A channel configuration entry structure, which defines a channel range and parameters across which a corresponding radio configuration is valid.

operating frequency hz = baseFrequency

  • channelSpacing * (channel - physicalChannelOffset);

Public Attributes#

The minimum radio configuration to apply to the base configuration for this channel set.


A base frequency in Hz of this channel set.


A channel spacing in Hz of this channel set.


The offset to subtract from the logical channel to align them with the zero based physical channels which are relative to baseFrequency.


The first valid RAIL channel number for this channel set.


The last valid RAIL channel number for this channel set.

The maximum power allowed in this channel set.

A pointer to a structure containing attributes specific to this channel set.

Indicates channel config type.


to align to 32-bit boundary.

const uint8_t *

Array containing information according to the RAIL_PtiProtocol_t in the first byte of this array.

Pointer to alternate PHY.

Public Attribute Documentation#


RAIL_RadioConfig_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::phyConfigDeltaAdd

The minimum radio configuration to apply to the base configuration for this channel set.

Definition at line 2095 of file common/rail_types.h


uint32_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::baseFrequency

A base frequency in Hz of this channel set.

Definition at line 2097 of file common/rail_types.h


uint32_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::channelSpacing

A channel spacing in Hz of this channel set.

Definition at line 2099 of file common/rail_types.h


uint16_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::physicalChannelOffset

The offset to subtract from the logical channel to align them with the zero based physical channels which are relative to baseFrequency.

(i.e., By default ch 0 = base freq, but if offset = 11, ch 11 = base freq.)

Definition at line 2106 of file common/rail_types.h


uint16_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::channelNumberStart

The first valid RAIL channel number for this channel set.

Definition at line 2108 of file common/rail_types.h


uint16_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::channelNumberEnd

The last valid RAIL channel number for this channel set.

Definition at line 2110 of file common/rail_types.h


RAIL_TxPower_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::maxPower

The maximum power allowed in this channel set.

Definition at line 2112 of file common/rail_types.h


RAIL_ChannelConfigEntryAttr_t* RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::attr

A pointer to a structure containing attributes specific to this channel set.

Definition at line 2117 of file common/rail_types.h


RAIL_ChannelConfigEntryType_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::entryType

Indicates channel config type.

Definition at line 2119 of file common/rail_types.h


uint8_t RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::reserved[3]

to align to 32-bit boundary.

Definition at line 2121 of file common/rail_types.h


const uint8_t* RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::stackInfo

Array containing information according to the RAIL_PtiProtocol_t in the first byte of this array.

The first 2 fields are common to all protocols and accessible by RAIL, others are ignored by RAIL and only used by the application. Common fields are listed in RAIL_StackInfoCommon_t.

Definition at line 2129 of file common/rail_types.h


RAIL_AlternatePhy_t* RAIL_ChannelConfigEntry_t::alternatePhy

Pointer to alternate PHY.

Definition at line 2131 of file common/rail_types.h