Notifying Queue object.

All content is public.

Public Attributes#

void *

FreeRTOS Queue handle.


which bit to use when notifying receiver task of pending queue item (range 0 - 31)

void *

Handle to queue receiver task where notifications are sent to.

Public Attribute Documentation#


void* SQueueNotifying::Queue

FreeRTOS Queue handle.

Definition at line 47 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/Components/QueueNotifying/QueueNotifying.h


uint8_t SQueueNotifying::iTaskNotificationBitNumber

which bit to use when notifying receiver task of pending queue item (range 0 - 31)

Definition at line 49 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/Components/QueueNotifying/QueueNotifying.h


void* SQueueNotifying::ReceiverTask

Handle to queue receiver task where notifications are sent to.

Definition at line 52 of file /mnt/raid/workspaces/ws.Mh9rMZz8x/overlay/gsdk/protocol/z-wave/Components/QueueNotifying/QueueNotifying.h