Non-volatile Memory#

The non-volatile memory (NVM3) driver provides a means to store key-value pairs in flash memory.


The NVM3 driver provides a way for an application to safely store and retrieve variable-size objects in a page-based non-volatile memory (NVM). Objects are identified with 20-bit object identifiers denoted as keys. The driver is designed to use pages in a sequential order to provide equal usage and wear. The driver is resilient to power loss or reset events, ensuring that objects retrieved from the driver are in a valid state. A valid object will always be the last successfully stored object. NVM3 can detect NVM defects and mark pages as unusable. NVM3 will continue to operate on good pages after defect pages are detected.


There are no compile-time configuration options for NVM3. All configuration parameters are contained in nvm3_Init_t.

Refer to the NVM3 Documentation for more information.