Structure for SiWx91x socket information response.

The structure holds the response information for a query about the currently opened sockets in the SiWx91x series. It includes the total number of opened sockets and an array containing detailed information about each socket.

Public Attributes#


Total number of currently opened sockets.

Array contains information about each open socket.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint16_t sl_si91x_socket_info_response_t::number_of_opened_sockets

Total number of currently opened sockets.

Definition at line 78 of file components/service/bsd_socket/si91x_socket/sl_si91x_socket_support.h


sl_si91x_sock_info_query_t sl_si91x_socket_info_response_t::socket_info[SL_SI91X_SOCKET_INFO_RESPONSE_SOCKETS_COUNT]

Array contains information about each open socket.

Definition at line 81 of file components/service/bsd_socket/si91x_socket/sl_si91x_socket_support.h