Global ZCL#

All the ZCL global commands defined in the ZigBee Cluster Library Specification. These command line commands can be used to send messages over the air to, for instance, read and write attributes to devices on the network.



zcl global disc-com-gen [clusterId:2] [startCommandId:1] [maxCommandId:1]


zcl global disc-com-rec [clusterId:2] [startCommandId:1] [maxCommandId:1]


zcl global discover [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [max:1]


zcl global expect-report-from-me [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [timeout:2]


zcl global nwrite [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [type:1] [data:-1]


zcl global read [cluster:2] [attributeId:2]


zcl global report [endpoint:1] [clusterId:2] [attributeId:2] [mask:1]


zcl global report-read [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [direction:1]


zcl global send-me-a-report [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [dataType:1] [minReportTime:2] [maxReportTime:2] [reportableChange:-1]


zcl global uwrite [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [type:1] [data:-1]


zcl global write [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [type:4] [data:-1]

Macro Definition Documentation#



zcl global direction [direction:1]

  • Sets the direction for global commands, either client to server or server to client.

    • direction - INT8U - The direction for global commands, 0 = client to server, 1 = server to client.

Definition at line 67 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global disc-com-gen [clusterId:2] [startCommandId:1] [maxCommandId:1]

  • Create a Discover Commands Generated command with associated values.

    • clusterId - INT16U - The cluster to find commands on.

    • startCommandId - INT8U - The command id to start the command search on.

    • maxCommandId - INT8U - Max command ids to search for.

Definition at line 75 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global disc-com-rec [clusterId:2] [startCommandId:1] [maxCommandId:1]

  • Create a Discover Commands Received command with associated values.

    • clusterId - INT16U - The cluster to find commands on.

    • startCommandId - INT8U - The command id to start the command search on.

    • maxCommandId - INT8U - Max command ids to search for.

Definition at line 83 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global discover [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [max:1]

  • Creates discovery message for devices with the associated cluster and attribute specified.

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id of the cluster to discover.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id of the attribute to read during discovery.

    • max - INT8U - Max number of discovery responses.

Definition at line 91 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global expect-report-from-me [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [timeout:2]

  • Create a expect-report-from-me message with associated values.

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id for the requested report.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id for the requested report.

    • timeout - INT16U - Maximum amount of time between reports.

Definition at line 99 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global nwrite [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [type:1] [data:-1]

  • Creates a global write command message to write to the cluster and attribute specified

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id of the cluster to read from.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id of the attribute to read.

    • type - INT8U - The type of the attribute to write.

    • data - OCTET_STRING - The data to be written.

Definition at line 108 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global read [cluster:2] [attributeId:2]

  • Creates a global read command message to read from the cluster and attribute specified

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id of the cluster to read from.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id of the attribute to read.

Definition at line 115 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global report [endpoint:1] [clusterId:2] [attributeId:2] [mask:1]

    • endpoint - INT8U - The desired endpoint.

    • clusterId - INT16U - The cluster id.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id.

    • mask - INT8U - The mask.

Definition at line 124 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global report-read [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [direction:1]

  • Creates a global read reporting command for the associated cluster, attribute and server/client direction.

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id to read from.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id to read from.

    • direction - INT8U - 0 for client-to-server, 1 for server-to-client.

Definition at line 132 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global send-me-a-report [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [dataType:1] [minReportTime:2] [maxReportTime:2] [reportableChange:-1]

  • Creates a global send me a report command for the associated values.

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id of the requested report.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id for requested report.

    • dataType - INT8U - The two byte ZigBee type value for the requested report.

    • minReportTime - INT16U - Minimum number of seconds between reports.

    • maxReportTime - INT16U - Maximum number of seconds between reports.

    • reportableChange - OCTET_STRING - Amount of change to trigger a report.

Definition at line 143 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global uwrite [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [type:1] [data:-1]

  • Creates a global write undivided command message to write to the cluster and attribute specified

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id of the cluster to write to.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id of the attribute to write.

    • type - INT8U - The type of the attribute to write.

    • data - OCTET_STRING - The data to be written.

Definition at line 152 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl global write [cluster:2] [attributeId:2] [type:4] [data:-1]

  • Creates a global write command message to write to the cluster and attribute specified

    • cluster - INT16U - The cluster id of the cluster to write to.

    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute id of the attribute to write.

    • type - INT32U - The type of the attribute to write.

    • data - OCTET_STRING - The data to be written.

Definition at line 161 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc