Deprecated List
- globalScope> Global BSP_TraceSwoSetup (void)
- Deprecated function. New code should call BSP_TraceProfilerSetup() .
- globalScope> Global CMU_Log2ToDiv (uint32_t log2)
Deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. It will be replaced by SL_Log2ToDiv.
- Parameters
[in] log2
Logarithm of 2, as used by fixed prescalers.
- globalScope> Global EMU_MemPwrDown (uint32_t blocks)
- This function is deprecated, use EMU_RamPowerDown() instead which maps a user provided memory range into RAM blocks to power down.
- globalScope> Global EMU_UpdateOscConfig (void)
- Oscillator status is saved in EMU_EnterEM2() and EMU_EnterEM3() .
- globalScope> Global GPIO_IntConfig (GPIO_Port_TypeDef port, unsigned int pin, bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge, bool enable)
- Deprecated function. New code should use GPIO_ExtIntConfig() .
- Module INT
- These functions are deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use the CORE module instead. See Porting from em_int for information on how to convert existing code bases to use CORE .
- globalScope> Global INT_Disable (void)
- Deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use new CORE module instead.
- globalScope> Global INT_Enable (void)
- Deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use the new CORE module instead.
- Module MPU
- These functions are deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use ARM's ARM_MPU_xxx API instead. See file platform/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h or mpu_armv8.h
- globalScope> Global MPU_ConfigureRegion (const MPU_RegionInit_TypeDef *init)
- Deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use ARM's ARM_MPU_SetRegion(), ARM_MPU_SetRegionEx(), ARM_MPU_Load() or similar instead.
- globalScope> Global MPU_Disable (void)
Deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use ARM's ARM_MPU_Disable() instead.
- globalScope> Global MPU_Enable (uint32_t flags)
Deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. Use ARM's ARM_MPU_Enable() instead.
- Module MSC
The configuration called EM_MSC_RUN_FROM_FLASH is deprecated. This was previously used for allocating the flash write functions in either flash or RAM. Flash write functions are now placed in flash on all devices except the EFM32G automatically.
The function called MSC_WriteWordFast() is deprecated.
- globalScope> Global MSC_WriteWordFast (uint32_t *address, void const *data, uint32_t numBytes)
- This function is deprecated, the functionality is the same as calling MSC_WriteWord() .
- Module NVM
- This driver is deprecated and marked for removal in a later release. New code should use NVM3 .
- globalScope> Global setupSWOForPrint
- Use RETARGET_SwoInit instead
- globalScope> Global SLEEP_Init (SLEEP_CbFuncPtr_t pSleepCb, SLEEP_CbFuncPtr_t pWakeUpCb)
- New code should use the SLEEP_InitEx function for initializing the sleep module.
- globalScope> Global UARTDRV_Init (UARTDRV_Handle_t handle, UARTDRV_InitUart_t *initData)
- Deprecated; Use UARTDRV_InitUart() instead.
- globalScope> Global WDOG_Enable (bool enable)
- Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Enable() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
- globalScope> Global WDOG_Feed (void)
- Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Feed() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
- globalScope> Global WDOG_Init (const WDOG_Init_TypeDef *init)
- Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Init() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
- globalScope> Global WDOG_IsEnabled (void)
- Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_IsEnabled() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
- globalScope> Global WDOG_IsLocked (void)
- Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_IsLocked() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .
- globalScope> Global WDOG_Lock (void)
- Deprecated function. New code should use WDOGn_Lock() . This function uses DEFAULT_WDOG .