Cluster Commands: Price#

This group describes the CLI commands for the Price cluster. Listed below is a description of the cluster: The Price Cluster provides the mechanism for communicating Gas, Energy, or Water pricing information within the premises.



zcl price pub-price [providerId:4] [rateLabel:-1] [issuerEventId:4] [currentTime:4] [unitOfMeasure:1] [currency:2] [priceTrailingDigitAndPriceTier:1] [numberOfPriceTiersAndRegisterTier:1] [startTime:4] [durationInMinutes:2] [price:4] [priceRatio:1] [generationPrice:4] [generationPriceRatio:1] [alternateCostDelivered:4] [alternateCostUnit:1] [alternateCostTrailingDigit:1] [numberOfBlockThresholds:1] [priceControl:1] [numberOfGenerationTiers:1] [generationTier:1] [extendedNumberOfPriceTiers:1] [extendedPriceTier:1] [extendedRegisterTier:1]


zcl price pub-block-period [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [blockPeriodStartTime:4] [blockPeriodDuration:3] [numberOfPriceTiersAndNumberOfBlockThresholds:1] [blockPeriodControl:1] [blockPeriodDurationType:1] [tariffType:1] [tariffResolutionPeriod:1]


zcl price pub-x-factor [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [conversionFactor:4] [conversionFactorTrailingDigit:1]


zcl price pub-cal-val [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [calorificValue:4] [calorificValueUnit:1] [calorificValueTrailingDigit:1]


zcl price pub-tariff-info [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [startTime:4] [tariffTypeChargingScheme:1] [tariffLabel:-1] [numberOfPriceTiersInUse:1] [numberOfBlockThresholdsInUse:1] [unitOfMeasure:1] [currency:2] [priceTrailingDigit:1] [standingCharge:4] [tierBlockMode:1] [blockThresholdMultiplier:3] [blockThresholdDivisor:3]


zcl price pub-price-matrix [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [commandIndex:1] [numberOfCommands:1] [subPayloadControl:1] [payload:5]


zcl price pub-block-threshold [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [commandIndex:1] [numberOfCommands:1] [subPayloadControl:1] [payload:7]


zcl price pub-co2-val [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [tariffType:1] [cO2Value:4] [cO2ValueUnit:1] [cO2ValueTrailingDigit:1]


zcl price pub-tier-labels [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [commandIndex:1] [numberOfCommands:1] [numberOfLabels:1] [tierLabelsPayload:1]


zcl price pub-billing-period [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [billingPeriodStartTime:4] [billingPeriodDuration:3] [billingPeriodDurationType:1] [tariffType:1]


zcl price pub-consolidated-bill [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [billingPeriodStartTime:4] [billingPeriodDuration:3] [billingPeriodDurationType:1] [tariffType:1] [consolidatedBill:4] [currency:2] [billTrailingDigit:1]


zcl price pub-cpp-event [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [durationInMinutes:2] [tariffType:1] [cppPriceTier:1] [cppAuth:1]


zcl price pub-credit-payment [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [creditPaymentDueDate:4] [creditPaymentOverDueAmount:4] [creditPaymentStatus:1] [creditPayment:4] [creditPaymentDate:4] [creditPaymentRef:-1]


zcl price pub-currency-conversion [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [oldCurrency:2] [newCurrency:2] [conversionFactor:4] [conversionFactorTrailingDigit:1] [currencyChangeControlFlags:4]


zcl price cancel-tariff [providerId:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [tariffType:1]


zcl price current [commandOptions:1]


zcl price scheduled [startTime:4] [numberOfEvents:1]


zcl price price-ack [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [priceAckTime:4] [control:1]


zcl price get-block-periods [startTime:4] [numberOfEvents:1] [tariffType:1]


zcl price get-conversion-factor [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1]


zcl price get-cal-val [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1]


zcl price get-tariff-info [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]


zcl price get-price-matrix [issuerTariffId:4]


zcl price get-block-thresholds [issuerTariffId:4]


zcl price get-co2-value [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]


zcl price get-tier-labels [issuerTariffId:4]


zcl price get-billing-period [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]


zcl price get-con-bill [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]


zcl price cpp-event-resp [issuerEventId:4] [cppAuth:1]


zcl price get-credit-payment [latestEndTime:4] [numberOfRecords:1]


Macro Definition Documentation#



zcl price pub-price [providerId:4] [rateLabel:-1] [issuerEventId:4] [currentTime:4] [unitOfMeasure:1] [currency:2] [priceTrailingDigitAndPriceTier:1] [numberOfPriceTiersAndRegisterTier:1] [startTime:4] [durationInMinutes:2] [price:4] [priceRatio:1] [generationPrice:4] [generationPriceRatio:1] [alternateCostDelivered:4] [alternateCostUnit:1] [alternateCostTrailingDigit:1] [numberOfBlockThresholds:1] [priceControl:1] [numberOfGenerationTiers:1] [generationTier:1] [extendedNumberOfPriceTiers:1] [extendedPriceTier:1] [extendedRegisterTier:1]

  • The PublishPrice command is generated in response to receiving a Get Current Price command, in response to a Get Scheduled Prices command, and when an update to the pricing information is available from the commodity provider, either before or when a TOU price becomes active.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • rateLabel - OCTET_STRING

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • currentTime - UTC_TIME

    • unitOfMeasure - AmiUnitOfMeasure [ENUM8]

    • currency - INT16U

    • priceTrailingDigitAndPriceTier - PriceTrailingDigitAndPriceTier [BITMAP8]

    • numberOfPriceTiersAndRegisterTier - PriceNumberOfPriceTiersAndRegisterTier [BITMAP8]

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • durationInMinutes - INT16U

    • price - INT32U

    • priceRatio - INT8U

    • generationPrice - INT32U

    • generationPriceRatio - INT8U

    • alternateCostDelivered - INT32U

    • alternateCostUnit - AlternateCostUnit [ENUM8]

    • alternateCostTrailingDigit - AlternateCostTrailingDigit [BITMAP8]

    • numberOfBlockThresholds - INT8U

    • priceControl - PriceControlMask [BITMAP8]

    • numberOfGenerationTiers - INT8U

    • generationTier - GenerationTier [ENUM8]

    • extendedNumberOfPriceTiers - ExtendedNumberOfPriceTiers [ENUM8]

    • extendedPriceTier - ExtendedPriceTier [ENUM8]

    • extendedRegisterTier - ExtendedRegisterTier [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 1812 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-block-period [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [blockPeriodStartTime:4] [blockPeriodDuration:3] [numberOfPriceTiersAndNumberOfBlockThresholds:1] [blockPeriodControl:1] [blockPeriodDurationType:1] [tariffType:1] [tariffResolutionPeriod:1]

  • The PublishBlockPeriod command is generated in response to receiving a GetBlockPeriod(s) command or when an update to the block tariff schedule is available from the commodity provider.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • blockPeriodStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • blockPeriodDuration - INT24U

    • numberOfPriceTiersAndNumberOfBlockThresholds - BITMAP8

    • blockPeriodControl - BlockPeriodControl [BITMAP8]

    • blockPeriodDurationType - BlockPeriodDurationType [BITMAP8]

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8]

    • tariffResolutionPeriod - TariffResolutionPeriod [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 1829 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-x-factor [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [conversionFactor:4] [conversionFactorTrailingDigit:1]

  • The PublishConversionFactor command is sent in response to a GetConversionFactor command or if a new Conversion factor is available.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • conversionFactor - INT32U

    • conversionFactorTrailingDigit - ConversionFactorTrailingDigit [BITMAP8]

Definition at line 1838 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-cal-val [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [calorificValue:4] [calorificValueUnit:1] [calorificValueTrailingDigit:1]

  • The PublishCalorificValue command is sent in response to a GetCalorificValue command or if a new calorific value is available.

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • calorificValue - INT32U

    • calorificValueUnit - CalorificValueUnit [ENUM8]

    • calorificValueTrailingDigit - CalorificValueTrailingDigit [BITMAP8] See Also

Definition at line 1850 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-tariff-info [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [startTime:4] [tariffTypeChargingScheme:1] [tariffLabel:-1] [numberOfPriceTiersInUse:1] [numberOfBlockThresholdsInUse:1] [unitOfMeasure:1] [currency:2] [priceTrailingDigit:1] [standingCharge:4] [tierBlockMode:1] [blockThresholdMultiplier:3] [blockThresholdDivisor:3]

  • The PublishTariffInformation command is sent in response to a GetTariffInformation command or if new tariff information is available (including price matrix and block thresholds).

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • tariffTypeChargingScheme - TariffTypeChargingScheme [BITMAP8]

    • tariffLabel - OCTET_STRING

    • numberOfPriceTiersInUse - INT8U

    • numberOfBlockThresholdsInUse - INT8U

    • unitOfMeasure - AmiUnitOfMeasure [ENUM8]

    • currency - INT16U

    • priceTrailingDigit - PriceTrailingDigit [BITMAP8]

    • standingCharge - INT32U

    • tierBlockMode - TierBlockMode [ENUM8]

    • blockThresholdMultiplier - INT24U

    • blockThresholdDivisor - INT24U See Also

Definition at line 1873 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-price-matrix [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [commandIndex:1] [numberOfCommands:1] [subPayloadControl:1] [payload:5]

  • PublishPriceMatrix command is used to publish the Block Price Information Set (up to 15 tiers x 15 blocks) and the Extended Price Information Set (up to 48 tiers). The PublishPriceMatrix command is sent in response to a GetPriceMatrix command.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

    • commandIndex - INT8U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • subPayloadControl - PriceMatrixSubPayloadControl [BITMAP8]

    • payload - struct PriceMatrixSubPayload

Definition at line 1886 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-block-threshold [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [commandIndex:1] [numberOfCommands:1] [subPayloadControl:1] [payload:7]

  • The PublishBlockThreshold command is sent in response to a GetBlockThreshold command.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

    • commandIndex - INT8U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • subPayloadControl - BlockThresholdSubPayloadControl [BITMAP8]

    • payload - struct BlockThresholdSubPayload

Definition at line 1899 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-co2-val [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [tariffType:1] [cO2Value:4] [cO2ValueUnit:1] [cO2ValueTrailingDigit:1]

  • The PublishCO2Value command is sent in response to a GetCO2Value command or if a new CO2 conversion factor is available.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8]

    • cO2Value - INT32U

    • cO2ValueUnit - CO2Unit [ENUM8]

    • cO2ValueTrailingDigit - CO2TrailingDigit [BITMAP8] See Also

Definition at line 1914 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-tier-labels [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [commandIndex:1] [numberOfCommands:1] [numberOfLabels:1] [tierLabelsPayload:1]

  • The PublishTierLabels command is generated in response to receiving a GetTierLabels command or when there is a tier label change.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

    • commandIndex - INT8U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • numberOfLabels - INT8U

    • tierLabelsPayload - INT8U

Definition at line 1926 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-billing-period [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [billingPeriodStartTime:4] [billingPeriodDuration:3] [billingPeriodDurationType:1] [tariffType:1]

  • The PublishBillingPeriod command is generated in response to receiving a GetBillingPeriod(s) command or when an update to the Billing schedule is available from the commodity Supplier.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • billingPeriodStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • billingPeriodDuration - BillingPeriodDuration [BITMAP24]

    • billingPeriodDurationType - BillingPeriodDurationType [BITMAP8]

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 1939 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-consolidated-bill [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [billingPeriodStartTime:4] [billingPeriodDuration:3] [billingPeriodDurationType:1] [tariffType:1] [consolidatedBill:4] [currency:2] [billTrailingDigit:1]

  • The PublishConsolidatedBill command is used to make consolidated billing information of previous billing periods available to other end devices. This command is issued in response to a GetConsolidatedBill command or if new billing information is available.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • billingPeriodStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • billingPeriodDuration - BillingPeriodDuration [BITMAP24]

    • billingPeriodDurationType - BillingPeriodDurationType [BITMAP8]

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8]

    • consolidatedBill - INT32U

    • currency - INT16U

    • billTrailingDigit - BillTrailingDigit [BITMAP8] See Also

Definition at line 1955 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-cpp-event [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [durationInMinutes:2] [tariffType:1] [cppPriceTier:1] [cppAuth:1]

  • The PublishCPPEvent command is sent from an ESI to its price clients to notify them of a Critical Peak Pricing event.

Definition at line 1971 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-credit-payment [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [creditPaymentDueDate:4] [creditPaymentOverDueAmount:4] [creditPaymentStatus:1] [creditPayment:4] [creditPaymentDate:4] [creditPaymentRef:-1]

  • The PublishCreditPayment command is used to update the credit payment information is available.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • creditPaymentDueDate - UTC_TIME

    • creditPaymentOverDueAmount - INT32U

    • creditPaymentStatus - CreditPaymentStatus [ENUM8]

    • creditPayment - INT32U

    • creditPaymentDate - UTC_TIME

    • creditPaymentRef - OCTET_STRING See Also

Definition at line 1986 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price pub-currency-conversion [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [startTime:4] [oldCurrency:2] [newCurrency:2] [conversionFactor:4] [conversionFactorTrailingDigit:1] [currencyChangeControlFlags:4]

  • The PublishCurrencyConversion command is sent in response to a GetCurrencyConversion command or when a new currency becomes available.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • oldCurrency - INT16U

    • newCurrency - INT16U

    • conversionFactor - INT32U

    • conversionFactorTrailingDigit - ConversionFactorTrailingDigit [BITMAP8]

    • currencyChangeControlFlags - CurrencyChangeControl [BITMAP32]

Definition at line 1999 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price cancel-tariff [providerId:4] [issuerTariffId:4] [tariffType:1]

  • The CancelTariff command indicates that all data associated with a particular tariff instance should be discarded.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2009 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price current [commandOptions:1]

  • The GetCurrentPrice command initiates a PublishPrice command for the current time.

    • commandOptions - AmiCommandOptions [BITMAP8]

Definition at line 2015 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price scheduled [startTime:4] [numberOfEvents:1]

  • The GetScheduledPrices command initiates a PublishPrice command for available price events.

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • numberOfEvents - INT8U

Definition at line 2022 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price price-ack [providerId:4] [issuerEventId:4] [priceAckTime:4] [control:1]

  • The PriceAcknowledgement command described provides the ability to acknowledge a previously sent PublishPrice command.

    • providerId - INT32U

    • issuerEventId - INT32U

    • priceAckTime - UTC_TIME

    • control - PriceControlMask [BITMAP8]

Definition at line 2031 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-block-periods [startTime:4] [numberOfEvents:1] [tariffType:1]

  • The GetBlockPeriods command initiates a PublishBlockPeriod command for the currently scheduled block periods.

    • startTime - UTC_TIME

    • numberOfEvents - INT8U

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2041 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-conversion-factor [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1]

  • The GetConversionFactor command initiates a PublishConversionFactor command for the scheduled conversion factor updates.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • minIssuerEventId - INT32U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

Definition at line 2049 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-cal-val [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1]

  • The GetCalorificValue command initiates a PublishCalorificValue command for the scheduled conversion factor updates.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • minIssuerEventId - INT32U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

Definition at line 2057 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-tariff-info [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]

  • The GetTariffInformation command initiates a PublishTariffInformation command for the scheduled tariff updates.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • minIssuerEventId - INT32U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2068 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-price-matrix [issuerTariffId:4]

  • The GetPriceMatrix command initiates a PublishPriceMatrix command for the scheduled Price Matrix updates.

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

Definition at line 2074 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-block-thresholds [issuerTariffId:4]

  • The GetBlockThresholds command initiates a PublishBlockThreshold command for the scheduled Block Threshold updates.

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

Definition at line 2080 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-co2-value [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]

  • The GetCO2Value command initiates a PublishCO2Value command for the scheduled CO2 conversion factor updates.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • minIssuerEventId - INT32U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2091 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-tier-labels [issuerTariffId:4]

  • The GetTierLabels command allows a client to retrieve the tier labels associated with a given tariff; this command initiates a PublishTierLabels command from the server.

    • issuerTariffId - INT32U

Definition at line 2097 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-billing-period [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]

  • The GetBillingPeriod command initiates one or more PublishBillingPeriod commands for the currently scheduled billing periods.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • minIssuerEventId - INT32U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2108 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-con-bill [earliestStartTime:4] [minIssuerEventId:4] [numberOfCommands:1] [tariffType:1]

  • The GetConsolidatedBill command initiates one or more PublishConsolidatedBill commands with the requested billing information.

    • earliestStartTime - UTC_TIME

    • minIssuerEventId - INT32U

    • numberOfCommands - INT8U

    • tariffType - TariffType [ENUM8] See Also

Definition at line 2119 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price cpp-event-resp [issuerEventId:4] [cppAuth:1]

  • The CPPEventResponse command is sent from a Client (IHD) to the ESI to notify it of a Critical Peak Pricing event authorization.

Definition at line 2128 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-credit-payment [latestEndTime:4] [numberOfRecords:1]

  • The GetCreditPayment command initiates PublishCreditPayment commands for the requested credit payment information.

    • latestEndTime - UTC_TIME

    • numberOfRecords - INT8U

Definition at line 2135 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-cur-conv-cmd

  • The GetCurrencyConversionCommand command initiates a PublishCurrencyConversion command for the currency conversion factor updates. A server shall be capable of storing both the old and the new currencies.

Definition at line 2140 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl price get-tariff-cancellation

  • The GetTariffCancellation command initiates the return of the last CancelTariff command held on the associated server.

Definition at line 2145 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc