Represents a service browser.

Public Attributes#

const char *

The service type (e.g., "_mt._udp"). MUST NOT include domain name.

const char *

The sub-type label if browsing for sub-type, NULL otherwise.


The infrastructure network interface index.

The callback to report result.

Public Attribute Documentation#


const char* otMdnsBrowser::mServiceType

The service type (e.g., "_mt._udp"). MUST NOT include domain name.

Definition at line 540 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


const char* otMdnsBrowser::mSubTypeLabel

The sub-type label if browsing for sub-type, NULL otherwise.

Definition at line 541 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


uint32_t otMdnsBrowser::mInfraIfIndex

The infrastructure network interface index.

Definition at line 542 of file include/openthread/mdns.h


otMdnsBrowseCallback otMdnsBrowser::mCallback

The callback to report result.

Definition at line 543 of file include/openthread/mdns.h