configure the low frequency crystal oscillator using settings in the configuration header sl_device_init_lfxo_config.h.

The precision of the oscillator can be indicated using the configuration option SL_DEVICE_INIT_LFXO_PRECISION. This is used by certain wireless stacks to optimize wakeup time for scheduled events (such as Bluetooth advertising).

If using Simplicity Studio, this configuration header is also configurable through the Project Configurator by selecting the "Device Init: LFXO" configuration component.



Initialize LFXO.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_device_init_lfxo (void )

Initialize LFXO.


Configure the low frequency crystal oscillator using settings in the configuration header sl_device_init_lfxo_config.h.

The precision of the oscillator can be indicated using the configuration option SL_DEVICE_INIT_LFXO_PRECISION. This is used by certain wireless stacks to optimize wakeup time for scheduled events (such as Bluetooth advertising).


  • Status code

Return values

  • SL_STATUS_OK: LFXO initialized successfully

Definition at line 74 of file platform/service/device_init/inc/sl_device_init_lfxo.h