
This section provides a reference to the SNTP API functions.


  • Stack overflows may occur when invoking functions or using your own variables or data structures while handling callbacks. Configure the stack size by modifying the pre-processor macro SL_SI91X_EVENT_HANDLER_STACK_SIZE as per your application's requirements. See here for the instructions in modifying a pre-processor macro.

  • Event/Callback handlers must not contain function calls or code which can block or delay the execution of the event/callback handler as it will cause all the other events to queue up and delay the execution of other events since all the events are invoked and handled from a single thread.

  • Do not call any synchronous SDK APIs from within the Event/Callback handlers.


sl_sntp_client_start(sl_sntp_client_config_t *config, uint32_t timeout)

Start SNTP client.

sl_sntp_client_get_time(uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_length, uint32_t timeout)

Get the current NTP epoch time in seconds.

sl_sntp_client_get_time_date(uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_length, uint32_t timeout)

Get time and date information from NTP.

sl_sntp_client_get_server_info(sl_sntp_server_info_t *data, uint32_t timeout)

Get NTP server information.

sl_sntp_client_stop(uint32_t timeout)

Stop SNTP client.

Function Documentation#


sl_status_t sl_sntp_client_start (sl_sntp_client_config_t * config, uint32_t timeout)

Start SNTP client.


Valid pointer to client configuration structure of type sl_sntp_client_config_t . This shall not be null.


Timeout for starting SNTP client. This is blocking API for timeout > 0, else results are returned in sl_sntp_client_event_handler_t callback



  • This API needs to be called before calling any other SNTP API

Definition at line 156 of file components/service/sntp/inc/sl_sntp.h


sl_status_t sl_sntp_client_get_time (uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_length, uint32_t timeout)

Get the current NTP epoch time in seconds.


Valid pointer to data buffer which should be greater than or equal to 50 bytes. In synchronous case, time is returned in this buffer in string format. In async call, this parameter is given to user in user_data parameter of event handler.


Data buffer length. In async call, this parameter is given to user in user_data_length parameter of event handler.


Timeout for getting time. This is blocking API for timeout > 0, else results are returned in sl_sntp_client_event_handler_t callback


Definition at line 167 of file components/service/sntp/inc/sl_sntp.h


sl_status_t sl_sntp_client_get_time_date (uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_length, uint32_t timeout)

Get time and date information from NTP.


Valid pointer to data buffer which should be greater than or equal to 50 bytes. In synchronous case, the date and time is returned in this buffer in string format. In async call, this parameter is given to user in user_data parameter of event handler.


Data buffer length. In async call, this parameter is given to user in user_data_length parameter of event handler.


Timeout for getting time and date. This is blocking API for timeout > 0, else results are returned in sl_sntp_client_event_handler_t callback


Definition at line 178 of file components/service/sntp/inc/sl_sntp.h


sl_status_t sl_sntp_client_get_server_info (sl_sntp_server_info_t * data, uint32_t timeout)

Get NTP server information.


Valid pointer to data buffer of type __attribute__. In async call, this parameter is given to user in user_data with its the structure size (i.e sizeof( sl_sntp_client_event_handler_t )) in user_data_length parameter of event handler.


Timeout for getting server information. This is blocking API for timeout > 0, else results are returned in sl_sntp_client_event_handler_t callback


Definition at line 188 of file components/service/sntp/inc/sl_sntp.h


sl_status_t sl_sntp_client_stop (uint32_t timeout)

Stop SNTP client.


Timeout for stop SNTP client. This is blocking API for timeout > 0, else results are returned in sl_sntp_client_event_handler_t callback


Definition at line 197 of file components/service/sntp/inc/sl_sntp.h