Multicast DNS#

This module includes APIs for Multicast DNS (mDNS).

The mDNS APIs are available when the mDNS support OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MULTICAST_DNS_ENABLE is enabled and the OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MULTICAST_DNS_PUBLIC_API_ENABLE is also enabled.





Represents a host/service/key entry state.


Represents a request ID (uint32_t value) for registering a host, a service, or a key service.

Represents the callback function to report the outcome of a host, service, or key registration request.

typedef void(*
otMdnsConflictCallback)(otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName, const char *aServiceType)

Represents the callback function to report a detected name conflict after successful registration of an entry.

Represents an mDNS host.

Represents an mDNS service.

Represents an mDNS key record.

typedef struct otMdnsIterator

Represents an mDNS entry iterator.

typedef enum otMdnsEntryState

Represents a host/service/key entry state.

Represents a service browser.

Represents the callback function pointer type used to report a browse result.

Represents a browse result.

Represents an SRV service resolver.

Represents the callback function pointer type used to report an SRV resolve result.

Represents an SRV resolver result.

Represents a TXT service resolver.

Represents the callback function pointer type used to report a TXT resolve result.

Represents a TXT resolver result.

Represents an address resolver.

Represents the callback function pointer type use to report an IPv6/IPv4 address resolve result.

Represents a discovered host address and its TTL.

Represents address resolver result.

typedef struct otMdnsCacheInfo

Represents additional information about a browser/resolver and its cached results.


otMdnsSetEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnable, uint32_t aInfraIfIndex)

Enables or disables the mDNS module.

otMdnsIsEnabled(otInstance *aInstance)

Indicates whether the mDNS module is enabled.

otMdnsSetQuestionUnicastAllowed(otInstance *aInstance, bool aAllow)

Sets whether the mDNS module is allowed to send questions requesting unicast responses referred to as "QU" questions.

otMdnsIsQuestionUnicastAllowed(otInstance *aInstance)

Indicates whether mDNS module is allowed to send "QU" questions requesting unicast response.

otMdnsSetConflictCallback(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsConflictCallback aCallback)

Sets the post-registration conflict callback.

otMdnsRegisterHost(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsHost *aHost, otMdnsRequestId aRequestId, otMdnsRegisterCallback aCallback)

Registers or updates a host on mDNS.

otMdnsUnregisterHost(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsHost *aHost)

Unregisters a host on mDNS.

otMdnsRegisterService(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsService *aService, otMdnsRequestId aRequestId, otMdnsRegisterCallback aCallback)

Registers or updates a service on mDNS.

otMdnsUnregisterService(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsService *aService)

Unregisters a service on mDNS module.

otMdnsRegisterKey(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsKey *aKey, otMdnsRequestId aRequestId, otMdnsRegisterCallback aCallback)

Registers or updates a key record on mDNS module.

otMdnsUnregisterKey(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsKey *aKey)

Unregisters a key record on mDNS.

otMdnsAllocateIterator(otInstance *aInstance)

Allocates a new iterator.

otMdnsFreeIterator(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator)

Frees a previously allocated iterator.

otMdnsGetNextHost(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsHost *aHost, otMdnsEntryState *aState)

Iterates over registered host entries.

otMdnsGetNextService(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsService *aService, otMdnsEntryState *aState)

Iterates over registered service entries.

otMdnsGetNextKey(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsKey *aKey, otMdnsEntryState *aState)

Iterates over registered key entries.

otMdnsStartBrowser(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsBrowser *aBrowser)

Starts a service browser.

otMdnsStopBrowser(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsBrowser *aBroswer)

Stops a service browser.

otMdnsStartSrvResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsSrvResolver *aResolver)

Starts an SRV record resolver.

otMdnsStopSrvResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsSrvResolver *aResolver)

Stops an SRV record resolver.

otMdnsStartTxtResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsTxtResolver *aResolver)

Starts a TXT record resolver.

otMdnsStopTxtResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsTxtResolver *aResolver)

Stops a TXT record resolver.

otMdnsStartIp6AddressResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver *aResolver)

Starts an IPv6 address resolver.

otMdnsStopIp6AddressResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver *aResolver)

Stops an IPv6 address resolver.

otMdnsStartIp4AddressResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver *aResolver)

Starts an IPv4 address resolver.

otMdnsStopIp4AddressResolver(otInstance *aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver *aResolver)

Stops an IPv4 address resolver.

otMdnsGetNextBrowser(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsBrowser *aBrowser, otMdnsCacheInfo *aInfo)

Iterates over browsers.

otMdnsGetNextSrvResolver(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsSrvResolver *aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo *aInfo)

Iterates over SRV resolvers.

otMdnsGetNextTxtResolver(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsTxtResolver *aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo *aInfo)

Iterates over TXT resolvers.

otMdnsGetNextIp6AddressResolver(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsAddressResolver *aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo *aInfo)

Iterates over IPv6 address resolvers.

otMdnsGetNextIp4AddressResolver(otInstance *aInstance, otMdnsIterator *aIterator, otMdnsAddressResolver *aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo *aInfo)

Iterates over IPv4 address resolvers.

Enumeration Documentation#



Represents a host/service/key entry state.


Probing to claim the name.


Entry is successfully registered.


Name conflict was detected.


Entry is being removed (sending "goodbye" announcements).

Definition at line 136 of file include/openthread/mdns.h

Typedef Documentation#


typedef otPlatDnssdRequestId otMdnsRequestId

Represents a request ID (uint32_t value) for registering a host, a service, or a key service.

Definition at line 64 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdRegisterCallback otMdnsRegisterCallback

Represents the callback function to report the outcome of a host, service, or key registration request.


The OpenThread instance.


The request ID.


Error indicating the outcome of request.

The outcome of a registration request is reported back by invoking this callback with one of the following aError inputs:

  • OT_ERROR_NONE indicates registration was successful.

  • OT_ERROR_DUPLICATED indicates a name conflict while probing, i.e., name is claimed by another mDNS responder.

See otMdnsRegisterHost(), otMdnsRegisterService(), and otMdnsRegisterKey() for more details about when the callback will be invoked.

Definition at line 82 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef void(* otMdnsConflictCallback) (otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName, const char *aServiceType) )(otInstance *aInstance, const char *aName, const char *aServiceType)

Represents the callback function to report a detected name conflict after successful registration of an entry.


The OpenThread instance.


The host name or the service instance label.


The service type (e.g., _tst._udp).

If a conflict is detected while registering an entry, it is reported through the provided otMdnsRegisterCallback. The otMdnsConflictCallback is used only when a name conflict is detected after an entry has been successfully registered.

A non-NULL aServiceType indicates that conflict is for a service entry. In this case aName specifies the service instance label (treated as as a single DNS label and can potentially include dot . character).

A NULL aServiceType indicates that conflict is for a host entry. In this case Name specifies the host name. It does not include the domain name.

Definition at line 101 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdHost otMdnsHost

Represents an mDNS host.

This type is used to register or unregister a host (otMdnsRegisterHost() and otMdnsUnregisterHost()).

See the description of each function for more details on how different fields are used in each case.

Definition at line 110 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdService otMdnsService

Represents an mDNS service.

This type is used to register or unregister a service (otMdnsRegisterService() and otMdnsUnregisterService()).

See the description of each function for more details on how different fields are used in each case.

Definition at line 119 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdKey otMdnsKey

Represents an mDNS key record.

See otMdnsRegisterKey(), otMdnsUnregisterKey() for more details about fields in each case.

Definition at line 126 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef struct otMdnsIterator otMdnsIterator

Represents an mDNS entry iterator.

Definition at line 131 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef enum otMdnsEntryState otMdnsEntryState

Represents a host/service/key entry state.

Definition at line 142 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdBrowser otMdnsBrowser

Represents a service browser.

Refer to otPlatDnssdBrowser for documentation of member fields and otMdnsStartBrowser() for how they are used.

Definition at line 482 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdBrowseCallback otMdnsBrowseCallback

Represents the callback function pointer type used to report a browse result.

Definition at line 487 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdBrowseResult otMdnsBrowseResult

Represents a browse result.

Definition at line 492 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdSrvResolver otMdnsSrvResolver

Represents an SRV service resolver.

Refer to otPlatDnssdSrvResolver for documentation of member fields and otMdnsStartSrvResolver() for how they are used.

Definition at line 500 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdSrvCallback otMdnsSrvCallback

Represents the callback function pointer type used to report an SRV resolve result.

Definition at line 505 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdSrvResult otMdnsSrvResult

Represents an SRV resolver result.

Definition at line 510 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdTxtResolver otMdnsTxtResolver

Represents a TXT service resolver.

Refer to otPlatDnssdTxtResolver for documentation of member fields and otMdnsStartTxtResolver() for how they are used.

Definition at line 518 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdTxtCallback otMdnsTxtCallback

Represents the callback function pointer type used to report a TXT resolve result.

Definition at line 523 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdTxtResult otMdnsTxtResult

Represents a TXT resolver result.

Definition at line 528 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdAddressResolver otMdnsAddressResolver

Represents an address resolver.

Refer to otPlatDnssdAddressResolver for documentation of member fields and otMdnsStartIp6AddressResolver() or otMdnsStartIp4AddressResolver() for how they are used.

Definition at line 536 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdAddressCallback otMdnsAddressCallback

Represents the callback function pointer type use to report an IPv6/IPv4 address resolve result.

Definition at line 541 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdAddressAndTtl otMdnsAddressAndTtl

Represents a discovered host address and its TTL.

Definition at line 546 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef otPlatDnssdAddressResult otMdnsAddressResult

Represents address resolver result.

Definition at line 551 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


typedef struct otMdnsCacheInfo otMdnsCacheInfo

Represents additional information about a browser/resolver and its cached results.

Definition at line 744 of file include/openthread/mdns.h

Function Documentation#


otError otMdnsSetEnabled (otInstance * aInstance, bool aEnable, uint32_t aInfraIfIndex)

Enables or disables the mDNS module.


The OpenThread instance.


Boolean to indicate whether to enable (on TRUE) or disable (on FALSE).


The network interface index for mDNS operation. Value is ignored when disabling

The mDNS module should be enabled before registration any host, service, or key entries. Disabling mDNS will immediately stop all operations and any communication (multicast or unicast tx) and remove any previously registered entries without sending any "goodbye" announcements or invoking their callback. Once disabled, all currently active browsers and resolvers are stopped.

Definition at line 159 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


bool otMdnsIsEnabled (otInstance * aInstance)

Indicates whether the mDNS module is enabled.


The OpenThread instance.

Definition at line 169 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


void otMdnsSetQuestionUnicastAllowed (otInstance * aInstance, bool aAllow)

Sets whether the mDNS module is allowed to send questions requesting unicast responses referred to as "QU" questions.


The OpenThread instance.


Indicates whether or not to allow "QU" questions.

The "QU" questions request unicast responses, in contrast to "QM" questions which request multicast responses.

When allowed, the first probe will be sent as a "QU" question. This API can be used to address platform limitation where platform socket cannot accept unicast response received on mDNS port (due to it being already bound).

Definition at line 182 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


bool otMdnsIsQuestionUnicastAllowed (otInstance * aInstance)

Indicates whether mDNS module is allowed to send "QU" questions requesting unicast response.


Definition at line 190 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


void otMdnsSetConflictCallback (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsConflictCallback aCallback)

Sets the post-registration conflict callback.


The OpenThread instance.


The conflict callback.

If a conflict is detected while registering an entry, it is reported through the provided otMdnsRegisterCallback. The otMdnsConflictCallback is used only when a name conflict is detected after an entry has been successfully registered.

aCallback can be set to NULL if not needed. Subsequent calls will replace any previously set callback.

Definition at line 204 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsRegisterHost (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsHost * aHost, otMdnsRequestId aRequestId, otMdnsRegisterCallback aCallback)

Registers or updates a host on mDNS.


The OpenThread instance.


Information about the host to register.


The ID associated with this request.


The callback function pointer to report the outcome (can be NULL if not needed).

The fields in aHost follow these rules:

  • The mHostName field specifies the host name to register (e.g., "myhost"). MUST NOT contain the domain name.

  • The mAddresses is array of IPv6 addresses to register with the host. mAddressesLength provides the number of entries in mAddresses array.

  • The mAddresses array can be empty with zero mAddressesLength. In this case, mDNS will treat it as if host is unregistered and stops advertising any addresses for this the host name.

  • The mTtl specifies the TTL if non-zero. If zero, the mDNS core will choose the default TTL of 120 seconds.

  • Other fields in aHost structure are ignored in an otMdnsRegisterHost() call.

This function can be called again for the same mHostName to update a previously registered host entry, for example, to change the list of addresses of the host. In this case, the mDNS module will send "goodbye" announcements for any previously registered and now removed addresses and announce any newly added addresses.

The outcome of the registration request is reported back by invoking the provided aCallback with aRequestId as its input and one of the following aError inputs:

  • OT_ERROR_NONE indicates registration was successful.

  • OT_ERROR_DULICATED indicates a name conflict while probing, i.e., name is claimed by another mDNS responder.

For caller convenience, the OpenThread mDNS module guarantees that the callback will be invoked after this function returns, even in cases of immediate registration success. The aCallback can be NULL if caller does not want to be notified of the outcome.

Definition at line 241 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsUnregisterHost (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsHost * aHost)

Unregisters a host on mDNS.


The OpenThread instance.


Information about the host to unregister.

The fields in aHost follow these rules:

  • The mHostName field specifies the host name to unregister (e.g., "myhost"). MUST NOT contain the domain name.

  • Other fields in aHost structure are ignored in an otMdnsUnregisterHost() call.

If there is no previously registered host with the same name, no action is performed.

If there is a previously registered host with the same name, the mDNS module will send "goodbye" announcement for all previously advertised address records.

Definition at line 265 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsRegisterService (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsService * aService, otMdnsRequestId aRequestId, otMdnsRegisterCallback aCallback)

Registers or updates a service on mDNS.


The OpenThread instance.


Information about the service to register.


The ID associated with this request.


The callback function pointer to report the outcome (can be NULL if not needed).

The fields in aService follow these rules:

  • The mServiceInstance specifies the service instance label. It is treated as a single DNS name label. It may contain dot . character which is allowed in a service instance label.

  • The mServiceType specifies the service type (e.g., "_tst._udp"). It is treated as multiple dot . separated labels. It MUST NOT contain the domain name.

  • The mHostName field specifies the host name of the service. MUST NOT contain the domain name.

  • The mSubTypeLabels is an array of strings representing sub-types associated with the service. Each array entry is a sub-type label. The mSubTypeLabels can be NULL if there is no sub-type. Otherwise, the array length is specified bymSubTypeLabelsLength.

  • ThemTxtDataandmTxtDataLengthspecify the encoded TXT data. ThemTxtDatacan be NULL ormTxtDataLength can be zero to specify an empty TXT data. In this case mDNS module will use a single zero byte[ 0 ]` as the TXT data.

  • The mPort, mWeight, and mPriority specify the service's parameters as specified in DNS SRV record.

  • The mTtl specifies the TTL if non-zero. If zero, the mDNS module will use the default TTL of 120 seconds.

  • Other fields in aService structure are ignored in an otMdnsRegisterService() call.

This function can be called again for the same mServiceInstance and mServiceType to update a previously registered service entry, for example, to change the sub-types list, or update any parameter such as port, weight, priority, TTL, or host name. The mDNS module will send announcements for any changed info, e.g., will send "goodbye" announcements for any removed sub-types and announce any newly added sub-types.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback, this function behaves in the same way as described in otMdnsRegisterHost().

Definition at line 303 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsUnregisterService (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsService * aService)

Unregisters a service on mDNS module.


The OpenThread instance.


Information about the service to unregister.

The fields in aService follow these rules:

  • The mServiceInstance specifies the service instance label. It is treated as a single DNS name label. It may contain dot . character which is allowed in a service instance label.

  • The mServiceType specifies the service type (e.g., "_tst._udp"). It is treated as multiple dot . separated labels. It MUST NOT contain the domain name.

  • Other fields in aService structure are ignored in an otMdnsUnregisterService() call.

If there is no previously registered service with the same name, no action is performed.

If there is a previously registered service with the same name, the mDNS module will send "goodbye" announcements for all related records.

Definition at line 330 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsRegisterKey (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsKey * aKey, otMdnsRequestId aRequestId, otMdnsRegisterCallback aCallback)

Registers or updates a key record on mDNS module.


The OpenThread instance.


Information about the key record to register.


The ID associated with this request.


The callback function pointer to report the outcome (can be NULL if not needed).

The fields in aKey follow these rules:

  • If the key is associated with a host entry, the mName field specifies the host name and the mServiceType MUST be NULL.

  • If the key is associated with a service entry, the mName filed specifies the service instance label (always treated as a single label) and the mServiceType filed specifies the service type (e.g., "_tst._udp"). In this case the DNS name for key record is <mName>.<mServiceTye>.

  • The mKeyData field contains the key record's data with mKeyDataLength as its length in byes.

  • The mTtl specifies the TTL if non-zero. If zero, the mDNS module will use the default TTL of 120 seconds.

  • Other fields in aKey structure are ignored in an otMdnsRegisterKey() call.

This function can be called again for the same name to updated a previously registered key entry, for example, to change the key data or TTL.

Regarding the invocation of the aCallback, this function behaves in the same way as described in otMdnsRegisterHost().

Definition at line 360 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsUnregisterKey (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsKey * aKey)

Unregisters a key record on mDNS.


The OpenThread instance.


Information about the key to unregister.

The fields in aKey follow these rules:

  • If the key is associated with a host entry, the mName field specifies the host name and the mServiceType MUST be NULL.

  • If the key is associated with a service entry, the mName filed specifies the service instance label (always treated as a single label) and the mServiceType filed specifies the service type (e.g., "_tst._udp"). In this case the DNS name for key record is <mName>.<mServiceTye>.

  • Other fields in aKey structure are ignored in an otMdnsUnregisterKey() call.

If there is no previously registered key with the same name, no action is performed.

If there is a previously registered key with the same name, the mDNS module will send "goodbye" announcements for the key record.

Definition at line 388 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otMdnsIterator * otMdnsAllocateIterator (otInstance * aInstance)

Allocates a new iterator.


The OpenThread instance.


An allocated iterator must be freed by the caller using otMdnsFreeIterator().


  • A pointer to the allocated iterator, or NULL if it fails to allocate.

Definition at line 401 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


void otMdnsFreeIterator (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator)

Frees a previously allocated iterator.


The OpenThread instance.


The iterator to free.


Definition at line 411 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextHost (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsHost * aHost, otMdnsEntryState * aState)

Iterates over registered host entries.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator.


Pointer to an otMdnsHost to return the information about the next host entry.


Pointer to an otMdnsEntryState to return the entry state.


On success, aHost is populated with information about the next host. Pointers within the otMdnsHost structure (like mName) remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 430 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextService (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsService * aService, otMdnsEntryState * aState)

Iterates over registered service entries.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator to use.


Pointer to an otMdnsService to return the information about the next service entry.


Pointer to an otMdnsEntryState to return the entry state.


On success, aService is populated with information about the next service . Pointers within the otMdnsService structure (like mServiceType, mSubTypeLabels) remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 453 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextKey (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsKey * aKey, otMdnsEntryState * aState)

Iterates over registered key entries.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator to use.


Pointer to an otMdnsKey to return the information about the next key entry.


Pointer to an otMdnsEntryState to return the entry state.


On success, aKey is populated with information about the next key. Pointers within the otMdnsKey structure (like mName) remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 475 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStartBrowser (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsBrowser * aBrowser)

Starts a service browser.


The OpenThread instance.


The browser to be started.

Initiates a continuous search for the specified mServiceType in aBrowser. For sub-type services, use mSubTypeLabel to define the sub-type, for base services, set mSubTypeLabel to NULL.

Discovered services are reported through the mCallback function in aBrowser. Services that have been removed are reported with a TTL value of zero. The callback may be invoked immediately with cached information (if available) and potentially before this function returns. When cached results are used, the reported TTL value will reflect the original TTL from the last received response.

Multiple browsers can be started for the same service, provided they use different callback functions.

Definition at line 573 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStopBrowser (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsBrowser * aBroswer)

Stops a service browser.


The OpenThread instance.


The browser to stop.

No action is performed if no matching browser with the same service and callback is currently active.

Definition at line 586 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStartSrvResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsSrvResolver * aResolver)

Starts an SRV record resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to be started.

Initiates a continuous SRV record resolver for the specified service in aResolver.

Discovered information is reported through the mCallback function in aResolver. When the service is removed it is reported with a TTL value of zero. In this case, mHostName may be NULL and other result fields (such as mPort) should be ignored.

The callback may be invoked immediately with cached information (if available) and potentially before this function returns. When cached result is used, the reported TTL value will reflect the original TTL from the last received response.

Multiple resolvers can be started for the same service, provided they use different callback functions.

Definition at line 610 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStopSrvResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsSrvResolver * aResolver)

Stops an SRV record resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to stop.

No action is performed if no matching resolver with the same service and callback is currently active.

Definition at line 623 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStartTxtResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsTxtResolver * aResolver)

Starts a TXT record resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to be started.

Initiates a continuous TXT record resolver for the specified service in aResolver.

Discovered information is reported through the mCallback function in aResolver. When the TXT record is removed it is reported with a TTL value of zero. In this case, mTxtData may be NULL, and other result fields (such as mTxtDataLength) should be ignored.

The callback may be invoked immediately with cached information (if available) and potentially before this function returns. When cached result is used, the reported TTL value will reflect the original TTL from the last received response.

Multiple resolvers can be started for the same service, provided they use different callback functions.

Definition at line 647 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStopTxtResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsTxtResolver * aResolver)

Stops a TXT record resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to stop.

No action is performed if no matching resolver with the same service and callback is currently active.

Definition at line 660 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStartIp6AddressResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver * aResolver)

Starts an IPv6 address resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to be started.

Initiates a continuous IPv6 address resolver for the specified host name in aResolver.

Discovered addresses are reported through the mCallback function in aResolver. The callback is invoked whenever addresses are added or removed, providing an updated list. If all addresses are removed, the callback is invoked with an empty list (mAddresses will be NULL, and mAddressesLength will be zero).

The callback may be invoked immediately with cached information (if available) and potentially before this function returns. When cached result is used, the reported TTL values will reflect the original TTL from the last received response.

Multiple resolvers can be started for the same host name, provided they use different callback functions.

Definition at line 684 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStopIp6AddressResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver * aResolver)

Stops an IPv6 address resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to stop.

No action is performed if no matching resolver with the same host name and callback is currently active.

Definition at line 697 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStartIp4AddressResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver * aResolver)

Starts an IPv4 address resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to be started.

Initiates a continuous IPv4 address resolver for the specified host name in aResolver.

Discovered addresses are reported through the mCallback function in aResolver. The IPv4 addresses are represented using the IPv4-mapped IPv6 address format in mAddresses array. The callback is invoked whenever addresses are added or removed, providing an updated list. If all addresses are removed, the callback is invoked with an empty list (mAddresses will be NULL, and mAddressesLength will be zero).

The callback may be invoked immediately with cached information (if available) and potentially before this function returns. When cached result is used, the reported TTL values will reflect the original TTL from the last received response.

Multiple resolvers can be started for the same host name, provided they use different callback functions.

Definition at line 722 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsStopIp4AddressResolver (otInstance * aInstance, const otMdnsAddressResolver * aResolver)

Stops an IPv4 address resolver.


The OpenThread instance.


The resolver to stop.

No action is performed if no matching resolver with the same host name and callback is currently active.

Definition at line 735 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextBrowser (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsBrowser * aBrowser, otMdnsCacheInfo * aInfo)

Iterates over browsers.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator.


Pointer to an otMdnsBrowser to return the information about the next browser.


Pointer to an otMdnsCacheInfo to return additional information.


On success, aBrowser is populated with information about the next browser. The mCallback field is always set to NULL as there may be multiple active browsers with different callbacks. Other pointers within the otMdnsBrowser structure remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 764 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextSrvResolver (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsSrvResolver * aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo * aInfo)

Iterates over SRV resolvers.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator.


Pointer to an otMdnsSrvResolver to return the information about the next resolver.


Pointer to an otMdnsCacheInfo to return additional information.


On success, aResolver is populated with information about the next resolver. The mCallback field is always set to NULL as there may be multiple active resolvers with different callbacks. Other pointers within the otMdnsSrvResolver structure remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 788 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextTxtResolver (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsTxtResolver * aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo * aInfo)

Iterates over TXT resolvers.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator.


Pointer to an otMdnsTxtResolver to return the information about the next resolver.


Pointer to an otMdnsCacheInfo to return additional information.


On success, aResolver is populated with information about the next resolver. The mCallback field is always set to NULL as there may be multiple active resolvers with different callbacks. Other pointers within the otMdnsTxtResolver structure remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 812 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextIp6AddressResolver (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsAddressResolver * aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo * aInfo)

Iterates over IPv6 address resolvers.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator.


Pointer to an otMdnsAddressResolver to return the information about the next resolver.


Pointer to an otMdnsCacheInfo to return additional information.


On success, aResolver is populated with information about the next resolver. The mCallback field is always set to NULL as there may be multiple active resolvers with different callbacks. Other pointers within the otMdnsAddressResolver structure remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 836 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otError otMdnsGetNextIp4AddressResolver (otInstance * aInstance, otMdnsIterator * aIterator, otMdnsAddressResolver * aResolver, otMdnsCacheInfo * aInfo)

Iterates over IPv4 address resolvers.


The OpenThread instance.


Pointer to the iterator.


Pointer to an otMdnsAddressResolver to return the information about the next resolver.


Pointer to an otMdnsCacheInfo to return additional information.


On success, aResolver is populated with information about the next resolver. The mCallback field is always set to NULL as there may be multiple active resolvers with different callbacks. Other pointers within the otMdnsAddressResolver structure remain valid until the next call to any OpenThread stack's public or platform API/callback.

Definition at line 860 of file include/openthread/mdns.h