Gas Proxy Function#
Callbacks for Gas Proxy Function Component.
Notify the application that the Non Tap Off Message (Non-TOM) has been handled by the mirror endpoint.
Notify the application of an Alert that should be sent to the WAN.
Notify the application that an elemental ZCL command, embedded within the Tap Off Message (TOM), has been ignored by the GPF as it is a future dated command.
Query the application regarding the processing of the current GBCS-specific command.
Validate the incoming ZCL command.
Called when the GPF receives a PublishSeasons command with an unknown week ID in one of the seasons.
Called when the GPF receives a PublishSpecialDays command with an unknown day ID for one of the special days.
Callbacks Documentation#
void emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionNonTapOffMessageHandlerCompletedCallback (uint8_t * gbzCommandsResponse, uint16_t gbzCommandsResponseLength)
Notify the application that the Non Tap Off Message (Non-TOM) has been handled by the mirror endpoint.
N/A | gbzCommandsResponse | Ver.: always |
N/A | gbzCommandsResponseLength | Ver.: always |
This callback is invoked when the the Non Tap Off Message have been processed. The first argument is a pointer to the GBZ commands response buffer. The application is responsible for freeing this buffer.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h
void emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionAlertWANCallback (uint16_t alertCode, uint8_t * gbzAlert, uint16_t gbzAlertLength)
Notify the application of an Alert that should be sent to the WAN.
N/A | alertCode | The 16 bit alert code as defined by GBCS Ver.: always |
N/A | gbzAlert | Buffer containing the GBZ formatted Alert Ver.: always |
N/A | gbzAlertLength | The length in octets of the GBZ formatted Alert Ver.: always |
The second argument is a pointer to the BGZ alert buffer. The application is responsible for freeing this buffer.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h
void emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionTapOffMessageFutureCommandIgnoredCallback (const EmberAfGpfMessage * gpfMessage, const EmberAfClusterCommand * zclClusterCommand)
Notify the application that an elemental ZCL command, embedded within the Tap Off Message (TOM), has been ignored by the GPF as it is a future dated command.
N/A | gpfMessage | Ver.: always |
N/A | zclClusterCommand | Ver.: always |
The application can use the callback to store the discarded command for later retrieval. When the future dated command becomes active on the GSME, it will inform the CommsHub about the activation via an Alert message. The CommsHub should be able to correlate the matching messages and pass the previously stored ZCL commands to the TOM message handler for processing.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h
bool emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionDataLogAccessRequestCallback (const EmberAfGpfMessage * gpfMessage, const EmberAfClusterCommand * zclClusterCommand)
Query the application regarding the processing of the current GBCS-specific command.
N/A | gpfMessage | Ver.: always |
N/A | zclClusterCommand | Ver.: always |
Depending on the vendor-specific information, such as the Tenancy attribute in the Device Management Cluster, the callback's return value determines whether the current command gets processed or not. With a return value of true, the plugin will process the message. Otherwise, the plugin will reject the message.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h
EmberAfGpfZclCommandPermission emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionValidateIncomingZclCommandCallback (const EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd, uint16_t messageCode)
Validate the incoming ZCL command.
N/A | cmd | Ver.: always |
N/A | messageCode | Ver.: always |
Query the application to check if a specific ZCL command should be processed given the UseCase # and ZCL command payload information. This function should capture the behavior detailed by the GBCS Use Case documentation. See EmberAfGpfZclCommandPermission enum for specific return data types.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h
void emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionUnknownSeasonWeekIdCallback (uint32_t issuerCalendarId, uint8_t * seasonEntries, uint8_t seasonEntriesLength, uint8_t unknownWeekIdSeasonsMask)
Called when the GPF receives a PublishSeasons command with an unknown week ID in one of the seasons.
N/A | issuerCalendarId | The calendar ID associated with these seasons. Ver.: always |
N/A | seasonEntries | The season entries for this publish command. Ver.: always |
N/A | seasonEntriesLength | The length of the season entries. Ver.: always |
N/A | unknownWeekIdSeasonsMask | A mask where bit N indicates that the Nth season entry contains an unknown week ID reference. Ver.: always |
The callback contains a mask, unknownWeekIdSeasonsMask, with bits set corresponding to season entries that were not published because of an unknown week ID reference.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h
void emberAfPluginGasProxyFunctionUnknownSpecialDaysDayIdCallback (uint32_t issuerCalendarId, uint8_t * specialDayEntries, uint8_t specialDayEntriesLength, uint8_t unknownDayIdMask)
Called when the GPF receives a PublishSpecialDays command with an unknown day ID for one of the special days.
N/A | issuerCalendarId | The calendar ID associated with these special days. Ver.: always |
N/A | specialDayEntries | The special day entries for this publish command. Ver.: always |
N/A | specialDayEntriesLength | The length of the special day entries. Ver.: always |
N/A | unknownDayIdMask | A mask where bit N indicates that the Nth special day entry contains an unknown day ID reference. Ver.: always |
The callback contains a mask, unknownDayIdMask, with bits set corresponding to special day entries that were not published because of an unknown day ID reference.
of file app/framework/plugin/gas-proxy-function/gas-proxy-function.h