Cluster Commands: Tunneling#

This group describes the CLI commands for the Tunneling cluster. Listed below is a description of the cluster:

The tunneling cluster provides an interface for tunneling protocols.



zcl tunneling random-to-client [tunnel-id:2] [length:2]


zcl tunneling random-to-server [tunnel-id:2] [length:2]


zcl tunneling transfer-to-client [tunnel-id:2] [data:-1]


zcl tunneling transfer-to-server [tunnel-id:2] [data:-1]


zcl tunneling request [protocolId:1] [manufacturerCode:2] [flowControlSupport:1] [maximumIncomingTransferSize:2]


zcl tunneling close [tunnelId:2]

Macro Definition Documentation#



zcl tunneling random-to-client [tunnel-id:2] [length:2]

  • Send a random amount of data through a tunnel to the server (used for testing)

    • tunnel-id - INT16U - The two byte tunnel id

    • length - INT16U - the length of random data to send to the client

Definition at line 264 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl tunneling random-to-server [tunnel-id:2] [length:2]

  • Send a random amount of data through a tunnel to the server (used for testing)

    • tunnel-id - INT16U - The two byte tunnel id

    • length - INT16U - The two byte length of the random data to send

Definition at line 271 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl tunneling transfer-to-client [tunnel-id:2] [data:-1]

  • Transfer data through a tunnel to the client (used for testing)

    • tunnel-id - INT16U - The two byte tunnel id

    • data - OCTET_STRING - data to transfer to the client

Definition at line 278 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl tunneling transfer-to-server [tunnel-id:2] [data:-1]

  • Transfer data through a tunnel to the server.

    • tunnel-id - INT16U - The two byte tunnel id

    • data - OCTET_STRING - data to transfer to the client

Definition at line 285 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl tunneling request [protocolId:1] [manufacturerCode:2] [flowControlSupport:1] [maximumIncomingTransferSize:2]

  • RequestTunnel is the client command used to setup a tunnel association with the server. The request payload specifies the protocol identifier for the requested tunnel, a manufacturer code in case of proprietary protocols and the use of flow control for streaming protocols.

    • protocolId - INT8U

    • manufacturerCode - INT16U

    • flowControlSupport - BOOLEAN

    • maximumIncomingTransferSize - INT16U

Definition at line 2734 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



zcl tunneling close [tunnelId:2]

  • Client command used to close the tunnel with the server. The parameter in the payload specifies the tunnel identifier of the tunnel that has to be closed. The server leaves the tunnel open and the assigned resources allocated until the client sends the CloseTunnel command or the CloseTunnelTimeout fires.

    • tunnelId - INT16U

Definition at line 2740 of file app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc