Define Preprocessor Macros#

The following macros should be defined for SiWx917™:

  • SLI_SI917

  • SLI_SI917B0


  • SL_WIFI_COMPONENT_INCLUDED - this macro should be defined when your application uses Wi-Fi functionality (i.e., Wi-Fi component from SDK v3.x).

  • SL_NET_COMPONENT_INCLUDED - this macro should be defined when your application uses Network management API (i.e., sl_net component from SDK v3.x).

The following macros are optional and can be defined based on your application requirements.

  • SL_SI91X_SPI_HIGH_SPEED_ENABLE – this macro should be defined when the host SPI Clock speed sourced to SiWx917 NCP is greater than 25 MHz.

  • SLI_SI91X_OFFLOAD_NETWORK_STACK – this macro should be defined to use the network or TCP/IP stack from the SiWx917 NCP.

  • SLI_SI91X_SOCKETS – this macro should be defined when using socket functionality.