Public Attributes#

Contains information required for Supervision and True Status.


The switch must be tied to an endpoint.

The ZAF actuator handles transitions between values.

That will be invoked on changes of the current value.


As this is a binary switch, the old value must be kept until the target value is reached (in case of a duration higher than zero).

Public Attribute Documentation#


RECEIVE_OPTIONS_TYPE_EX cc_binary_switch_t::rxOpt

Contains information required for Supervision and True Status.

Must be the first element in this struct because TSE assumes this location.

Definition at line 33 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/BinarySwitch/inc/CC_BinarySwitch.h


uint8_t cc_binary_switch_t::endpoint

The switch must be tied to an endpoint.

Must be set to 0 if no endpoints. The endpoint value MUST be located as the second element in this struct as ZAF depends on that for generation of the Node Information Frame.

Definition at line 36 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/BinarySwitch/inc/CC_BinarySwitch.h


s_Actuator cc_binary_switch_t::actuator

The ZAF actuator handles transitions between values.

Definition at line 41 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/BinarySwitch/inc/CC_BinarySwitch.h


cc_binary_switch_callback_t cc_binary_switch_t::callback

That will be invoked on changes of the current value.

Will only be invoked if no callback is passed to cc_binary_switch_init().

Definition at line 42 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/BinarySwitch/inc/CC_BinarySwitch.h


uint8_t cc_binary_switch_t::default_duration

Definition at line 45 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/BinarySwitch/inc/CC_BinarySwitch.h


uint8_t cc_binary_switch_t::old_value

As this is a binary switch, the old value must be kept until the target value is reached (in case of a duration higher than zero).

Definition at line 46 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/ZAF/CommandClasses/BinarySwitch/inc/CC_BinarySwitch.h